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Very shy, rusty RPer here!


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Hello everyone! I've lurked a bit in these forums for several months but I've always been too scared to actually make an account. My main character is over on Jenova but I've recently managed to squeeze a character onto Balmung after the last maintenance. After several days of convincing myself to come post I'm finally doing it!


A bit about myself: My first steps as a roleplayer were as a teenager doing very simple, random RPs with random people in chat rooms. As I learned more of roleplaying and what it was I graduated to more serious forum roleplaying. After several years of this I met my best friend who got me more into online gaming. Due to this I mostly stopped roleplaying and began hanging out with friends I met in games and playing said games with them.


In more recent years my best friend has introduced me to Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons. My roleplaying in these games is admittedly kind of terrible. I'm too shy to handle all the verbal stuff and I blank out trying to think up so much on the spot. I have recently wondered if returning to text based roleplaying might help me improve this so here I am. I have never roleplayed in an MMO before so here goes I guess.


A bit about my character: The character I have made is a shy, Raen, Bard who is perhaps more interested in listening to stories than she is telling them. Her family left Othard when she was young to escape the Garlean threat and managed to find their place in Gridania as archers. As the Dragonsong War ended in Ishgard, more information began circulating about dragons. As a lover of stories and music, the "Dragonsong" itself was something of particular interest to her. It was the "straw that broke the dhalmel's back" and she set off as an adventurer to learn more about the world.


Feel free to suggest Linkshells, Free Companies, or ask me to RP. Just be aware that I'm very shy and very new to MMO RPs. Thanks for reading!

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Hey there and welcome aboard to Balmung! :thumbsup:


I'd suggest ShroudLife (in signature) if you're looking for open world traveling roleplay. Also, you're more than welcome to run into Kasi sometime too! If there's something in her profile that looks like a connection, just give me a tap.

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Welcome to the RPC, and a big congrats on being able to actually roll a character on Balmung. That's quite a feat!


Whereabouts does your character usually spend her time? Maybe one of mine might run into her at some point. :)


It was definitely not easy! I spent months and partly memorized where certain options were on the screen. I'm still shocked I got in!


I've been going through the MSQ and I have a terrible habit of alt-tabbing after a teleport to look at things like Reddit so you can find me standing around practically anywhere. I do occasionally sit on the sidelines in the Quicksand or Carline Canopy and watch the public RP. I've been trying to figure out what format people typically use. (Seems like a lot of people like using /em.)

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Hey there and welcome aboard to Balmung! :thumbsup:


I'd suggest ShroudLife (in signature) if you're looking for open world traveling roleplay. Also, you're more than welcome to run into Kasi sometime too! If there's something in her profile that looks like a connection, just give me a tap.


That LS looks interesting but I'm not sure my character is quite what they're looking for. She'd definitely travel from place to place and camp in the woods while adventuring but she's not really a nomad shunning city life. She practically has a need to go to taverns to listen to the latest news, gossip, or stories. Her mother would've fit in fairly well actually. Her dad on the other hand is a liiiitle overprotective of his only daughter and prooobably coddled her a little.

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Not sure if this would be something that interests you, but I figured I'd toss it out there. :) The RP Levelers LS is an ooc group that is real chill and focuses on leveling alts & alt classes, specifically for those who are nervous taking certain classes into the DF. We're also just getting our revamped RP event underway; it's a monthly, drop-in RP thing that will travel to different open-world locations. I'm pretty much 'all Ul'dah, all the time' on all of my characters, but you are welcome to hang out with me at events and stuff if you'd like. :)

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Hey there and welcome aboard to Balmung! :thumbsup:


I'd suggest ShroudLife (in signature) if you're looking for open world traveling roleplay. Also, you're more than welcome to run into Kasi sometime too! If there's something in her profile that looks like a connection, just give me a tap.


That LS looks interesting but I'm not sure my character is quite what they're looking for. She'd definitely travel from place to place and camp in the woods while adventuring but she's not really a nomad shunning city life. She practically has a need to go to taverns to listen to the latest news, gossip, or stories. Her mother would've fit in fairly well actually. Her dad on the other hand is a liiiitle overprotective of his only daughter and prooobably coddled her a little.


Yeah, I figured it might be a long shot. Still, if you'd be interested in running into a trader or merc here and there, I can always throw Kasi at you. If the Shroud life ain't for you, then the Shroud life can come to you a bit instead!

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Hi! Congrats and well done getting onto Balmung, really, that's hard work anymore.


I'm fairly shy myself, but all the people I've run into so far are very sweet and friendly, which makes it a little easier to get out there - hopefully you have a similar experience. :thumbsup:


Finn tends to loiter in Ul'dah, feel free to poke or hide behind her if you wish! She nor I bite, if you just want some chill company sometime!


