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Accidental vigilante makes lots of bad decisions

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Hi all!! I am super fresh to the website, but I have been lurking for some time. 


I'm trying to find more connections on Marcy, my walking Elezen disaster. At the present, he's looking for jobs and HEROICS. Some services provided include, but are not limited to:


  • Rescuing small household pets from heights.
  • Professional bar pick-up repellent.
  • Short distance escort missions.
  • Debt reclamation.
  • Overturning the proletariat.

Marcy is a criminal-turned-vigilante, or at least he Tries. Despite his genuine desire to do good, he's prone to bad decisions and accidents and gravitating towards awful people. He is young and stupid, and will go along with almost everything that is not obviously morally reprehensible. He is mortified of murder. He is very good at hurting people.


He used to offer services as an archer that helped orchestrate heist escapes for other criminals. He no longer does this, nor does he beat up small business owners, but past has a tendency to crawl back.


Despite this, I will highlight that he is a good-aligned character. I am open to having his ideals and hopes obliterated, but I want to build those up first. He is talented and capable, but the only thing he is really, really good at is shooting arrows and being stubborn.


I'm looking for small, fun scenes with a possibility of building something bigger later; I would also love to establish some past and current contacts (AND POSSIBLE FANS FROM HIS BOY BAND ERA...). I'm on most evenings (PST); and Marcy is mostly found around Ul'dah.


Not looking for romantic interests or hook-ups atm. Am looking for possible past flings he swindled for food and clothes without ever putting out.



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Oh my gods, Marcy sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. Please RP with me! Solenne is always on the lookout for potential partners in crime. She's a rebel and an adrenaline junkie in refined gentlewoman's clothing. She is good-aligned, but she's pretty much the embodiment of Chaotic Good. If you want to get Marcellain wrapped up in some potentially deadly mischief, that can probably be arranged.


I also have a broody singer/poet who is obsessed with Gelmorra, a bitchy and borderline evil Ishgardian expat, a wandering witch, and a laid back fisherwoman arcanist, all of whom are capable of getting into trouble in various ways. Let me know if you want to meet any of them.

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It would be interesting to see how this would fit with Nebula's antics.. such as

  • Help my frog has escaped and is somewhere in this bar.
  • "Get out of the way, can't you see I'm being chased by an angry mob!"
  • Debt collection of forty chickens, in payment for alleviating a Lord's gout
  • Apple stealing collecting in the dead of night, "Honest it's a witch thing"
  • etc..

Though I tend to make these up on the fly and roll with whatever is going on.

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Marcellain sounds like a lot of fun, honestly, and I'd love to get some interaction in if you're not averse to the idea.


Since my character is frequently in Ul'dah on business (the foundry/armscrafting folks she's employed with have a branch office in the Goblet), perhaps there's a chance the two of them might bump into one another in some capacity. Do you mind if I ping you ingame?

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Hi friends! SO sorry to keep everyone waiting, school ate me up. I am also in game as Gaidedee Foileux, so feel free to add me.


@Solenne: Yes! This sounds like a recipe for disaster. I'd love for Marcy and Solenne to meet, he needs more Elezen friends in general. He's actually looking for a conjurer right now, so that could be a good start. PM me or catch me in game!


@Nebbs: Add me up, we should do shenanigans c:


@Arcian: What does your character do? If she sells anything related to bows/arrows/small arms, or can point Marcy to connections with those, it could be a good hook. Ping me at will, if I'm not on Marcy I will be on Gaidedee (usually after 5PM PST on weekdays).

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What a walking disaster.


I have two Ul'dahn giraffes who might make fun contacts.


Jeantremont owns a medicinal alchemy business and sometimes hires people to retrieve things for alchemical potions and remedies. He's old, practically everyone's giraffe grampa, noncombative, with a badass bounty-hunter wife. He is chaotic good and probably has his hands in the shadier side of Ul'dah. He means well though.


Valentinoix wouldn't really hire anyone but might be interesting to chat with. A Shakespearean-talking dusky who competes in the Bloodsands, is a monk-in-training, and has a thing for catching and cooking fish. He is pretty much true neutral though he sometimes errs on the side of good.


I am also on evenings pst, usually on either giraffe.

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What a walking disaster.


I have two Ul'dahn giraffes who might make fun contacts.


