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My Brother's Keeper [FATE-14]

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Klyn does have a couple of somnus bombs kicking around somewhere.... ;)


Oh god. Wouldn't that be like opium bombs?


"You thought you were getting knocked out, but surprise! It's me, drug addiction!"

This was my first plan:


However... fear can only last so long.


It is a drug that builds quick resistance, and once if it reaches its peak, what clouded the mind and harried action instead encourages it. The paralysis of fear fades from one's limbs, filling them with the vigor to survive.


Or so Evangeline liked to think.


Her spoon scrapes away at the walls of the latrine, harvesting small white crystals from the edges. She had to have some excuse to be waist deep in the cell's small enclosed latrine. A lady had her pride after all.


With a grunt she pulls out, adding the small pile of crystals to a bowl already containing black residue. A thousand years of heretics and a thousand years of torches illuminating the walls left no shortage of charcoal residue.


Then she hesitated, this was the hard part. Steeling herself she began to bite at her forearm, tearing the flesh until rivulets of blood ran down her hand and onto the stones. Still, she continued, spitting bits of skin onto the floor. Then with her free hand she began to squeeze and push at the skin, grimacing as something bright and shiny began to slowly work its way free of the skin. With a -pop- it ejected into her hand, a small metal tube fitted with a flush screwed cap.


It took a few more moments to gather herself, blood still flowing onto the floor with a steady rhythm. Then, with a deft movement, she wiped off the cylinder and unscrewed it, pouring a small bead of brightly glowing blue liquid into the bowl. She began gingerly mixing it with the charcoal and nitrate until it began to take on a dull putty like consistency.


Evangeline nods approvingly, "Now then... I wonder if that tunnel is still nearby..."

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Eight players.. and who knows how many villains and NPCs. Well. At least we're all experienced. Let's make sure we pre-prep our turns, pay attention to our surroundings, and help things roll smoothly and quickly. I for one intend to make an open-access Google Doc that everyone can look at, to track Advantages, FP, damage, and maybe even actions, to help the flow.

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1. I Come as a Thief - Thursday & Friday May 19 & 20, 8:00 PM CST

[Combat] [CLIMAX]

The Battle of Thal Oom Khash is begun.  Dragons guard the skies, Knights the ground.  The Holiest site in Dravania and Ishgard faces the greatest conflict it has seen since The Knights Twelve faced Nidhogg himself.  This is the endgame.

1. Klyn

2. Marti

3. Jana

4. Orrin

5. Anstarra

6. Enju

7. Reppu

8. Leanne



With so many players and such a big event, this could take more than one session, so it's set up over the course of two nights just in case.  Be prepared!


Let's goooooo team!




In all seriousness, I'd like to spend my minor (first time!) before the event, should I just catch you ingame Spahro or is PM okay?

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Eight players.. and who knows how many villains and NPCs. Well. At least we're all experienced. Let's make sure we pre-prep our turns, pay attention to our surroundings, and help things roll smoothly and quickly. I for one intend to make an open-access Google Doc that everyone can look at, to track Advantages, FP, damage, and maybe even actions, to help the flow.


Here it is!


Will add more as need be...

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I just realised there's a good chance I'll be out of town on the Friday of the big event. It's not set in stone that I won't be able to attend but if it seems like it's gonna be an issue, would you prefer I drop?


I imagine a reserve list will form! But 'tis Spahro's call~

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It's over!  It's officially over!  The Cult of Ratotoskr has been broken up, a mad Inquisitor captured, and a primal slain!  Man and dragon came together at the last to to put down a god who was a corruption of their peaceful ideals!


The last event in My Brother's Keeper will be an epilogue event, info shall be at the bottom of this post.



Total Events: 27

Total Players: 25

Time Taken: 5 months, 14 Days


Top Five Participants:

9 Events: Evangeline Primrose, Martiallais Heuloix, Orrin Halgren

8 Events: Anstarra Silverrain

7 Events: Reppu Hijiri



Bookender Award: For being in the first event before this was even a public storyline to delivering the killing blow to the primal in the last event, this award goes to Martiallais Heuloix, Knight of Ishgard.  Special recognition goes to Evangeline Primrose who would have been there at the final battle, but was in jail.


Murdermachine Award: For soloing boss monsters and being a hurricane of destruction in any event she was in, this award goes to V'aleera Luhil.


Late Bloomer Award: For coming in halfway through the story and still managing to be in more events than almost anyone else, this award goes to Anstarra Silverrain.


Librarians: For staunchly pursuing a quest for order and righteousness (and returning overdue books) special praise goes out to Rhea Zahella and L'Rini Khett!


Impolitic Award: For managing to make every situation involving politics and negotiation somehow turn into a crazy fun chaotic confrontation this award goes out to Reppu Hijiri, may the fireballs aimed at her never cease to be fun!


The True Hero Award: This goes to Leanne Delphium for shooting the world's most annoying NPC in the face with a boxing glove arrow.




Then Came There Two Women (Thursday June 2nd, 8PM CST)

The trial of the era has come.  Inquisitor Xanadu Mol and Evangeline Primrose face trial before the Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitry Doctrine.  Accused of heresy and conspiring against Ishgard, they shall face their future together.




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Evangeline Primrose

Martiallais Heuloix

Orrin Halgren

Klynsadhahsd Iyrnachtdakhdflksajdfsla

Enju Obaggliato




Anstarra Silverrain

Reppu Hijiri

Rhea Zaheela

V'aleera Lhuil

Jana Ridah

Leanne Delphium

L'Rini Khett
















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  • 2 weeks later...


Then Came There Two Women (Thursday June 2nd, 8PM CST)

The trial of the era has come.  Inquisitor Xanadu Mol and Evangeline Primrose face trial before the Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitry Doctrine.  Accused of heresy and conspiring against Ishgard, they shall face their future together.







Time to get our objection on!

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