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So how do you use ninjutsu in rp?


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I've been looking for threads on this and I could not find anything that answered my curiousity. 

So..if you play a ninja icly, how do you portray your ninjutsu? Do you simply go by the examples given ingame, do you put a spin on it/create entirely new ninjutsu? How would you go about learning new combinations say for trial and error (which would seem somewhat dangerous)

And if you perhaps do not play one yourself, where would you, given that you support more than the ingame ones, see the boundries of things you can do with them?

It is a really interesting concept I want to work with, though I wanted to hear some peoples opinions and options to better incorporate it into my rp.


Thanks in advance for any insight o/

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I've been looking for threads on this and I could not find anything that answered my curiousity. 

So..if you play a ninja icly, how do you portray your ninjutsu? Do you simply go by the examples given ingame, do you put a spin on it/create entirely new ninjutsu? How would you go about learning new combinations say for trial and error (which would seem somewhat dangerous)

And if you perhaps do not play one yourself, where would you, given that you support more than the ingame ones, see the boundries of things you can do with them?

It is a really interesting concept I want to work with, though I wanted to hear some peoples opinions and options to better incorporate it into my rp.


Thanks in advance for any insight o/


In my case, Callie's just a rogue, non-ninja... that said, I do like to be pseudo-IC when I'm questing, which means that although I'm not actually doing RP for what's going on, nor is what's going on considered canon for the character, I do like for it to "make sense" somehow as to why my characters can do things. For Callie, she just knows a bit of magic - Katon for example I just imagine as being Fire 2. It also means she knows a couple of "traditional Final Fantasy" spells that don't actually exist in this game, not literally speaking, anyway: Vanish, Haste, and Blink.

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I like to be creative with it. The questline specifically states that you take the elements from the nearby surroundings. That being said, I added a bit of geomancy influence to it. Val can't absorb the mudra required for fire unless he's near a source of fire. He can't call a lightning strike down if he's indoors, but he can absorb the aether from the air around him. It puts a bit of a realistic spin on things, I think, to make it interesting.


That being said, I think the combinations should allow for more than just the skills that we have. Certainly you have those to play on, but water + air = ice shards and things like that.


It's just my personal portrayal and it makes it a bit more fun to me. People can RP it however they want, but on its own I think mudra would be pretty powerful and I like to give my characters limitations :)

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In my case I just treat Ninjitsu as magic, as all magic lore wise is interrelated and basically all of it comes from Aether, then I just pull from the school of Thaumatology which draws aether from ones self to cast their spells, the only difference being that H'ecate doesn't require a rod/staff as a focus for these particular spells but rather uses her hands or weapons for the focus.  So she is basically a rogue who can cast a few spells.  I know some people treat it like using magical items etc.. Honestly you can really do whatever you want the lore on magic and aether manipulation and use of crystals is so broad anything is really possible, I mean there is literally a limsa quest to get a guy thunder crystals so he can use the crystal to super heat his rivets he is using to build a ship.

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The questline specifically states that you take the elements from the nearby surroundings.


If this is the case, I would look to conjury for some influence since it uses aether from the environment rather than from yourself. Conjury is also not limited to the three elements it uses in-game, so there's no reason you can't use fire, lightning, ice (i honestly don't even remember what buttons to hit for this ability), or shurikens(???).


If I decide to include these mechanical abilities IC, they'll be conjury instead of ninjutsu, though I don't see myself using them heavily.


I imagine the Domans developed their own ways, so if you're a practitioner of ninjutsu as described in the game, you can flash some gang signs and make it happen.

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The questline specifically states that you take the elements from the nearby surroundings.


If this is the case, I would look to conjury for some influence since it uses aether from the environment rather than from yourself. Conjury is also not limited to the three elements it uses in-game, so there's no reason you can't use fire, lightning, ice (i honestly don't even remember what buttons to hit for this ability), or shurikens(???).


If I decide to include these mechanical abilities IC, they'll be conjury instead of ninjutsu, though I don't see myself using them heavily.


I imagine the Domans developed their own ways, so if you're a practitioner of ninjutsu as described in the game, you can flash some gang signs and make it happen.


I think conjury/the practice thereof would definitely have some sort of influence considering eastern customs. The quest basically tells you that they believe their gods are in their surroundings and they use Mudra to borrow the aether/elements of those surroundings. Really, I don't think the characters should be limited to game mechanics. It just seems that conjury has their powers given to them by the elementals and the ninjas use the power of tupac to force/coerce the elements.

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[insert Video Here]



But for real I just imagine Ninjitsu being used much like a hybrid of the martial arts akin to a certain attribute. Like I made P'rita excel in making her Ninjitsu focus more on weapons+smoke and what not. She can't use elements but she can use the metal and materials in the earth to create a giant Shurikin. For the most part her focus was always combat. Not the act of putting hands together often.

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I don't play ninja, but if I did, it would differ from jutsu to jutsu. It is often suggested that Nin abilities might be similar to conjury due to the Doman spirituality. If so it could be used like geomancy or with a catalyst because they aren't specifically hearers I think, can't be certain of that. I think Katon is done by performing mudra then spitting flammable liquid from the mouth using minor conjury to ignite, while I like to imagine the Funa shuriken is actually a large folding shuriken and the actual jutsu is applying wind aether to it to make its flight path semi-controllable. That's just my impression. It's like mini conjury, getting more out of less.

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