Jeantremont owns a medicinal alchemy business and sometimes hires people to retrieve things for alchemical potions and remedies. He's old, practically everyone's giraffe grampa, noncombative, with a badass bounty-hunter wife. He is chaotic good and probably has his hands in the shadier side of Ul'dah. He means well though.


Valentinoix wouldn't really hire anyone but might be interesting to chat with. A Shakespearean-talking dusky who competes in the Bloodsands, is a monk-in-training, and has a thing for catching and cooking fish. He is pretty much true neutral though he sometimes errs on the side of good.


I am also on evenings pst, usually on either giraffe.


Oh man I LOVE older elezen characters and older characters in general, Jeantremont sounds amazing. They're just about the only people Marcy has unquestionable respect for (if they lived that long in Eorzea they have got to be either very clever or very scary), and Ishgardian past is something that can come into interesting play. Marcy also gets beat up a lot and refuses magical healing, so if you're down with making Jean a semi-permanent alchemical aid for this ginger idiot I am all in.


Marcy's also used to being annoying and overly talkative, so despite his very low-key racism he could work with pretty much anyone c: Let me know who you feel like, I love both of these characters and can think of a hook if needed. Thanks so much for the reply!

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Oh man I LOVE older elezen characters and older characters in general, Jeantremont sounds amazing. They're just about the only people Marcy has unquestionable respect for (if they lived that long in Eorzea they have got to be either very clever or very scary), and Ishgardian past is something that can come into interesting play. Marcy also gets beat up a lot and refuses magical healing, so if you're down with making Jean a semi-permanent alchemical aid for this ginger idiot I am all in.


Marcy's also used to being annoying and overly talkative, so despite his very low-key racism he could work with pretty much anyone c: Let me know who you feel like, I love both of these characters and can think of a hook if needed. Thanks so much for the reply!


Jean is 85, though that is probably younger for a giraffe than a human. He's might fuss at Marcy for being an idiot and getting hurt again, patch him up, then send him on his way. I'd be happy to give Jean an idiot patient, test his patience, and have him beg Halone for mercy every time Marcy walked through the door.


Val is probably the more mellow of the two. He wouldn't mind Marcy talking his ear off as long as he wasn't shouting. Dusky has sensitive ears.


I'm up for either or both. :D

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I've got a Lawful Good 52-year-old Duskwight here that might be really interesting for him to meet- can't guarantee they'd get along obviously ("You think I'm a what? Are you touched in the head??") but it'd probably be at the very least fun. :D


Not to mention Ojene was part of the Ala Mhigan resistance, so if you wanted, she could have known his biological parents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a heads up! I've tried to contact everyone I could -- so if I missed you, don't be shy to toss me a PM or whisper me in game.


My availability is going to be a bit scarce in the following weeks. I have a major presentation and three large paintings to finish (yay!) which are currently sucking out all my will to live (boooo). I'm still on during evenings (PST), generally leveling or wasting money on pretend clothes, so say hi!

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I am desperate for shenanigans. Marcy has a bow. Gehr'ir has a bow. It'll be great. Promise.


My OC generally doesn't like to get along with Elezen.. because he's gotten shot by their arrows more than a few times, but you know, he probably deserved it. Which kind of Elezen is Marcy?


I would be very, very open to brainstorming possible past hi-jinks and forming some kind of ridiculously silly rivalry, if that might interest you. They can play cat and mouse or something. Snrrk. FOR JUSTICE...?? :evil:

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I am desperate for shenanigans. Marcy has a bow. Gehr'ir has a bow. It'll be great. Promise.


My OC generally doesn't like (Wildwood) Elezen.. because he's gotten shot by their arrows more than a few times, but you know, he probably deserved it. I dunno which kind of Elezen Marcy is? Haha.. COUGH.


I would be very, very open to brainstorming possible past hi-jinks and forming some kind of ridiculously silly rivalry, if that might interest you. They can play cat and mouse or something. Snrrk. FOR JUSTICE...?? :evil:


Yes! Hit me right up. While Marcy doesn't hate cats per say there is definitely some ingrained low-key racism he mostly channels through condescension and asking if Miqo'te shave their ears.


Marcy is the Wildwoodest Wildwood and pretty indignantly firm on keeping Gridania pure (even though he does not live there anymore). He's also pretty sure he's going to handle a bow better than someone little under five feet so naturally someone needs to put him in his place.

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