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[NSFW] RP Discussion: Bad words said IC, for it or against it?


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As I read through the thread, the only lingering thought I had was me wondering how comfortable/okay people would be with "fuck" specifically being used in RP if NPCs used it often.


There are people who would have a problem with it even if every NPC was dropping f-bombs every other word.


While I'm not saying I'm a fan of using things like "dude" or "wazzup" in RP, I don't think everybody has to talk in a similar nature to the NPCs in order to be believable or authentic (or even immersive, honestly).



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Oh yeah, 'toss' and 'tosser' is part of the NPC lingo at least.


There are some anachronisms used (unavoidably) by players even down to sentence structure, where British and American order of words (FFXIV using the former) are different. But that gets down into the real minutiae at that point.

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The thing about cursing is that the idea comes from the fact that anything that leaves your tongue has weight. When you say something to someone, it has permanence, so you choose your words carefully.


To "curse" at someone was to wish suffering on them. "A pox on your clan." "Get fucked.". Back when it was far less socially acceptable to use "common" language, the utterance of it would hit like a bomb. Aristocrats had ways of insulting one another that evaded the use of undesirable language, but when one WAS used, it would be jarring and damning for both parties involved.


This is why Dadarupo, as prejudiced and elitist as he is, finds ways of insulting others that save face.


Instead of, "Hey Miqote. You dress like a slut. Why don't you go get fucked and put some clothes on?"


He might say to someone else but within earshot of the offender,


"You know, I just don't understand these Miqote men and their choices of fashion. You'd think they'd learn to dress themselves after a few generations in civilization. But I suppose a coeurl isn't trained in a day. Or rather, a decade."

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