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Your Mother was a Retainer and your Father smelled of Rolanberries

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"Actually both my parents are retainers and my dad still smells like Rolanberries, that title makes it sound like neither of them are still around. Well they are and still working away at the grindstone. Um, not that big fight thing outside the city walls, I mean the metaphorical grindstone... well maybe a real one? I'm not sure, both of my parents have skills if a few different trades so one of them might actually know what to do with a grindstone? I wonder if they both... Crap I'm rambling.


"Okay back on topic. My name is H'nora, the "H" is silent, and I'm looking for work, but kinda not really. See, with both my parents being retainers, they take a lot of pride in their work but at the same time are very narrow-minded. My point of view towards the field of retainer work is skewed in comparison to theirs but I mean, I have to make up my own mind about things, right? Honestly I feel like retainers, as professionals, aren't given enough credit for the work they do.


"Maybe I should explain why I feel that way, in case you are still reading.


"My Dad specializes in Botany, hence the smell of berries, and my Mom is a Conjurer, like me. Often they are sent out on odd jobs during the day and it seems like they are gone just about every night and don't return until the morning. My dad braves some of the most dangerous parts of the world just to bring back herbs, lumber, or sometimes insects. My Mom, alone mind you, has trekked after Primals, flown a chocobo around perilous peaks, and slain some truly awful beasts and returned with trophies of the kills. What sort of recognition has either of my parents ever gotten? Absolutely none! And what becomes of the things returned from these journeys? Ha! Well the "Adventurer" they work for just either up and sells the stuff for gil or makes my parents store it for them, half the time forgetting about it completely!


"What kind of life is that? Well, they like it I guess and the money is good enough to live on, but they have no aspirations and worse yet, they expect me to follow in their footsteps. I just can't do it! I just can't go out into the world and slay some terrifying beast, that an adventurer needs help to kill mind you, and not even get a pat on the back for it. Call me petty or needy but when I do something worthwhile, courageous, or spectacular I need someone to say "Damn, that was fucking awesome!" Sorry for the language but its how I feel!


"So yeah I'm looking for work but I just can't be a retainer and the life of an adventurer just seems so lame. I don't know, I'll find something..."





Hey everyone! I'm looking for some friendly type people to meet, or unfriendly, or shifty... well living is the only real requirement. I just moved to Balmung after playing on other servers for a long time. Been RPing in other games as well as tabletop for a long time.


Fair warning, H'nora has some strong views about Eorzea and has no problem voicing her opinion. Also, if you can't tell, she thinks retainers should be treated with more respect!

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I'm similarly of the opinion that retainers need more respect. Welcome aboard!

Be honest Warren: you only replied because she referenced the Grind Stone!


What a lovely background! I really enjoy such simple background narratives, its the sort of thing that I can instantly connect with. Welcome to Balmung :)

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Remind me to send a stack of 99 Venture coins.


It was a lot of fun to read an IC Making Connections post!


While my availability's all over the place (I mean uh, generally on Pacific Coast time evenings), I'd be happy to RP with you if timing lines up. I'll preface this with a disclaimer that I type kinda slow and derp on checking lists/availability. But I am generally available and if I'm crafting, it means I'm idling and open to just about anything short of IC death. :P

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Okay, I laughed.


Retainers get such a bad rap...I would love see people rping them more often. It's cute to see them out in the wild on those rare occasions.


Anyway, very interested in rping with you sometime and I wanted to say welcome to Balmung. My Keeper girl, Mayu, could always use some more Seeker friends. She's down to one Seeker friend ;__; Feel free to add me in game and we can work something out.

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Ill admit I chuckled at the title harder than I probably should have. Id be interested in meeting sometime let me know.

I'd love to meet you! And there is never a limit to how much one can or should laugh at a vague Monty Python reference.


I'm similarly of the opinion that retainers need more respect. Welcome aboard!

Thanks! It seems pretty friendly here so far.


I'm similarly of the opinion that retainers need more respect. Welcome aboard!

Be honest Warren: you only replied because she referenced the Grind Stone!


What a lovely background!  I really enjoy such simple background narratives, its the sort of thing that I can instantly connect with.  Welcome to Balmung :)

I like it too. When I made the character I knew I had to wait 3 days before I could transfer to Balmung so in that time I came up with a backstory. Simple enough to make sense and wide open enough for development!


Welcome to the RPC! If you ever want to RP sometime, feel free to hit me up =)

I always want to RP at all the times, I will definitely try to bug you :P


Remind me to send a stack of 99 Venture coins.


It was a lot of fun to read an IC Making Connections post!


While my availability's all over the place (I mean uh, generally on Pacific Coast time evenings), I'd be happy to RP with you if timing lines up. I'll preface this with a disclaimer that I type kinda slow and derp on checking lists/availability. But I am generally available and if I'm crafting, it means I'm idling and open to just about anything short of IC death. :P

Take your venture coins and shove em. You know what my family does with Venture Coins? Nothing, we have a closet full. Just pay your retainers in gil!


I'll see if I can track you down, I derp out plenty of times too so hopefully we don't derp at the same time, that could get messy.

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Okay, I laughed.


Retainers get such a bad rap...I would love see people rping them more often. It's cute to see them out in the wild on those rare occasions.


Anyway, very interested in rping with you sometime and I wanted to say welcome to Balmung. My Keeper girl, Mayu, could always use some more Seeker friends. She's down to one Seeker friend ;__; Feel free to add me in game and we can work something out.

*cough* *clears throat* Well Im not RPing as a retainer, Im RPing and the daughter of retainers. Watch as she tries to shrug off the stigma of her family's lagecy. Sure, they are fantastic at what they do but is it what she really wants? *throws fists in the air* What will happen!?!?!?!


Starting my search for you... Now.

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Just wanted to say thank you to the people that have reached out to me. So far this website and the RP community have been very warm and welcoming. I was scared that I would have trouble finding RP but that's not the case at all!


H'nora is looking for a place to fit in at the moment... Perhaps your company needs or could use some sort of receptionist, assistant to the [insert title here], or house marm? Those aren't retainer like duties right? Right?

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