Nebbs Posted May 21, 2017 Share #51 Posted May 21, 2017 Too long to read all the posts on what seems a half thought through proposal. 1. Physics and Latency - have one RP server per area, that would make sense. 2. Choice and diversity, thinking you (Balmung) are special and unique, then using that as a reason folks should come to you is a sign it is over I am wondering if there is some fear Balmung will dilute as folks leave, but my view is that there is more than enough to support the NA population. The EU is likely the group who will leave, and that will have zero impact on NA numbers. Link to comment
Strigiforme Posted May 21, 2017 Share #52 Posted May 21, 2017 and the list goes on...these are the issues which should be brought up and considered when thinking between Balmung and another server, because as time goes on, those other issues will happen anywhere as established as Balmung is, and you will find the experience not as unique as you once hoped in your moments of rage, disappointment, and whiteknighting. I entirely agree with the additional issues you listed as being valid problems the server faces. I'm surprised that you describe other people's issues and reactions so derisively because in fact, the things that you listed are actually very directly related to people's experiences feeling isolated, unable to integrate, etc. Large events and little variety of concepts make it very difficult to meet people whose RP fits with yours, thus leading to feelings of invisibility. Hopefully you consider that you might have more in common than you realize. 1 Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #53 Posted May 21, 2017 I am wondering if there is some fear Balmung will dilute as folks leave, but my view is that there is more than enough to support the NA population. The EU is likely the group who will leave, and that will have zero impact on NA numbers. If Balmung remains locked longer than a month or two, Balmung will start to die off, so I understand the concern but it isn't going to happen anytime soon. I'm even concerned about Balmung future (from an player standpoint and from a server stability standpoint) but we need to put that aside right now and help the new folk. We can kick and scream into the aether all day, Balmung ain't opening and there are people who feel stuck because they wanted a home there and have no other option to run to. 2 Link to comment
Momo Posted May 21, 2017 Share #54 Posted May 21, 2017 I find it interesting that those who don't put the effort to try and connect, or don't make themselves known to the point that others can't help them, are here to kick Balmung now that is "down". Alienating Balmung RPers with these one-off instances of anger and personal grievances, isn't doing anyone a favor. To pretend that this is the norm for Balmung is wholly untrue, and to pretend that the time for Balmung RP has somehow passed because some experiences turned people off to it, but in no way make up the way things actually are in reality, is just taking personal attacks and using them to amplify your voices, and it won't go over well. Balmung is still a great RP server, and there is no reason that both RP servers can't exist peacefully together as a community, as they will always be connected, and when they aren't, it doesn't end well. I've been around Balmung for several years now across many characters, in many capacities, across many guilds - including ones I've run, myself. Please don't do this. I have nothing in reply to this, if the advice doesn't fit you that is fine, but the server is filled with opportunity if you take the time to look and don't fall back on your real-world insecurities and willful lack of effort. I find it disturbing that someone saying "Hey Balmung hasn't worked well for me, I don't think I fit in here" is immediately met with stern accusations of "and that is all your fault because you didn't try hard enough." That isn't always the case, I am just saying that is one of the more common reasons we see on RPC of all places. The world is filled with experiences and groups to explore, connecting to that and navigating it takes time and is a learning experience, but is by no means hard to find with some digging in a research. I agree I wasn't clear, I apologize about that. Except I can probably guarantee most people here have had an experience like that. I'd put money on it because I actually communicate with these people - here, on the game, and on Tumblr. Go to the Void and you'll see people constantly talking about all of these things and their experiences. Does this mean Balmung is a bad server? Of course not. But don't invalidate these things just because it's an uncomfortable reality. When you have that many people on one server, you bring the bad with the good. The Void as a positive point...right, and Tumblr with its many legs to stand on as each RPC member follows the other RPC members, and ends up getting stuck in much the same circles and loops as most despise about the RPC and the main reasons it is called toxic. I interact with people in game all day and night, and in my many groups? These things aren't common, so maybe each person needs to assess their connections, and weed out the roots between those groups to have the same mostly peaceful and calm experience that I would say is probably the more like experience. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #55 Posted May 21, 2017 Please don't imply my connections are somehow toxic. I love the connections I've made on this server thank you, and some of those people I've known over 10 years. And the void actually does have meaningful conversation, it isn't all trolling. You think anecdotal evidence isn't evidence but then use your own anecdotes to try to prove everyone wrong. 1 Link to comment
