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[align=center]X’zanza Yamah[/align]

[align=center]« Or the monster who is always hungry (Shhh not always… I’m not hungry when I sleep) »[/align]



[align=center]Well hello! First I don't have a Wiki. ( Still need to find how to do it. ) And well I'm shy, and sorry if there english errors. So... You can continue to read if you want to know more. [/align]

[align=center] [/align]

[align=center]Who is she? [/align]


-> A Miqo’te, an happy one. ( Too much sometime )

->  A peacemaker, she hate conflictaround her.

-> An artisan, she is learning everything she could to create many things to go to armor to a wooden bow.

-> She love food, food is her passion, she will always trust food, food is her friend, food is food. One of her goal is to find the most perfect recipe of the world, a recipe that she would dream of it each night.

-> A passion for the Chocobo, that’s why she have two chocobo when she travel, Radiant and Big Radiant. ( She generally gave bad surname to everyone )

-> Shy when she meet new people.


[align=center]Who is she looking for?[/align]



-> Friend, a lot of them, she alwaysdesire to know more people to make her feel less alone when  she go in the city or even when she travel.

-> Artisan, people who could teach hersome work. ( Example a Goldsmith who could help her or teach her new way to work. )

-> Love? Wow! Wow! Wow! Calm down, youwill make her run away if you talk of love right now, friend first! :3

-> Company : She is looking for a group where she could travel with them and do a lot of activity.

-> Others, well if you have idea ofwhat she could be looking, just say I would say if she could search for that.



[align=center]Where is she in general?[/align]



-> Everywhere in the world

-> In any city

[align=center] [/align]

[align=center]Condition to rp with me[/align]



-> Be kind with me and my English. ;^;I don’t speak it in general. (I’m a French speaker )


[align=center]Omg I want so much to rp with you!How can I RP with you?[/align]



-> Step one : Say hi.

-> Step two : Profit.


PS: For the curious my time zone is EST. And I'm generally always connected during the evening and generally always on during the week-end, leveling or running in the city with all my happiness. ( Soon will give cookie to everyone who come talk to me. )



X'zanza Yamah, draw by me.[/align]

[align=center]" I want that everyone became happy! "[/align]

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[align=center]For people who love more chocolate.[/align]


[align=center]Thank you! I know for that cookie, it's make me hungry since the moment I look at it. [/align]

[align=center]And yes it's a Marshmallow cookie. ( They are the best )[/align]

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If I see you around, I'll try to find a reason to butt in! I've recently discovered that my character gets grumpy around do-gooders ( "You're doing it wrong!!" ), so there could be some excellent potential for a goofy scene!


On the other hand... excellent food is the best friendship offering in the world.




I find it particularly funny that this image is from a nocookie source.

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Thanks for the reply friends! So since I was not really active since yesterday, here a cookie monster.



[align=center]Draw by me.[/align]


If people will want, for a big part of tonight ( So in maybe 5 hours ) she will "run" in Limsa Lominsa with a bag full of free cookie ( If you ask politely ). ( And she can give hug if you are friendly. )

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  • 1 month later...


[align=center]" I'm back. "[/align]


[align=center]People, let's be friend. I'm active again, so If you see me running somewhere and I have a nice glamour and im not fighting I'm able to rp. ( If you are not sure, whisper me. )[/align]

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God damn it you make me want that cookie so bad. Damn it Diabetes! Why must you ruin good things for me? And damn it cookies, why did you gotta give me diabetes? Such a cruel twist of fate!


Also totally interested in RPing with you. But COOOOOKIES! -dies-



Well, there are not so much full of sugar :3 You can always whisper me here or in game


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  • 8 months later...

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