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[Periodic] Merchant, Marine Sign Ups


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Merchant, Marine


Episode 1: Roe Country For Old Men


"Please help me. A band of pirates I dare not name in this letter has been harassing me over the past fortnight. I fear for my life and the life of my family if I do not do as they wish, but I cannot do as they wish. I dare not trust the Yellowjackets for aid. If you would offer me aid, come to Swiftperch at the seventh evening bell five days hence. You will be rewarded all I can spare."


-A small, desperately discreet notice amongst the leve listings at the Drowning Wench.


Day/Time: Monday, October 10th, 7:30 PM CST


Slots Available: 

1. Qara Hotgo

2. Osric Melkire

3. Zanzan Yanzan

4. Leanne Delphium


Salt in the Wound


Following a powerful storm in Lower La Noscea, Moraby workers discovered that the privateering sloop-of-war Maiden's Wound has run aground on the Salt Strand.  A full survey of the wreckage has been prevented by the need to discourage qiqirn scavengers, and Maelstrom officials have cordoned the area until Company-affiliated adventurers can assess the ship for damage and survivors as well as assess the cause of the accident.


Day/Time: Tuesday, October 11th, 7:30 PM CST


Slots Available:

1. W'Chaza Yheli


3. Klynzahr Ihrnachtwyn

4. Liadan Summerfield

5. Gallien Vyese



This is, as might be expected at this point, a Fate-14 storyline. The IC thread for the plot can be found here. This will be a little unusual compared to other storylines, as outlined below:

  • We will be using the 2.0 version of the rules, found here. If you are a veteran of this roll system, the changes are small but significant, and outlined in the introduction. If you are a newcomer to this system, this document will cover what you need. I will be happy to help you with new sheets or making changes to your old one in either case - contact me via the RPC or in-game.
  • Because this is a nautical storyline, there will also be some business to do with ships. If you would like to make your own ship, the rules for that can be found here. If you do not want to make your own ship, that is fine. It will be possible to hire some premade ones to save you the trouble. Events that require a ship will be marked as such.
  • Some of these events may require lengthy travel time which will take your character out of action for a little bit, unable to effectively use aetheryte to RP elsewhere. Such events will be marked as Travel events; please make accommodations for them in your own RP if you choose them.
  • I will be online specifically to help people with rules and character sheets from 7-9 PM CST on Friday for the duration of the story. These are guaranteed "office hours," but if you need my help at another time let me know and we can work something out.

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As I am in multiple storylines albeit on secondary level of involvement, I will just signal my interest in being a substitute here if anyone cannot attend either event.


Depending on your needs I also have shipping-related NPCs for your use if you need any help. No sheets as of yet.

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Unfortunately due to other people's schedules our boat event is on that same day as salt in the wound. So I'll have to drop out since my story aspect prioritizes that over a new story. Though if possible I'd like to join the reserve list for Roe country.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Episode 2: The Rice Was All Between



A fishing boat straying into the Sea of Ash reported an emergency distress beacon from a merchantman in the distance, and have returned to report the situation and their general location. Their claims seem to indicate that the ship is of Garlean make, but has run its colors. Relief vessels are requested to identify the nature of the problem and provide assistance or subdue and capture the ship as necessary.


Time: Thursday, October 27th, 8:30 CST

1. Leanne Delphium

2. S'imba Tia

3. Osric Melkire

4. Kanaria Melkire


Note: Ship required. A Limsan merchantman is available for use in the event of all characters having no personal vessels of their own.


An Impartial Martial


A notice posted at several Maelstrom locations:


Officers not currently busy with training or other duties, report to the Marauder's Guild at the 21st bell to convene a court martial in regards to crimes committed while on official duty.  Judgement according to Maelstrom naval code requires “adequate officer presence” for correct procedure to be followed.


Signed: Captain Holskstymm Faezsyng 


A notice posted at leve counters and adventure hubs:


Maelstrom officers seeking legal counsel for the business of court martial to convene in the Marauder's Guild at the 2st bell for crimes against the Maelstrom and the high seas. For assistance adhering to proper legal code, counsel sought from learned individuals.


Time: October 27th, 9:00 PM CST 

1. Bartu Bolir

2. Aya Foxheart




Note: Please contact Nihka Mioni for questions related to this event.


Wooden Ships and Iron Men


Due to recent problems with piracy and Garleans, Maelstrom Captain Yiyisun Yisun, in conjunction with the independent brigantine "Rhalgr's Reward," will be hosting free tactical combat training for independent merchantmen and Grand Company ships alike.  It is the hope of the Admiralty that with civilian ships trained in self defense that the waters around Vylbrand will become safer for all shipping traffic.


This training will include the basics of naval combat including gun drills, maneuvering, boarding actions and ramming techniques.


Time: October 28th: 8:00 PM CST

1. Zanzan Yanzan

2. Virara Wakuwa




Note: Contact Spahro Llorn/Xanadu Mol for details. This event is good for anyone who wants to learn how to use the ship rules; a ship will be provided accordingly for novices.


Defection Protection


Following the recovery of survivors from the wreck of the Maiden's Wound, it has become clear that the ship went off course throughan especially savage mutiny, of which one of the survivors has declared himself to be a key conspirator. The brutality of the mutiny has roused the ire of good Limsan folk, as well as the interest of the Dutiful Sisters, intent on dispensing their own justice. The Yellowjackets are requesting adventurers to help provide security during the transport of the prisoners from temporary holding cells in the Moraby Drydocks to a more secure location in Limsa Lominsa, pending investigation of the wreck and the convening of a formal court martial.


Time: Saturday, October 29th, 7:30 CST


1. Liadan Summerfield

2. Gallien Vyese

3. Klynzahr Ihyrnactwyn

4. Tiergan Vashir

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