Momo Posted May 21, 2017 Share #56 Posted May 21, 2017 and the list goes on...these are the issues which should be brought up and considered when thinking between Balmung and another server, because as time goes on, those other issues will happen anywhere as established as Balmung is, and you will find the experience not as unique as you once hoped in your moments of rage, disappointment, and whiteknighting. I entirely agree with the additional issues you listed as being valid problems the server faces. I'm surprised that you describe other people's issues and reactions so derisively because in fact, the things that you listed are actually very directly related to people's experiences feeling isolated, unable to integrate, etc. Large events and little variety of concepts make it very difficult to meet people whose RP fits with yours, thus leading to feelings of invisibility. Hopefully you consider that you might have more in common than you realize. Oh no, I know these are connected, but I decide to take the realistic route of saying that "There is no RP anywhere" "Everyone is only looking for ERP" and "And someone skipped our RP date" as false characterizations of that consequence. Simple observations of people and places like RPC and its inhabitants, can show true to form, how those members and the groups they interact within, ultimately take a subject and look at it, and from opinions on it. If you come to RPC and find the most dramatic members, and the most toxic people, who may have connections, but whose connections are mired in people like themselves, and then get disappointed by the result, you have no one to blame but yourself. (not necessarily you, but the general "yourself") AGAIN to clarify, I support the formation of another server, and the fight for a single or two RP servers sanctioned officially by SE, BUT AGAIN, if you have a personal problem, realize that if that personal problem isn't due to the server itself and is just a general problem that can happen in any RP group, because to do otherwise would be disingenuous, and a year from now when a bunch of people come to say that Mateus is "full of ERPers (heavens forbid), stalkers, and lonely folks forced out by society", you may be the one that sent them there thinking this would never happen to them. Comparisons in this arena aren't adding to the server debates, they are misrepresenting Balmung as a unique devious place which breeds only more distaste between the servers that may spring up. Link to comment
EliBallard Posted May 21, 2017 Share #57 Posted May 21, 2017 Nothing will "kill Balmung" and that isn't the issue people should be focusing on. In fact, it's people coming in here to whine about that that takes away from the actual problem with the server lock, which is the people outside Balmung. Please stop making this about Balmung, nothing will happen, it will not die. A new community is a good thing, if you're arguing that people are hurting the community by not all forcing themselves onto Balmung (while forcing them to pay money to do so) is ignorant and selfish. Please consider the people locked out and actually affected by this and don't turn it into a stupid "BALMUNG IS DYING" thread. 3 Link to comment
Dravus Posted May 21, 2017 Share #58 Posted May 21, 2017 Well, if nothing else I feel like the counterpoints raised have simply been solidified further by the dismissive responses and finger pointing. I don't believe anybody was claiming that Balmung is a lost cause, merely that it doesn't work for everybody and that expecting everybody to come together and bond over sharing the same server is unlikely to amount to much at all. Even before the recent controversy over the server being locked down completely there have been pockets of role-players settling elsewhere. Now those pockets stand to gain more prominence - especially Mateus, as that is quickly becoming a viable alternative for many of those disillusioned with Balmung. That's a good thing. Having viable alternatives is far, far healthier than expecting that everybody comes together on the same server. Even if it doesn't work out for whatever's much better to try than to allow a flawed status quo to continue. 1 Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #59 Posted May 21, 2017 Nothing will "kill Balmung" and that isn't the issue people should be focusing on. In fact, it's people coming in here to whine about that that takes away from the actual problem with the server lock, which is the people outside Balmung. Please stop making this about Balmung, nothing will happen, it will not die. A new community is a good thing, if you're arguing that people are hurting the community by not all forcing themselves onto Balmung (while forcing them to pay money to do so) is ignorant and selfish. Please consider the people locked out and actually affected by this and don't turn it into a stupid "BALMUNG IS DYING" thread. True, Balmung isn't dying within the next 3-4 months. It does suck that new players who are starting because Stormblood is coming won't be able to join us on Balmung, but with the release of the expansion we are going to be OVERFULL for a few months. Worrying about Balmung's future doesn't change the fact that currently, presently, there are a bunch of people with no where to go. Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #60 Posted May 21, 2017 Nothing will "kill Balmung" and that isn't the issue people should be focusing on. In fact, it's people coming in here to whine about that that takes away from the actual problem with the server lock, which is the people outside Balmung. Please stop making this about Balmung, nothing will happen, it will not die. A new community is a good thing, if you're arguing that people are hurting the community by not all forcing themselves onto Balmung (while forcing them to pay money to do so) is ignorant and selfish. Please consider the people locked out and actually affected by this and don't turn it into a stupid "BALMUNG IS DYING" thread. Overlooking inflammatory language again (try omitting it sometime). The real solution to help new RPers locked out lies in one of the following: (1) Convincing SE to lift the server transfer restriction; or (2) Convincing SE to designate an official RP server. We're not helping new RPers by creating yet another fragmented "unofficial" RP server that will never obtain a population capable of sustaining a diverse community (this has failed countless times before for the reasons stated in the OP). Players on the smaller servers should welcome the newcomers, but migrating to the central RP hub (wherever it will be) should be in the end game. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #61 Posted May 21, 2017 SE is going to do neither. There is no "convincing" here. We tried to get an RP server designated when 2.0 was launching and they said they would consider it and decided against it. In fact I remember them saying they wanted the community to decide and I doubt they'll change their stance on that. We can TRY, I know Nero did in fact put that suggestion on the official forums. There was no word from SE. We need to hope for the best, but EXPECT that they won't, and therefore need a plan. 1 Link to comment
Kage Posted May 21, 2017 Share #62 Posted May 21, 2017 This may sound callous, but I honestly think that one of the better routes is that whatever 'server' is chosen outside of Balmung (most likely by the player base), that a large amount of other communities from the other servers feel welcomed and encouraged to also bring their communities as well. I think it would be the most robust choice. It would already have those with track records of being content creators and so forth, leaders to also help support other leaders so that the chances of fatigue and whatnot leading to some fracture would be lower. It's honestly why I want more dialogue and incentives. More thoughts and discussions. Being able to have free transfers, reimbursements and so forth would help. And that's also why I encourage people to also let Square Enix know, realistically, what people would like to see to be able to transfer. Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #63 Posted May 21, 2017 SE is going to do neither. There is no "convincing" here. We tried to get an RP server designated when 2.0 was launching and they said they would consider it and decided against it. In fact I remember them saying they wanted the community to decide and I doubt they'll change their stance on that. We can TRY, I know Nero did in fact put that suggestion on the official forums. There was no word from SE. We need to hope for the best, but EXPECT that they won't, and therefore need a plan. How do you know this? None of us know what SE would or would not do. I certainly think our chances would be better if even 10% of FFXIV roleplayers made a concerted effort to request SE to designate an official RP server! Nero did a great job posting this issue to the official forums (see my OP for the link), and we should be working to support the proposal to designate an official RP server. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #64 Posted May 21, 2017 I know because we've done it before. We actually got word to the higher ups about an RP server from some of the connections we had back then. Their response was "We want the community to decide what is or what isn't" How do you know they'll listen? Because all of us at the RPC at the time threw our weight into that. I have evidence they won't, you have no evidence they will. Link to comment
Val Posted May 21, 2017 Share #65 Posted May 21, 2017 SE is going to do neither. There is no "convincing" here. We tried to get an RP server designated when 2.0 was launching and they said they would consider it and decided against it. In fact I remember them saying they wanted the community to decide and I doubt they'll change their stance on that. We can TRY, I know Nero did in fact put that suggestion on the official forums. There was no word from SE. We need to hope for the best, but EXPECT that they won't, and therefore need a plan. How do you know this? None of us know what SE would or would not do. I certainly think our chances would be better if even 10% of FFXIV roleplayers made a concerted effort to request SE to designate an official RP server! Nero did a great job posting this issue to the official forums (see my OP for the link), and we should be working to support the proposal to designate an official RP server. The point is that 10%--and more--of XIV RPers have already made a concerted effort to request them to designate a server. You're assuming your importance is far beyond anything than it actually is. I'm sure they may (and already have) consider it, but with the expansion, server move, and other bugs/game issues making a new server specifically for a very small percentage of the population is not going to be on the top of their list. I doubt it even makes top 10, meaning you can fuss and scream and whine and yell as much as you want but it isn't going to get it done any faster. 2 Link to comment
