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Blade and Soul RP

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Really quite inpressed with the game's combat--especially being an Assassin--but I wasn't really sure how much of an RP bent the game would have.


I'll have to investigate this site to find out more. Maybe even come up with a character idea.

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The combat looks amazing. I can't say much for the RP, but I'm hoping to find a core of people I jive with. I am planning on going Crimson Legion, and have a concept for a clan for bandits and anarchistic political rabble rousers called Hēiqí Jūn, or Black Flag Army, modeled after the bandits that raided the French in Vietnam in the late 19th century.

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I will definately check it out, give it a try and see what it's like. Typically enough, the class I am most excited for is the Warlock which won't be in the game at launch, as it was apparently part of an expansion in the original release. :/


Will try the Assassin though and change to Warlock once its available. :3

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What's the game's premise? Does it have a heavy focus on telling a story? What's the business model? Does it have player housing?



It's an MMO with action combat that focuses on combos.  (Sorta like MNK in XIV, but waay deeper)  Unfortunately, everything else in the game is about as run-of-the-mill MMORPG as you can get.  The questing is atrocious, but if you're going there for the RP community it wont bother you too much.  Just grind your way to cap.

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I will definately check it out, give it a try and see what it's like. Typically enough, the class I am most excited for is the Warlock which won't be in the game at launch, as it was apparently part of an expansion in the original release. :/


Will try the Assassin though and change to Warlock once its available. :3

Warlock, looks so freaking good, I can not wait for that class, watched the Korean reveal of it.. and OMG!! *drools*

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Hm. Thanks for the responses - I think I'll likely give it a pass. I've been burned way too many times by trying out new MMO's only to devote myself to them for a month or two, get bored and then take my leave. So far WoW and FFXIV are the only MMO's to pique my interest for the long term - and I've turned my back on WoW.


Nothing about Blade and Soul really stands out to me. It looks good enough visually but if it isn't story heavy and there's no player housing then it just isn't my cup of tea. Looking at the character/gear design I think I can guess exactly what sort of 'role-play' will be most common anyway. 






That's not to say I think it won't have a solid role-playing community - because pretty much every MMO tends to end up with one. I guess I'm just happy with FFXIV.

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Looking at the character/gear design I think I can guess exactly what sort of 'role-play' will be most common anyway. 






That's not to say I think it won't have a solid role-playing community - because pretty much every MMO tends to end up with one. I guess I'm just happy with FFXIV.


This is pretty much it, to be entirely honest. Just playing the beta I saw way more boobs and vag than I ever cared to, and I imagine it has the same sort of appeal that got people in TERA involved with it. Needless to say, I expect it to go the same route. RP will be okay, but the overall shallow exterior to action combat you can find in almost any console/non-MMO game will make people bored with it. All the good people will leave and you'll be left with an absolute travesty of an MMO and RP community, where only that sort of "role-play" will be all you find.

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Looking at the character/gear design I think I can guess exactly what sort of 'role-play' will be most common anyway. 






That's not to say I think it won't have a solid role-playing community - because pretty much every MMO tends to end up with one.


I mean, you can say that about games like TERA and Blade and Soul, but everyone in FFXIV seems to have a story about Quicksand Futas. That's the kind of RP that's most common anywhere. But, part of my intent on posting here is to see if I could find people from this community, which I know is a decent one, who are planning on playing to make the transition a little easier. At least give us some contacts. And hey, if the game ends up being full of Kung Futas, it is what it is.

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I might try it sometime if it is ftp for a trial when i have a pc that can run it. The racial limitations are an enormous letdown. I loved TERA's combat though so it's worth a shot especially for the wuxia stule RP I yearn for, even if it's not quite as good for that as Age of Wulin, the actual jianghu MMO I really want to try.

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I might try it sometime if it is ftp for a trial when i have a pc that can run it. The racial limitations are an enormous letdown. I loved TERA's combat though so it's worth a shot especially for the wuxia stule RP I yearn for, even if it's not quite as good for that as Age of Wulin, the actual jianghu MMO I really want to try.

It's F2P out of the gate. :D I think the combat once you start getting into the block and counter mechanics is a lot deeper and more fun than Tera's!

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Personally, I found the game's combat to be the closest to a fighting game that an MMO could ever aspire to. Or, for the sake of comparisons, the best iteration of DCUO's combat model I've personally played.


Take that as one will.


As for the world? It does feel SUUUUUUPER themeparky and not very compelling. Damn pretty, but not compelling. Ideally, the RP would fill that gap. From what little of it I got in my stint in TERA, that helped a bit.


Ultimately, this one looks like a bucket of mental popcorn for me--a fun snack to derpiboo around with. Not a whole lot deeper than that. If I can find some characters or people to make it stickier, then awesome.

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Personally, I found the game's combat to be the closest to a fighting game that an MMO could ever aspire to. Or, for the sake of comparisons, the best iteration of DCUO's combat model I've personally played.


Take that as one will.


As for the world? It does feel SUUUUUUPER themeparky and not very compelling. Damn pretty, but not compelling. Ideally, the RP would fill that gap. From what little of it I got in my stint in TERA, that helped a bit.


Ultimately, this one looks like a bucket of mental popcorn for me--a fun snack to derpiboo around with. Not a whole lot deeper than that. If I can find some characters or people to make it stickier, then awesome.

Admittedly, I'm mainly going for PvP, (The PvE is pretty good to, the dungeons I've gotten to do so far were awesome.) If a good RP community springs up and engrosses me further into the game awesome. As for the game story it really isn't bad, but the localization team are butchering it. I know there are some mods for the Korean and Japanese voices. and and English subtitle mod, from the foreign clients you can install to get the real story.


NC Soft also did an amazing Musical at the BnS World Tourney this past year.


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Ultimately, this one looks like a bucket of mental popcorn for me--a fun snack to derpiboo around with. Not a whole lot deeper than that. If I can find some characters or people to make it stickier, then awesome.


This is where I'm at more or less. I think the more compelling RP would come from a PVP war of role players. The world itself seems paper thin, so a lot of the PVE RP a lot of people do (myself included) will feel pretty hollow. But an IC war between characters? That would be a refreshing diversion.

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Oh god boobs and soul.


I just looooove loove love the combat and punishing people when I turtle up as a blade master. 


Though I will admit wearing the blue team uniform got me my ass handed to me a dozen or so times. Hopefully the Crimson Legion doesn't get full from the get go. I mean in the closed beta they kind of did just fill up so fast and then started camping the exit of the starting village. Dozens of people just waiting for fresh prey in blue to step out and drop the almighty on.


Won't lie though I've seen 'RP' pop up in like region chat a fair dozen times running around farming the graveyard boss for his costume. Bloody what's his face. Before remembering there was a main story that needed doing


Still though pvp rp and everyone flying around would look cool.


And probably lag me to the seventh hell with all the lag spikes that may come with it.

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i want to try it but...beta buy in spells disaster to me usually. It's not affording it but rather enticing people who normally do not  do the normal beta thing of testing and what not to get goodies for a game they may barely play. Pre-orders are one thing but making it where you can't get the items they list on the beta invitation site through other means is kind of a (and pardon my language) Dick move in the industry.


So far it looks good and i eagerly wait for the live version. Just...I hate buy in betas.

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