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Complete noob, transferring in

Iron Bride

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Hello all.   I have been putting off playing this game for a year since it seemed that every time I go to make a character, I can't get onto Balmung and MMOs seem lifeless to me without roleplayers.    I've finally decided to bite the financial bullet and just transfer in instead, haha.


Since I've never gotten very far in the game before I'm pretty much a noob to everything.   Right now I'm running a Highlander who is more than a bit of a vagabond.  I should be able to transfer him in tomorrow (the 3-day wait will be up) so I can't wait to meet everyone.


Nice to meet y'all.

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Thanks.  It's so nice to see an active RP forum for a game :)


If anyone comes across this, got a couple questions.


Anything important to know about the setting, timeline, specifics about Highlanders that I might want or need to know?   Spoil me if you have to, I would rather make a character "correct" to the setting than worry about experiencing the storyline in a completely unspoiled fashion.


Any RP-focused Free Company willing to take on a new player?  Or is it a Linkshell I should be looking for?  Last time I played this, there were only Linkshells... and they were just chat channels, lol.  



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Thanks.  It's so nice to see an active RP forum for a game :)


If anyone comes across this, got a couple questions.


Anything important to know about the setting, timeline, specifics about Highlanders that I might want or need to know?   Spoil me if you have to, I would rather make a character "correct" to the setting than worry about experiencing the storyline in a completely unspoiled fashion.


Any RP-focused Free Company willing to take on a new player?  Or is it a Linkshell I should be looking for?  Last time I played this, there were only Linkshells... and they were just chat channels, lol.  




I recommend you check out this section for Free Companies: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=53

And this section for Linkshells: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=15


Far as I know, it's a bit more important to know where your Highlander is from. Most lore is less race-based and more location-based.

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Hey there and welcome aboard! :thumbsup:


It depends on what kind of RP niche you're looking for! You can find criminal thief guilds, family clans, and even brothels. It really depends on what you have in mind for the character. If nothing else, the FC, LS and Making Connections forums are a good place to start!

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Anything important to know about the setting, timeline, specifics about Highlanders that I might want or need to know?   Spoil me if you have to, I would rather make a character "correct" to the setting than worry about experiencing the storyline in a completely unspoiled fashion.


Like Liadan mentioned, a lot of this depends on where your character is from or where they're living now that determines what lore would more heavily apply to them. A Highlander who comes from the Far East will be different from one from Ala Mhigo versus another who may have lived in Coerthas their whole life as a shepherd.


In any case here's a couple links you might find helpful! The first is a compilation of all Highlander lore in the game and lore book, and the second is a summary of most lore pertaining to the various races of the game and their interactions between each other. If you have more questions feel free to ask them! ^^ Hope this helps!


-Highlander Lore Compilation

-Racial Lore Compilation

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Like Liadan mentioned, a lot of this depends on where your character is from or where they're living now that determines what lore would more heavily apply to them. A Highlander who comes from the Far East will be different from one from Ala Mhigo versus another who may have lived in Coerthas their whole life as a shepherd.


In any case here's a couple links you might find helpful! The first is a compilation of all Highlander lore in the game and lore book, and the second is a summary of most lore pertaining to the various races of the game and their interactions between each other. If you have more questions feel free to ask them! ^^ Hope this helps!


-Highlander Lore Compilation

-Racial Lore Compilation


Thank you, that's exactly the kind of information I needed. 


I already was thinking my character was an Ala Mhigan refugee, but this helps put some perspective to it and give me a timeframe for how old the character needs to be to have it make sense. (Also, explained the curious lack of eyebrows).

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Hello and welcome to the RPC and Balmung! Since you are just transferring over I would check out some of the LS's that interest you and check out a couple events on the event calendar to see what FC's seem to fit your style best. There is plenty of RP to be had outside of FC's.


Feel free to shoot me a tell if you have any questions or are looking for someone to RP with!

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Hello and welcome to the RPC and Balmung! Since you are just transferring over I would check out some of the LS's that interest you and check out a couple events on the event calendar to see what FC's seem to fit your style best. There is plenty of RP to be had outside of FC's.


Feel free to shoot me a tell if you have any questions or are looking for someone to RP with!


Noob questions, volume 2!


1.  Where are some places that people (regardless of LS or FC status) typically hang out to RP?  A hotspot, like a particular tavern or market area or hamlet outside of the cities?  I'll definitely look around for myself but I'm used to having to "hunt" for RPers in other games, so if I have an idea where to look that would be great.


2.  Do most people join both LS and FC?  Multiple LS?  Anything I should know about the benefits of one over the other?


3.  Would the Making Connections forum be the right place to post and advertise myself as LFRoleplay?    I'll definitely look through the LS and FC listing for myself but sometimes the right answer comes to you instead of the other way around.


4.  Are there a lot of RPers/LS/FC that aren't on this site?   Like, is the community even bigger than it appears?  (Which is fairly big and lively, just by appearances.)

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First, welcome! :)


1) I think Quicksand is by far and large the most popular and crowded place when it comes to the concentration of RPers. But I have also ran into RP in The Drowning Wench, and occasionally at the Carline Canopy.


There is also list of RP events that you can attend to find RPers!


http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=20 - listing of RP events here on the RPC

http://balmungrpcalendar.tumblr.com/calendar - if you tumblr


2) You can join only one FC, but up to 8 LSs. Most people find an FC of like minded people and also join LSs to increase their network.


3) Making Connections folder is a good start to get yourself out there! An intro there also lets people know who and what you are about and what you might be looking for. Some people also post a profile in the Player Directory and create wiki profiles for their character. It helps people know who you or your characters are.


4) There are also a TON of RPers and FCs that do not advertise here. The Balmung RP community is bigger than the RPC. But I do think that even many of those that don't post in the RPC still know of this place or visit occasionally.


I am sure you will get more (and likely better) answers! Good luck!

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Hello all.   I have been putting off playing this game for a year since it seemed that every time I go to make a character, I can't get onto Balmung and MMOs seem lifeless to me without roleplayers.    I've finally decided to bite the financial bullet and just transfer in instead, haha.


Since I've never gotten very far in the game before I'm pretty much a noob to everything.   Right now I'm running a Highlander who is more than a bit of a vagabond.  I should be able to transfer him in tomorrow (the 3-day wait will be up) so I can't wait to meet everyone.


Nice to meet y'all.


I think you are quickly finding out that this Community is extremely welcoming and perhaps we will get the opportunity to meet in game, even if it is a random encounter (I really do love those). Also many people transfer to Balmung and its probably due to the fact its really focused on RP Development and has become known for doing just that.

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