Kage Posted May 21, 2017 Share #66 Posted May 21, 2017 Based on my conversations with people that I know, I would think that they are not going to lift the restrictions and that they don't understand the -why- and importance of there being an 'official designated RP hub. The 'community' will do it. Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #67 Posted May 21, 2017 I know because we've done it before. We actually got word to the higher ups about an RP server from some of the connections we had back then. Their response was "We want the community to decide what is or what isn't" How do you know they'll listen? Because all of us at the RPC at the time threw our weight into that. I have evidence they won't, you have no evidence they will. Your information is not evidence. It is as much speculation as the proposition of SE creating RP servers. Times change and circumstances are different, as shown by the size of Balmung's RP population today. You under-estimate the ability of angry consumers to demand and receive the changes they request. SE's opinions towards RP have become more receptive, as demonstrated by the RP tag. I don't think either of us can say with any degree of certainty what SE will ultimately do, but taking steps to convince them to designate an official RP server certainly doesn't hurt our chances. Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #68 Posted May 21, 2017 SE is going to do neither. There is no "convincing" here. We tried to get an RP server designated when 2.0 was launching and they said they would consider it and decided against it. In fact I remember them saying they wanted the community to decide and I doubt they'll change their stance on that. We can TRY, I know Nero did in fact put that suggestion on the official forums. There was no word from SE. We need to hope for the best, but EXPECT that they won't, and therefore need a plan. How do you know this? None of us know what SE would or would not do. I certainly think our chances would be better if even 10% of FFXIV roleplayers made a concerted effort to request SE to designate an official RP server! Nero did a great job posting this issue to the official forums (see my OP for the link), and we should be working to support the proposal to designate an official RP server. The point is that 10%--and more--of XIV RPers have already made a concerted effort to request them to designate a server. You're assuming your importance is far beyond anything than it actually is. I'm sure they may (and already have) consider it, but with the expansion, server move, and other bugs/game issues making a new server specifically for a very small percentage of the population is not going to be on the top of their list. I doubt it even makes top 10, meaning you can fuss and scream and whine and yell as much as you want but it isn't going to get it done any faster. That's strange. I haven't seen this effort. Outside of Nero and perhaps 15 RPers who made posts in support of his thread, I haven't seen any other type of effort recently to convince SE to designate an official RP server (because it has not been needed). Slapping a tag on a new server that says costs minimal resources, and if enough consumers are asking for it -- SE will likely oblige. That's what happens when consumers "fuss" and "whine" about things [aka: make reasonable requests]. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #69 Posted May 21, 2017 Yo I hate to tell you but "precedent"- which is "an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances." - is admissible in the court of law so I would say I have some evidence to stand on here. I can sight precedent, you can sight a wing and a prayer. 1 Link to comment
Val Posted May 21, 2017 Share #70 Posted May 21, 2017 I know because we've done it before. We actually got word to the higher ups about an RP server from some of the connections we had back then. Their response was "We want the community to decide what is or what isn't" How do you know they'll listen? Because all of us at the RPC at the time threw our weight into that. I have evidence they won't, you have no evidence they will. You under-estimate the ability of angry consumers to demand and receive the changes they request. SE's opinions towards RP have become more reception, as demonstrated by the RP tag. It's this alone that makes gamers into the entitled, pretentious pricks that they are today---to the point that a lot of them have become insufferable. Well, maybe not a lot, but the vocal majority certainly are. Companies don't owe people anything unless they thoroughly screw something up. And even to that note, when a majority of consumers demand something you are likely to see it. RPers in XIV are not the majority. I'd argue they're hardly even a fraction. 1 Link to comment
Val Posted May 21, 2017 Share #71 Posted May 21, 2017 SE is going to do neither. There is no "convincing" here. We tried to get an RP server designated when 2.0 was launching and they said they would consider it and decided against it. In fact I remember them saying they wanted the community to decide and I doubt they'll change their stance on that. We can TRY, I know Nero did in fact put that suggestion on the official forums. There was no word from SE. We need to hope for the best, but EXPECT that they won't, and therefore need a plan. How do you know this? None of us know what SE would or would not do. I certainly think our chances would be better if even 10% of FFXIV roleplayers made a concerted effort to request SE to designate an official RP server! Nero did a great job posting this issue to the official forums (see my OP for the link), and we should be working to support the proposal to designate an official RP server. The point is that 10%--and