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Looking for Marks

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Starlight Ball celebrations are so nice, aren't they? Plenty of food, games and a cheery spirit, along with cutthroat daggers to go with those smiles!


If the title and the line above didn't elaborate enough, I'm looking for individuals, preferably those with characters of some power and prestige (nobles for instance) whom are attending this starlight celebration event, who are up for a little Thief Cat and Mouse. Usually thief characters looking to pilfer a sack of gil could just improvise an RP stealing somebody during the event, but as it happens I am:


A) Using this event as an opportunity to move forward with a plot whose mark is a very specific gem which can be used as a jewelry. The odds of someone actually using that specific gem during the event without any prompt may be slim indeed.


B) Don't want to ruin some player's celebration RP by pressing them into a theft RP which they don't want to be a part of.


Not saying the person HAS to 'lose' in this RP, though, so don't worry about that. If anyone is interested, send me a PM and I'd be glad to enter in contact with you to speak further details.

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Interesting concept. I'd just be wary about "crashing" someone else's event with faux-combat in the form of stealing and running. Event organizers work very hard to make sure the planned portions go off without a hitch, so throwing a curveball and effectively running a mini-event during the larger event can cause a lot of OOC grief and headaches.


At the very least, I'd get in touch with the event organizers and make sure it was okay with them first.

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Fair enough, Warren. Though I can certainly say that I don't mean to disturb the event as a hole, but rather have this idea as an isolated incident that happens within the event itself. Though if the hosts themselves seek to get involved, which makes complete sense ICly, they can. What I mean is I don't want to spoil anyone's fun and if anybody answers to this summons, then they'll be going in the event aware that they're going to be targeted.


I mean most people just talk and participate in the activities already provided by the event itself but there are a few who privately step outside its rails for their own personal things, and this is what I'm aiming for here. Certainly not looking for an IC fiasco, let alone all out combat in any shape or form. I mean part of a good theft is to avoid confrontation, whether you are or not successful. When caught its a lot better to just run than to try and fight.

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Fair enough, Warren. Though I can certainly say that I don't mean to disturb the event as a hole, but rather have this idea as an isolated incident that happens within the event itself. Though if the hosts themselves seek to get involved, which makes complete sense ICly, they can. What I mean is I don't want to spoil anyone's fun and if anybody answers to this summons, then they'll be going in the event aware that they're going to be targeted.


I mean most people just talk and participate in the activities already provided by the event itself but there are a few who privately step outside its rails for their own personal things, and this is what I'm aiming for here. Certainly not looking for an IC fiasco, let alone all out combat in any shape or form. I mean part of a good theft is to avoid confrontation, whether you are or not successful. When caught its a lot better to just run than to try and fight.


Oh, absolutely. I'm probably overstepping my bounds by saying anything in the first place. I trust you've got good intentions and good RP in mind when bringing something like this up!


I think it's the RP setting that once things start to go off the rails, people sometimes respond OOCly in a heated manner. It can hard to be sure what's a part of the "show" in that sense, and the last thing you'd want is for your well-intentioned prompt to turn into a debacle in the logistics sense.


Bah, I don't think I should have opened my mouth!

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To be honest Warren, that's a valid concern so I don't blame you for it. The ideal scenario for me would be for the roleplay to happen without awareness of anybody who didn't WANT to be aware. Kind of how when you have a situation in a fancy ball where some guards get involved, you see hushed whispers between them and some of the guests, but you're left guessing what's going on and no one is inclined to make a big deal out of it because they don't want people to talk about how 'this this and that' happened at 'that fancy ball, scandalous!'.


Obviously whomever agreed to play the mark would be aware that somewhere during the event an attempt on their possessions would be made. The hosts of this event would also be aware so they could respond in kind. For the rest of folk, well unless they read this thread or pay attention to the RP, would hopefully be blissfully ignorant and just have a Merry Starlight Time.

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Certainly not looking for an IC fiasco, let alone all out combat in any shape or form. I mean part of a good theft is to avoid confrontation, whether you are or not successful. When caught its a lot better to just run than to try and fight.


I think this is part of the problem--it could very well be a fiasco. That possibility has to be acknowledged. You can't necessarily expect other role-players to just let your character go, especially if you end up setting your character up for a situation where escape is unlikely or impossible.

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Several posters have correctly stated causing a fiasco during a planned RP event is rude to the organizers.  The best approach you could probably take to accommodate your desired scene and the RP of others during the festival would be to form a group with your mark, and RP the stealing aspect of the encounter in group chat, away from prying eyes.   You could use a variety of plot devices to make it valid, such as the theft occurring away from the main event area, or the crowd being so thick that it drowns out yells. 


Once an event goes public its hard to gauge how people will react, especially if you have not RP'ed with them extensively.

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@Faye: Anything is possible. I'm always ready for what I plan for to go down the drain. Doesn't mean I'll let that possibility stop me from proposing what I think could be an enjoyable RP. And if my character gets caught in an impossible situation? Well, shit happens.


@Sig: I understand that. I have been considering those very same ideas to keep the roleplay from disturbing others.


Not that anyone has approached me about actually being a part of this yet. :P

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