Have fun! :love:

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Not sure if this would be something that interests you, but I figured I'd toss it out there. :) The RP Levelers LS is an ooc group that is real chill and focuses on leveling alts & alt classes, specifically for those who are nervous taking certain classes into the DF. We're also just getting our revamped RP event underway; it's a monthly, drop-in RP thing that will travel to different open-world locations. I'm pretty much 'all Ul'dah, all the time' on all of my characters, but you are welcome to hang out with me at events and stuff if you'd like. :)


That actually sounds pretty cool! I've been at this game for a year but I'm somewhat new to the class I'm playing. I think I understand it up to level 50 but after level 50 I'm not sure I'm doing everything right. I'm more than happy to help out with the few dungeons I have unlocked too.


Hey there and welcome aboard to Balmung! :thumbsup:


I'd suggest ShroudLife (in signature) if you're looking for open world traveling roleplay. Also, you're more than welcome to run into Kasi sometime too! If there's something in her profile that looks like a connection, just give me a tap.


That LS looks interesting but I'm not sure my character is quite what they're looking for. She'd definitely travel from place to place and camp in the woods while adventuring but she's not really a nomad shunning city life. She practically has a need to go to taverns to listen to the latest news, gossip, or stories. Her mother would've fit in fairly well actually. Her dad on the other hand is a liiiitle overprotective of his only daughter and prooobably coddled her a little.


Yeah, I figured it might be a long shot. Still, if you'd be interested in running into a trader or merc here and there, I can always throw Kasi at you. If the Shroud life ain't for you, then the Shroud life can come to you a bit instead!


Oh I'd have no problem interacting with those characters it's more case of whether those characters want to interact with me. The introduction of that Linkshell seemed to put a heavy focus on the fact that it's characters lived in the wilderness and mine would be more of an occasional camper. If you still think I'd fit in there I'm more than happy to give it a try.

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Hello and welcome fellow person who got lucky after maintenance as well, yeah! :D *Highfives*


If you wish to have a fellow Raen RPer--Feel free to say hi to Ayaka Yatsurugi if you see her :D It's always nice to be able to have some connection with the same race and uh, well, faction? xD


Also bard level 50+ is fine and fun :D IDK, that might be just em and my bias to it haha :D

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The intent of the linkshell is (as I interpret it) meant for characters that either engage the wilderness at full throttle, or those that flirt with it occasionally or even fairly regularly. So, for example, Kasi is a wanderer, trader, and mercenary who goes into civilization regularly, but has somewhat of an affinity for the wilderness, and due cause to regularly interact with more hardcore wilderness characters. You don't have to be hardcore wilderness to be a part of ShroudLife- just cause enough to interact with them. 


Ultimately though, it is just a linkshell- it's not like you're joining a free company! In the end, it's a resource meant to give you access to a wider array of players & characters in that particular niche. You might run into folks there on occasion, and perhaps find one or two you'd like to run into frequently. If you do, then the linkshell has served its purpose!

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The intent of the linkshell is (as I interpret it) meant for characters that either engage the wilderness at full throttle, or those that flirt with it occasionally or even fairly regularly. So, for example, Kasi is a wanderer, trader, and mercenary who goes into civilization regularly, but has somewhat of an affinity for the wilderness, and due cause to regularly interact with more hardcore wilderness characters. You don't have to be hardcore wilderness to be a part of ShroudLife- just cause enough to interact with them. 


Ultimately though, it is just a linkshell- it's not like you're joining a free company! In the end, it's a resource meant to give you access to a wider array of players & characters in that particular niche. You might run into folks there on occasion, and perhaps find one or two you'd like to run into frequently. If you do, then the linkshell has served its purpose!


Ah, so basically I'm over thinking things? :blush: Well that sounds fun then. Can you send me an invite in game or am I supposed to post in that thread for one? I'm new to this and I'm not sure what the process is. :blush:


Thanks for all the greetings everyone! :D

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Anyone in ShroudLife can invite, so you can bug me in game and I'll get you squared away! You can also bug Gehr'ir and tell him Kasi sent you and that you read the forum thread. He should hook you up too!

Well I saw you online once but you got into a duty. Been getting on kinda late and things have been weird with the holiday. I'll keep trying though. :thumbsup:

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Anyone in ShroudLife can invite, so you can bug me in game and I'll get you squared away! You can also bug Gehr'ir and tell him Kasi sent you and that you read the forum thread. He should hook you up too!

Well I saw you online once but you got into a duty. Been getting on kinda late and things have been weird with the holiday. I'll keep trying though. :thumbsup:


Derp. Might have some better luck today- I'll keep an eye out for you too!

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