more--of XIV RPers have already made a concerted effort to request them to designate a server. You're assuming your importance is far beyond anything than it actually is. I'm sure they may (and already have) consider it, but with the expansion, server move, and other bugs/game issues making a new server specifically for a very small percentage of the population is not going to be on the top of their list. I doubt it even makes top 10, meaning you can fuss and scream and whine and yell as much as you want but it isn't going to get it done any faster. That's strange. I haven't seen this effort. Outside of Nero and perhaps 15 RPers who made posts in support of his thread, I haven't seen any other type of effort recently to convince SE to designate an official RP server (because it has not been needed). Slapping a tag on a new server that says costs minimal resources, and if enough consumers are asking for it -- SE will likely oblige. That's what happens when consumers "fuss" and "whine" about things [aka: make reasonable requests]. But nothing you're saying is remotely reasonable. "I haven't seen this effort" - it's been a request since the game went live. I can't help that you never saw the various threads. "Slapping a tag on a new server costs minimal resources" - no. No it doesn't. That's not how this works. 1 Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #72 Posted May 21, 2017 Yo I hate to tell you but "precedent"- which is "an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances." - is admissible in the court of law so I would say I have some evidence to stand on here. I can sight precedent, you can sight a wing and a prayer. Precedent is actually not evidence (it's a form of legal authority). You're probably referring to evidence of a past tendency or occurrence, which has questionable evidentiary value -- especially when the times and facts change. And boy are they different now than in 2.0. The fact of the matter is no one knows what SE will do in terms of designated an official RP server. But the more people who request for them to designate an official RP server, the more likely they will be to do such a thing. Link to comment
EliBallard Posted May 21, 2017 Share #73 Posted May 21, 2017 Nothing will "kill Balmung" and that isn't the issue people should be focusing on. In fact, it's people coming in here to whine about that that takes away from the actual problem with the server lock, which is the people outside Balmung. Please stop making this about Balmung, nothing will happen, it will not die. A new community is a good thing, if you're arguing that people are hurting the community by not all forcing themselves onto Balmung (while forcing them to pay money to do so) is ignorant and selfish. Please consider the people locked out and actually affected by this and don't turn it into a stupid "BALMUNG IS DYING" thread. Overlooking inflammatory language again (try omitting it sometime). The real solution to help new RPers locked out lies in one of the following: (1) Convincing SE to lift the server transfer restriction; or (2) Convincing SE to designate an official RP server. We're not helping new RPers by creating yet another fragmented "unofficial" RP server that will never obtain a population capable of sustaining a diverse community (this has failed countless times before for the reasons stated in the OP). Players on the smaller servers should welcome the newcomers, but migrating to the central RP hub (wherever it will be) should be in the end game. So, while we're 'convincing Square Enix' the people who want to RP now are fucked. No, that's not a solution. You need to stop and listen to reason because you're just ignoring anyone who doesn't agree with you. 1 Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #74 Posted May 21, 2017 I know because we've done it before. We actually got word to the higher ups about an RP server from some of the connections we had back then. Their response was "We want the community to decide what is or what isn't" How do you know they'll listen? Because all of us at the RPC at the time threw our weight into that. I have evidence they won't, you have no evidence they will. You under-estimate the ability of angry consumers to demand and receive the changes they request. SE's opinions towards RP have become more reception, as demonstrated by the RP tag. It's this alone that makes gamers into the entitled, pretentious pricks that they are today---to the point that a lot of them have become insufferable. Well, maybe not a lot, but the vocal majority certainly are. Companies don't owe people anything unless they thoroughly screw something up. And even to that note, when a majority of consumers demand something you are likely to see it. RPers in XIV are not the majority. I'd argue they're hardly even a fraction. Requesting for developers to implement changes that will improve the game for a substantial amount of users doesn't make someone a "entitled, pretentious prick." Asking for a RP server -- which will take almost no resources -- isn't unreasonable. RPers are not the majority. But we are a substantial number of players, and it is reasonable for RPers to desire an official, designated server, as shown by the number of MMORPGS that support such a thing. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #75 Posted May 21, 2017 Asking isn't unreasonable, expecting is. We need to come up with a plan that's not "Let's wait and see" and if they do decide to make an RP server we then change direction. Waiting and seeing is not helping those people who are stuck right now. 1 Link to comment
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