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Calling all Dragoon roleplayers or friends! Dragoon jumping?


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I'm very curious about this, obviously we are in a fantasy world but my curiosity was peeked on just how fantasy people go with this.


How do you preform jumps in roleplay? Like a fully trained, or drop out dragoon; anything. I'm very curious,  I've known people who claim they can leap the length of a building straight up and the like.


How do you all see it/roleplay it? Cheese it up? Because why the hell not? Try to dumb it down a bit? Explain it with some air magic? Idk I'm just curious what the community feels about it.

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If I recall correctly, there was actually a thread a while back that kind of went into how Dragoons jump pretty in-depth. It was mostly fanon theorycrafting, though, as nothing really states how the technique is performed. I believe ideas ranged from a Samurai Jack-style "No, jump good." to possibly utilizing personal aether focused on one's legs.

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I've seen someone mention (I can't recall who) that they work around the recently added restriction to Dragoon numbers by saying they are able to jump similarly to a Dragoon by way of their lance housing Air aspected crystals.

Ah yeah I forgot about that new limited numbers thing. The jumping 'knowledge/ability?' would probably be housed in the soulstone right? So I assume you would need something else to allow you to do it now. Though I think I recalled reading somewhere that Dragoons are buried with their soulstones? I wonder how many of them get to keep their stones. 


But thank you thats an interesting thought. I contemplated that as well, like focusing aether or an air aspect and using that to assist in the jump.

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If I recall correctly, there was actually a thread a while back that kind of went into how Dragoons jump pretty in-depth. It was mostly fanon theorycrafting, though, as nothing really states how the technique is performed. I believe ideas ranged from a Samurai Jack-style "No, jump good." to possibly utilizing personal aether focused on one's legs.

I had to go back and find that clip, gods I loved that show.


But thats 2/2 for aether focus. I wish I could find that thread I would've loved to read it. Gonna haft to dig. *gets out the miner helmet*

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I'm not too well versed on Dragoon lore, but I don't believe their Soulstones are buried with them. That would defeat the purpose of Soulstones in the first place, which are designed to convey the collective skills/knowledge of the past holders to the new holder. I believe when a Dragoon goes off active duty they surrender their stone to the Holy See for safekeeping.

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I'm not too well versed on Dragoon lore, but I don't believe their Soulstones are buried with them. That would defeat the purpose of Soulstones in the first place, which are designed to convey the collective skills/knowledge of the past holders to the new holder. I believe when a Dragoon goes off active duty they surrender their stone to the Holy See for safekeeping.

I thought I read something about burial but it could honestly have been an earth shard or something of the sort Im speaking of and considering I can't find it I'll haft to assume that was it AHA :lol: That begs my question then, can a person even do any of the things they learned once the stone is gone? I suppose this is a point of speculation in the community and is more  of a 'however you feel' situation?

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I'm not too well versed on Dragoon lore, but I don't believe their Soulstones are buried with them. That would defeat the purpose of Soulstones in the first place, which are designed to convey the collective skills/knowledge of the past holders to the new holder. I believe when a Dragoon goes off active duty they surrender their stone to the Holy See for safekeeping.

I thought I read something about burial but it could honestly have been an earth shard or something of the sort Im speaking of and considering I can't find it I'll haft to assume that was it AHA :lol: That begs my question then, can a person even do any of the things they learned once the stone is gone? I suppose this is a point of speculation in the community and is more  of a 'however you feel' situation?


It depends a lot on the job lore. For a lot of jobs we don't really know but for some like Black Mage, we know that some of their most powerful spells will burn them from the inside if they even try to cast them. For the Machinist for example, the stone is also the aetherial catalyst acting as a bridge between the body reserves and the aetherotransformer. For the Dark Knight, the soulstone is also the gate to their dark persona (left very vague and a lot of personal interpretation on that one).

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/spineshatter dives into thread.


-Dragoon Lore Compilation

-Soul Crystal Lore Compilation


Heavensward Leves filed under the Order of the Knights Dragoon training does make some mention about the Knight Dragoon learning jumping techniques, but does not say how. However, an interesting tidbit on the Wind-up Kain minion is that in order to make the automaton jump high, the crafters lined the springs with wind crystals. Perhaps they got the idea from the Knights Dragoon?


