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Returning Player LF Friends and or Romance?!


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Hey everyone, 


I recently returned from a very long hiatus from gaming and now focused on building up some roots around my character. I have redone my character since I have been away so long. I have been lurking here and found some wonderful people but I would like to remake my friend list with new people. Long-term partnership would be really great. Someone to grind stupid dungeons with and spend time chilling IC would be amazing. I am free most nights from 6pm est to 2am est. 


Arjn Greave is in his mid twenties and is a Midlander Hyur. He has dreams and aspirations to be a Knight one day and is essentially a Knight Errant or Hedge Knight at this time. He travels the land with his companion Hawkspur, a Red Chocobro. Open to meeting anyone to enrich his role-playing experience so don't hesitate to reach out. He doesn't have any earth shattering super powers or magical ability, he is just a man trying to be something better. He also has a love for terrible jokes and bad humor. And puns.  


Friends, Rivals, Contacts, or Love Interests would be more then welcome. Feel free to give me a shout in game or on here. I have found a very cool FC to quest in, but most have their major rp going on. 




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Welcome back to the game! I'm interested in knowing a bit more about your character since the idea of becoming a Knight has me to believe he is going to be all proper and law abiding but when you say puns and bad ones at that I become beyond curious!


I actually am looking for someone as well but I kind of threw up a lot of information/wants in mine. Feel free to message me in game if you want to chat about the possibility.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, there buddy. Welcome back to the game! I am looking for pals for my Keeper of the Moon and I thought to reach out!


Here are a few quickie notes:


  • ICly, Gehr'ir and the FC I've been piggy-back riding on just arrived in Kugane, but I still want to do RPs in Eorzea to meet new people, since that's where most of my RP takes place with him.
  • I am consistently available between 11:30pm and 4am EST. On my days off, I have a much earlier availability.
  • Gehr'ir is nomadic and travels the land with nothing but the rucksack and the clothes on his back. He is often on his own, but it is not uncommon for a friend to be close by either.
  • I recently jumped on the witch bandwagon but Gehri'r is still incredibly green with his family's tribal magics. He meditates often, and his source of power is faith-based. It is something he generally practices in solitude, however.

[align=center]:chocobo: [/align]

Gehr'ir likes to be friendly with people's chocobos when he thinks no one is looking, so that's something he could get caught doing! Hearing of his dreams to be a Knight would help inspire him and his own dreams too, and they could share some stories around a campfire. Gehr'ir is a great friend to have if you're someone who doesn't spend too much time in cities (he has a hard time fitting in with urban culture), but his knowledge of the wilderness and skills in survival are top notch. I bet Arjin could even learn a thing or two!


If you would like to learn more, I have an RPC and a Tumblr page as well. I will try adding you in-game when I get home tonight after work. Have a wonderful day, pal.

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[align=justify]First, let me start by saying WELCOME BACK in the most obnoxious way possible because I'm in a solid mood. ^^; 


While I can't currently offer romance from my delightfully racist Raen, I can offer some long-term, semi-casual RP (and be semi-casual I mean she might try to convince him to investigate some dangerous ruins from time to time, but I'm alright with little meet-ups here and there in major cities and "flavor of life" RP) if your character doesn't mind the occasional sneer or disdainful response to the behavior of Western-born men and women (she's a work in progress). 

Your availability works out pretty well with my own schedule as I am generally around until about midnight-one am CST; and I'm usually pretty open to meeting new people with Akeno.


I'll do my very best to look for you in-game and pop over a whisper should you be without a flag for something. I know the perfect person to introduce you to for puns. Specifically bad ones. [/align]

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Hey, I think I remember you coming to one of my LS events! (I was playing Trade Chevalier at the time, the boastful Au Ra who was telling a "totally true story" around the campfire.)


Best of luck to you in your RP-finding endeavors, and thank you for humoring Trade even though he's an idiot.

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