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Let me draw your character! ♪ [Closed]


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Did you think that I'd gotten intimidated by the list and given up


...did you





I did. Hope faltered, and I was as one of little faith. But now I believe.


We are not worthy, we are not worthy! We are worms, worthless worms! ; ;



Looks fuckin' amazing, thank you! Hope these have made for the good practice you were looking for!

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Okay, now I'm starting to get pissed. Why is it in this forum my images always end up being broken images? But it seems to be just this one! What am I doing wrong?


I think it's because you're linking to the album instead of the image itself.


You're using http://imgur.com/a/k5A2V instead of http://i.imgur.com/2Ymtd3S.png.




Just make sure when you're putting up an image to link, you right-click on it and choose "View Image." If you get something that ends in .jpg or .png, you should be good to go for displaying images.

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Sure, I'll get in on this action! If you can find a way to include Garuda and the Yo-Kai Watch that would be amazing! Okay so the image thing is NOT working, so just use the stupid link. Sorry. http://imgur.com/a/k5A2V

You just need to right-click on the imgur picture and 'copy image location' > paste that into the 2Ymtd3S.png



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So... you guys aren't gonna like this; I just now tried fixing it with the exact code you gave me, but it still came out as broken. I have no idea what's wrong?!


Update: Okay, I think I noticed what I did wrong that time. I'll just go now. I'm so embarrassed....


Don't worry about it! BBC code takes a bit of getting used to, and imgur has been doing something funky with its direct linking.



Yesssss, more portraits, moooar. +_+ For those who don't know, I've made a tumblr post with a compilation of every portrait thus far: Really puts things into perspective!


More on the way!

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