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The Hydaelyn Job Faire: An Event for Making Connections!

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The following flier can be seen hanging around every major city and outpost:




As word spreads, rumor has it that the Rendezvous Host Club has now decided to 'host' a realm-wide Job Faire. Parties who are interested in reserving a booth need only write a quick missive to the Proprietress of the Host Club to reserve a spot. When the front page of the flier is flipped, more information about the groups in attendance - and their booth locations - is revealed.


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Guild: Aldenard Leveworks

Website: leveworks.enjin.com

Description: "Strength through collaboration" a division-based adventurer co-op. LS & FC with a Mission Board provided through Discord, we're a Heavy RP FC that mixes long-term dark/mature story arcs with short episodic DM'd events and open-world RP. The organization is especially interested in hiring the magically inclined (but mentally stable).

Booth Location: Western Thanalan :: Silver Bazaar


Guild: Broken Blades

Website: N/A

Description: TBA!

Booth Location: Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks :: The Drowning Wench


Guild: Glowfly Exchange

Website: http://glowflyexchange.tumblr.com/

Description: The Glowfly Exchange is a Free Company focused around trade, commerce, and adventure, seeking to connect the dots between people of varying trades, be it from the hands that forge blades to the ones that wield them.

Booth Location: North Shroud :: Hyrstmill


Guild: Machina & Magitek

Website: N/A

Description: Engineers and researchers focused around building and understanding both machina and magitek. The FC/LS aims to prevent unnecessary loss of life in conflict by spreading more information about how to effectively combat magitek, as well as providing effective countermeasures of their own design, both machina and arcanima.

Booth Location: Central Thanalan :: The Coffer & Coffin


Guild: Rendezvous Host Club ((Rendezvous of Stars))

Website: http://hostingstars.shivtr.com/

Description: "Rendezvous Host Club is looking to hire some new staff, so please come prepared for an on-the-spot interview!" ((While the Host Club is a 'front' for our group ICly, the primary OoC theme constitutes a group of ordinary people who have suddenly found themselves supernaturally bound by fate. We are a lore-abiding linkshell who relies heavily on our website to communicate plot developments and upcoming events.))

Booth Location: Revenant's Toll :: Rowena's House of Splendors, Upstairs Cafe


Guild: Sasagan's Scimitars

Website: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=17372

Description: "We are an Immortal Flames adventurer squadron commanded by Flame Captain Kale Aideron of the Bloodsworn. Under the leadership of a professional cadre, the mission of the squadron is to assemble a diverse and effective unit of free company adventurers, and utilize their myriad talents in the service of both Ul'dah and the Eorzean Alliance."

Booth Location: Ul'dah :: Airship Landing Cafe


Guild: Serpent Reavers

Website: N/A

Description: Looking for fresh crew to set sails on new horizons. Swimming and sailing experience not required.

Booth Location: Western La Noscea :: Aleport Docks


Guild: Wanderer's Respite

Website: http://wanderersxiv.tumblr.com/

Description: A social lounge and RP venue that welcomes those seeking connections, development, and relaxation.

Booth Location: North Shroud :: Fallgourd Float, The Bobbing Cork


----- OoC Information ----


I thought this would be a neat little idea to help people make RP connections via an immersive IC framework. Linkshells can use it to recruit, and everyone else can use it to expand their network of RP contacts and opportunities by browsing (and perhaps joining) the various guilds who'll be manning the booths!


If you'd like for your linkshell to be added to the list to run a booth during the Job Faire, just comment on this post; I've provided a copy of the code below if you'd like to plug your info into the format. I only ask three things:


  1. This event is for linkshells only! If you have a FC + linkshell and don't mind if people only join the linkshell, that's also fine! Since FC's are more restrictive (in that each character can only join one), my aim here is to maximize networking possibilities while side-stepping any guild competitiveness. If you want to run a Job Faire that's specifically for FCs though, I absolutely don't mind if you want to steal this idea and run your own.
  2. Try to keep your Guild Description (demonstrated above) to 3 sentences or less. I'd like for the guild listing to be relatively easy for Faire attendees to skim over, particularly if a lot of guilds end up participating. This will also help it be more fair and keep things relatively equal between guilds.
  3. Choose a public location for your Guild's "booth," as opposed to your FC house or a private venue. The idea for this event is that attendees will be able to hop-and-shop around without having to remember a lot of specific housing locations, wards, and plot numbers.


[b][u]Guild[/u]:[/b] Your linkshell name here!
[b][u]Website[/u]:[/b] Your website here, if you have one!
[b][u]Description[/u]:[/b] Description here, although it's not mandatory! Please limit to a maximum of 3 sentences; can be IC, OoC, or both. 
[b][u]Booth Location[/u]:[/b] Your booth location here! 


Pretty much any linkshell can find a reason to sign up for a booth, whether it's hiring for a business theme, attempting to recruit for a particular cause (like the Resistance, a religious order, etc.), or even just trying to form a mercenary band.


I'll go ahead and make a list of potential 'booth' locations that people can choose from, although I don't mind if you'd like to submit your own! If needs be, I'll find more locations and add more, if there's enough guild interest to fill them all.


