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Character Assistance-Lore


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Hey guys,


I think I know why I've been struggling to find the right RP/writing path for any of the characters I've made. I spent the last hour thinking about it and it dawned on me that the reason for my indecision is that I don't know the game's lore/history enough to even make a reliable story/RP. I spent 2008-2013 with World of Warcraft, researching the Wowiki and buying each novel (not comic) released to learn the world I'm playing in. 


Where can I go to find all the history of Eorzea? I know I've go the forums but I can't really post on there just yet (or I can't figure out how). Do we have something similar to Wow's wiki? I started at the beginning of 2.0 when it launched so I don't know much of what happened before the Calamity (Only what I know from the game's story.)


I really appreciate the patience you've guys shown with each idea I've come up with and I am appreciative of the advice and suggestions given to a truly novice FF Roleplayer and Fanfiction writer. 


Thank you

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There are actually quite a few places to go but even then lore is pretty sparce.


First start here:



Tons of info and links.


I've got some more links on my Tumblr along with some posts that people have made gathering lore ingame:



Then there are the OFFICIAL Lore Forums:



Also for quick reference there is the "WIKI" here on this site.


Though when researching lore there are a few things to remember for roleplay:


  • Not all 'LORE' is true - Like real history, people make mistakes. Especially further in history you go back the less reliable our record of it is. Not to mention the whole "The winner writes the history books" and so forth. 
  • Unless you are playing a dedicated Historian it's unlikely your character will know every last lore detail. 
  • It's also PERFECTLY IN-CHARACTER to get lore facts wrong  - I dunno about you but I get historical facts wrong all the time. 
  • Clans and isolated social groups are ok to have different traditions than the norm - I play a keeper and have PC siblings. We tried to stick to what little Keeper lore there is but it's vague at best. To make do with this we decided to be a rather isolated clan. 

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What Nefzen said.

If there's something in recent history that you'd like to know to help shape your character, by all means ask away.

ICly it's normal to have some idea of basic events...

Like..."Once upon a time, there was the Allagan empire."

But it'd be weird if your character was pulling out exact dates unless they were a historian on such things so don't sweat the small details.


A lot of people lore bend too.

My character reverse engineers and restores Allagan tech...OOCly I am not 100% sure how this stuff works but I make educated guesses based on what I know. Could someone else do it differently? Sure, why not. There's plenty of room to fill in some of the gaps yourself.


Some things to note would be class lore details...certain in-game jobs and classes have specific origins but I think the links above cover a lot of that stuff. There are TONS of threads about the mage jobs here...and the other jobs. But if something from the general links catches your interest and you want to know more, feel free to ask!

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Generally, if you are looking up stable facts and frequently questioned details, looking up any of the discussions or official posts with Fernhawles is the way to go. That's the guy essentially in charge of those little creative differences. He will also occasionally answer what he can in official forums without giving away spoilers or stuff under wraps. 


There are generally a few passionate discussions flipping around Tumblr if you ever want to dig, but stuff does usually get sanctioned into race-specific channels, from my experience. 


Oh, and if you're a really patient man, or have a very patient friend, or are able to find someone who has done this, levequest details are a veritable goldmine of curios. Crafters (omnicrafters, max level) tend to have access to the most.


Sounsyy around here also seems to know a great deal of you're floundering too.

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Hey there Yunas! While there's plenty of lore to be had about the game world, unlike WoW and a lot of other universes, Eorzea's lore is given to us piecemeal, which makes compiling it into one location a huge undertaking. Nefzen put up a few good links and I'll throw up a few of mine that I think are informational. That said, if you have any specific questions about the lore, the history of a place/time period, or a class/job feel free to ask and I can see if I can dig up some lore to answer your questions with!


-Eorzean Units of Time and Measurement Lore

-Hydaelyn Geography Lore

-Eorzean Religion Overview

-Dungeon Notes and Sightseeing Lore

-Azury Ariella's General Lore Overview

-An Eorzean Timeline (Note that this timeline is incredibly outdated.)



Hope this helps! ^^

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Hey there Yunas! While there's plenty of lore to be had about the game world, unlike WoW and a lot of other universes, Eorzea's lore is given to us piecemeal, which makes compiling it into one location a huge undertaking. Nefzen put up a few good links and I'll throw up a few of mine that I think are informational. That said, if you have any specific questions about the lore, the history of a place/time period, or a class/job feel free to ask and I can see if I can dig up some lore to answer your questions with!


-Eorzean Units of Time and Measurement Lore

-Hydaelyn Geography Lore

-Eorzean Religion Overview

-Dungeon Notes and Sightseeing Lore

-Azury Ariella's General Lore Overview

-An Eorzean Timeline (Note that this timeline is incredibly outdated.)



Hope this helps! ^^

Are we allowed to link to the An Eorzean Timeline Reborn one instead?

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Hey there Yunas! While there's plenty of lore to be had about the game world, unlike WoW and a lot of other universes, Eorzea's lore is given to us piecemeal, which makes compiling it into one location a huge undertaking. Nefzen put up a few good links and I'll throw up a few of mine that I think are informational. That said, if you have any specific questions about the lore, the history of a place/time period, or a class/job feel free to ask and I can see if I can dig up some lore to answer your questions with!


-Eorzean Units of Time and Measurement Lore

-Hydaelyn Geography Lore

-Eorzean Religion Overview

-Dungeon Notes and Sightseeing Lore

-Azury Ariella's General Lore Overview

-An Eorzean Timeline (Note that this timeline is incredibly outdated.)



Hope this helps! ^^

Are we allowed to link to the An Eorzean Timeline Reborn one instead?


Yiissss much better, thanks!

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thank you everyone for the replies. :) If you look through my topics, you can see I've been all over the place with ideas for writing and for RP. I love playing as Au Ra (they look like half dragon/half human) Hyur (my main character) and Lalafell (I love the chibi characters and I did level my main whom I deleted, I solely leveled as a lalafell from I think 20 to 50, had to change because can't seem to handle the camera angle.)


I wish it was feasible that I could play as a summoner with the elemental horses as my summons but I've been told that it isn't possible as they aren't really essences of the primals.


For those who do have the elemental horse mounts, how do you incorporate it into RP?

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