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Fresh Start

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And old faces will still hunt you down.


I'm resetting all the RP traps now.

Old Faces are welcome. Just branching out from where I was before.


Everything going Okhi-dokey? :) <3

*snorts* Yes, just need a fresh start in rp with some new folks.


hit me up in game. im down

I shall. As soon as I get home. :)

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*wishes the best* Can't help in the slightest with no game time.. haha.

I sent you a PM on the matter.


Recently made some big changes to my character Okhi. I am looking for fresh faces please let me know if interested. :)


Giving us some specifics might get you a few more bites / give people a better idea of what characters might fit with yours.

Well she has a wiki in my signature. As much as I would enjoy typing it all.

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Well I rerolled Okhi for this fresh start. I am looking for any contacts she is a bodyguard and offcier for her company.


Maybe I can attack who you are protecting? Are they a bad sort that have reasons to be attacked?

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Well I rerolled Okhi for this fresh start. I am looking for any contacts she is a bodyguard and offcier for her company.


Maybe I can attack who you are protecting? Are they a bad sort that have reasons to be attacked?

Well she protects whomever can afford her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Id like to thank those who have come to help me start anew. Mhaya and Elza have been helpful in this endeavor. Along with some random folks I bumped into. Nebbs for being super supportive as usual. I have a few more of you I still need to hit up, if you think I forgot you please speak up @.@

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