Among the aspiring Knights Dragoon are a talented few who practice jumping attacks in equipment crafted from adamantite' date=' the weight of which will help them to crush a dragon's skull as an eggshell. Alas, one such youth misstepped during his training and landed among the crags, breaking both his legs and armor in the impact. Though his injuries will heal, he requires a new pair of leg guards, and I would entrust none other but a skilled craftsman with the task.[/quote']

The tale of Kain - the dragoon who abandoned his duty for honor - is well-known amongst Ishgardian children. To maximize height on his jumps' date=' the craftsman of his clockwork automaton lined the main control springs with over-aspected wind crystals.[/quote']

A dragoon's signature technique' date=' Jump targets a dragon where it is most vulnerable. Leaping high into the air, the dragoon shifts his posture at the apex of the jump so that the full weight of his body adds power to the plunging thrust.[/quote']


As for the soul crystal, I wasn't able to find any indication that retired dragoons bury their soul crystal, though it is possible because they do bury their Drachen Mail at the site of their most glorious battle with the Horde. What I was able to find was dialogue from Alberic saying he had no idea why he kept his soul crystal and that the soul crystal could be used to remove the wards upon buried Drachen Mail caches. (The wards are there to prevent pilfering.)


You may labor to believe it' date=' but there can be no mistake. The Soul of the Dragoon I bear glows in your presence - irrefutable proof that you are chosen. What I can ill explain, however, is the why of it. Never before in Ishgard's long history has the Eye roused to more than one individual in a single generation. But it avails us naught to cudgel our brains about it. The fact of the matter is that you are now a vessel for the power of the dragon. That dragon lies yet in slumber, however, and you must needs possess the means to wake it: the Soul of the Dragoon. I would entrust you with mine, Sounsyy. Like Estinien, I once ruled the skies as the Azure Dragoon, although that power has since become lost to me. It was simply by force of habit that I have hitherto kept the soul upon my person.[/quote']

Behold the drachen mail' date=' forged in the lifeblood of dragons. As blood calls to blood, so too does the armor call to the dragon within, redoubling the Azure Dragoon’s strength thereby. When an Azure Dragoon hangs up his lance, ancient custom decrees that he seal away his drachen mail at the fields of his valor. You must journey to such places and claim the armor for yourself. Your Soul of the Dragoon will serve as the key to lifting the seals.[/quote']


I also couldn't find a reference to any other dragoon besides the Azure Dragoon having a soul crystal, though that's not to say it's not possible. For instance, many dragoons wear the drachen mail and all are gifted a Gae Bolg, so when they die or retire, is their armor not also sealed in the fields of their valor? Would the seal require a soul crystal? So would all graduates of the Order of the Knights Dragoon training be gifted a soul of the dragoon to be a mark of their order? That seems most likely.


/elusive jumps out.

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Estinien seems to say that the Azure Dragoon buries his drachen mail, but I don't see any mention of other dragoons? It seems to me it's a specific thing to the Azure, but maybe I missed something between the lines.. Huh

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If I'm reading that last quote right, that seems about right specifically for the Azure Dragoon. It's not so much "burying" it, though, as placing it behind various wards and seals to be retrieved by whoever might next take up the mantle. It's basically "resetting" the puzzle for the next challenger once he steps down.


... Though, if there's only one drachen mail specifically for the Azure Dragoon, you'd wonder how you'd ever actually have more than one (which is what happens in the DRG chain due to WoL Special Snowflakeyness).


As for the other Dragoons, I suppose it could either way. On the one hand, perhaps they are laid to rest with their armor as a sign of honor and respect. On the other, it could be stripped from them to be used by the next since they apparently were going through them rather quickly and thus can't be squandering resources having to reforge a whole new set of armor for the next Dragoon taking up the role. Maybe a combination of the two? Like, if they die in battle they're buried with their armor, but if they step down or retire they'd have to give it back?


Hard to say, really.

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