I'm spreading out the locations and trying to stick to relatively public and well-known spots, to cut down on chat scroll and encourage a bit more open-world RP. It might be helpful if everyone from your guild dresses similarly, so that they can be easily spotted by attendees.


Potential Booth Locations:


Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks :: The Drowned Wench - 1 slot available (would be shared with one other guild)

Upper La Noscea :: Camp Bronze Lake - 2 slots available (maybe three if needed)

Eastern La Noscea :: Costa Del Sol - 2 slots available (maybe three if needed)


New Gridania :: Carline Canopy - 1 slot available (maybe 2 if needed)

South Shroud :: Buscarron's Druthers (indoor spot) - 1 slot available

South Shroud :: Buscarron's Druthers (outdoor spot) - 1 slot available

North Shroud :: Fallgourd Float, Outer Pavilion - 1 slot available


Western Thanalan :: Vesper Bay - 2 slots available (separate houses)


The Gold Saucer :: The Gold Saucer - 2 slots available (maybe 3 if needed)

Revenant's Toll :: Seventh Heaven - 1 slot available

Idyllshire :: The Hard Place - 1 slot available (maybe 2 if needed)



Thanks, all! I hope this one is both fun and beneficial for everyone involved. :cactuar:

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Happy to reserve those spots for you both! If you'd like, you can also submit a brief description (IC and/or OoC) to prime people on what your guild/booth is about, although that's not mandatory.


I saw a nice overview for the Scimitars in your RPC linkshell listing, so I used that initially. If you don't want it there though, I can remove it, no worries!


I also went ahead and cleaned up the post format a bit, and added the Code for the Guild/Website/Description/Booth Location that people can use if they'd like. ^^v

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If you're thinking "My character wouldn't attend this," don't be so down on yourself! There's lots of ways your character might find themselves showing up and giving some booths a look!


- Go as moral support for a very fretful friend! Or if your character IS the fretful one, ask someone to join you, and make a little RP day of it!

- That one super excitable friend of yours? I bet their player will be more than happy to be asked "Hey, can you have your character pester mine into going to this thing?"

- Are you a sewer-cat of some sort? These sorts of events are known for having free food or candies for anyone who'll listen...

- Go as a favor to your stalwart allies who are sick of being door-guards at home base. Use it as an excuse to start conversations with other sellsword companies!

- Perhaps a moment of actually listening to those friends who say "Please do things that are less dangerous!!" Humor them~

- And more! IC conversations and interactions are fun, make whatever excuse you need to in order to go have some <3


I can't wait to conduct some totally legitimate interviews, and very much looking forward to browsing other booths around the world!

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Guild: Avagnar of Eorzeans

Website: Negatory Ghost Rider, the pattern is full...er... No website!

Description: Local business is looking for Xaela for a particularly dangerous job, taking interviews, but only a few slots available to be hired. (IC posting bit)

Booth Location: Buscarron Druther's Indoor slot

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Happy to reserve those spots for you both! If you'd like, you can also submit a brief description (IC and/or OoC) to prime people on what your guild/booth is about, although that's not mandatory.


I saw a nice overview for the Scimitars in your RPC linkshell listing, so I used that initially. If you don't want it there though, I can remove it, no worries!


I also went ahead and cleaned up the post format a bit, and added the Code for the Guild/Website/Description/Booth Location that people can use if they'd like. ^^v


Quite alright! Sorry, been a bit busy this holiday season but we're still onboard :thumbsup:

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I have been WAITING for someone to host something like a job fair-styled guild/LS recruitment drive, so seriously, thank you. I'm going to attend the heck out of this.


That is fantastic to hear! I keep seeing people looking for groups and groups looking for people, so that inspired me to put this together. We're all very excited about hosting it and about all the booths and new potential connections in general! :moogle:

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Would love to get involved with this.


Guild: Machina & Magitek

Description: Engineers and researchers focused around building and understanding both machina and magitek. The FC/LS aims to prevent unnecessary loss of life in conflict by spreading more information about how to effectively combat magitek, as well as providing effective countermeasures of their own design, both machina and arcanima.

Booth Location: Coffin and Coffer, if at all possible! (Our FC is based in Black Brush IC, so it makes sense)

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[b][u]Guild[/u]:[/b] Aldenard Leveworks
[b][u]Website[/u]:[/b] [url=http://leveworks.enjin.com]leveworks.enjin.com[/url]
[b][u]Description[/u]:[/b] "Strength through collaboration" a division-based adventurer co-op. LS & FC with a Mission Board provided through Discord we're a Heavy RP FC that mixes long-term dark/mature story arcs with short episodic DM'd events and open-world RP.  The organization is especially interested in hiring the magically inclined (but mentally stable).

[b][u]Booth Location[/u]:[/b] Silver Bazaar


LEVE would like to sign up.

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Aegir & Evaleigh: I've reserved your booths! Feel free to let me know if anything is amiss!


(I actually added them to the OP as soon as I saw your replies, but didn't think to comment about their addition until today, haha. oTL )


Four days!!

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Guild: Glowfly Exchange

Website: http://glowflyexchange.tumblr.com/

Description: The Glowfly Exchange is a Free Company focused around trade, commerce, and adventure, seeking to connect the dots between people of varying trades, be it from the hands that forge blades to the ones that wield them.

Booth Location: Hyrstmill

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