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[Periodic] Merchant, Marine Sign Ups


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Important Note


Because the plot limitation I requested hasn't worked as well as I'd liked, I am lifting the restriction on being in no more than one other Fate storyline in order to join these events. Players should still have a sheet for the 2.0 rules, however.

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Still sort of uncertain as to where I stand after the first event, but I'd like to sign up in Customary Arrangements, please.


If you mean the ship event from last round, we decided after delays to move on without it. You are more than welcome to sign up for Customary Arrangements.

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With the completion of Saturday's event, Phase 1 of Merchant, Marine, is complete. Milestone rewards follow below.


Significant Milestones

Criteria for significant milestones for this event are related not to number of events in which a character participated, but to whether or not their actions significantly altered the plot, or the plot has significantly altered the character to date.


Gallien Vyese

Osric Melkire

Liadan Summerfield

Bartu Bolir/Tiergan Vashir/Lurial Vashir (Choose 1 character, player's choice)

Hihisa Hisa/Chakha Hotgo (Choose 1 character, player's choice)

Aya Foxheart

Leanne Delphium


S'imba Tia


Minor Milestones

This is a bonus minor milestone that is strictly related to participation. All of the players above get this minor, in addition to the following:


Zanzan Yanzan

Qara Hotgo

Kanaria Melkire

V'aleera Lhuil

Virara Wakuwa

Klynzahr Ihrnachtwyn


I will be taking a week off from events to post material to the IC thread, and welcome other participants to do the same at this time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Episode 4:


New Story Aspects:


Only Blood Can Mend the Wound - As before, there is still a broad public call for the swift trial and execution of Dominic Morris, the mutineer of the Maiden's Wound. This sentiment has become increasingly hostile since the announcement that the trial would be postponed pending further investigation of the events leading up to the massacre, and may turn violent.


Shift Towards Patriotic Sentiment - Despite the above, a growing number of Limsan citizens are of the mind that Morris was surely engaging in mutiny for patriotic reasons related to Limsan security, and are now supporting the move for a thorough trial instead of a drumhead court. This is making some citizens more prone to seeing sense and calling for civility; on the other hand, it's also starting to cause clashes between the two camps.


City of Wonders - Amidst all of this, a large shipment of cheap, harmless magitek items have appeared on the markets of Hawker's Alley. All of these appear to be designed for the sake of convenience and home-living rather than instruments of mass destruction.


New Events:


Hawker's Alley Havoc

While the influx of magitek items on the markets have been a general boon for purchasers, not all of them are available in equal quantities, and some are clearly more popular than others. One item in particular, the Miniature Wave Oven, a kind of shard-powered device for faster cooking, has become a top seller amongst sailors expecting to be at sea for extended periods. This has made it a popular choice for Starlight gifts, and Limsan shoppers are not known for their manners when it comes to competing over limited supplies. Various merchants of the Hawker's Alley stalls are requesting security forces to supplement Yellowjacket patrols and help prevent theft.


Time: Thursday, December 29th, 8 PM CST

1. Chakha Hotgo

2. Zanzan Yanzan

3. Virara Wakuwa

4. Leanne Delphium


Dress to Impress

The term of enlistment for a number of sailors attached to the Fourth Squadron is due to end in a moon's time. There has, however, been a lull in Grand Company volunteers of late. Without receiving replacement forces, the Fourth Squadron will be undermanned and its field of operations more prone to exploitation by those pirate crews which flout the law of the land. Lieutenant Daqu Hequ is requesting support from officers of similar rank and patriotic adventurers of the Foreign Levy in running a recruiting drive.


Time: Friday, December 30th, 8 PM CST

1. Aya Foxheart

2. L'Rinhi Khett

3. Anstarra Silverain

4. Jana Ridah


Millioncorn Mystery

Several shipments of grain intended to supply Maelstrom vessels from farms created under the terms of the Limsan resettlement program have either gone missing or been severely below their expected projections. Maelstrom Commissary is requesting sellswords of the Foreign Levy to investigate the shirkers at Millioncorn Malm in Summerford and find the source of the problem.


Time: January 1st, 8 PM CST

1. Liadan Summerfield

2. S'imba Tia

3. W'Chaza Yheli

4. Klynzahr Ihyrnachtwyn


The Grasp Exceeds Its Reach

A leve has been put out for nautically-minded adventurers to identify the location of the trading vessel Grasp of Halone. Owned by an Ishgardian merchant house, the Grasp sailed for the Rothlyht Sound in the Sea of Jade to gather rare herbal materials before returning, and has not been heard from since its departure three moons prior. Adventurers are requested in order to contact the missing vessel and ascertain its fate.


Note: This is a Travel event. Signing up means foregoing all further uses of Turns. A ship is required; if no PC owns a ship, a premade one will be available for use.

Time: TBD

1.Orrin Halgren





Available Turns: 1/25


Turns Used:

Orrin Halgren


-Act (4 Player Maximum)

East Aldenard Distribution Inc.



W'chaza Yheli

-Prepare x2

Chakha Hotgo


Banquo Viquo


Anstarra Silverain


Leanne Delphium

-Prepare [Failed]

Virara Wakuwa



Osric Melkire

-Discussion x 2

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Dress to Impress... he's looking for recruits, or looking for help recruiting? :-D 


That makes a difference (though Aya pretending to be a Naval Officer would be even more entertaining than her pretending to be a Lawyer).


Looking for help recruiting, to be clear.

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