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Legacy Server Update for Beta 3 Phase 2


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Quoted for great justice:


 In order to facilitate the testing of character transfers from Version 1.0, as well as server stability, new characters cannot be created on Legacy Worlds. After carefully monitoring server traffic and congestion, this restriction will be lifted when these Worlds are confirmed to be stable.

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The restriction will probably be lifted a few hours after the world comes online. Just wanted everyone to be aware of the restriction. If players cannot get onto Balmung, I suggest gathering on Gilgamesh again, since it was relatively underpopulated compared to the other servers.

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Same times as last time. I'm honestly not too thrilled to hear that new players can't join the legacy server but it's for testing purposes and only temporary. So I'm not going to be too picky about it. I'll see what people will do. If the majority sticks to balmung, I'll stay there. If not, I'll head back to gilgamesh. Either way is fine.

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Let us also try to remember that this is temporary and at the end of Phase 3 they're going to shake the etch-a-sketch again.


I'm planning to play on Balmung briefly in order to take note of some of the changes and see how the legacy characters ("hollow beings") are regarded by NPC's and if it answers some of the questions we've had.


I'd also like to play with Free Companies a little bit as well to see what that's all about.


I anticipate within a few hours of experimentation on Balmung, I'll be back on Gilgamesh in order to play and RP with everyone else again.  :thumbsup:

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Yes please! I want to see everyone so badly on Gilgamesh! I just quested mostly last week I really. Plus most of my friends had PC issues.Outdated graphics cards n such so i was really lonely last week! /cry but I would LOVE to see some of you!

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My work schedule is going to prevent me from doing much this weekend. I'll be online early Friday and Saturday morning/early afternoon and that's it. So I'll mostly play around with my old characters and explore some more. But I do still have Zarik Sylvora on Gilgamesh just in case~

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Let us also try to remember that this is temporary and at the end of Phase 3 they're going to shake the etch-a-sketch again.


I'm planning to play on Balmung briefly in order to take note of some of the changes and see how the legacy characters ("hollow beings") are regarded by NPC's and if it answers some of the questions we've had.


I'd also like to play with Free Companies a little bit as well to see what that's all about.


I anticipate within a few hours of experimentation on Balmung, I'll be back on Gilgamesh in order to play and RP with everyone else again.  :thumbsup:


My thoughts exactly.:thumbsup:

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My husband got a PS3 and PC code. So we both are in the beta now! I still am experimenting with the game and not to the point where I can give you a character name because I keep changing. I will keep you posted though if anyone wants to say hi. I will be on Gilgamesh though.

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I'm wondering what the "Posted for justice" is referring to. I'm not really surprised that they're restricting it at first to ensure that the transfers worked properly. I plan on logging on to Balmung mostly just to see if there are any more clues to what happened to the time-skippers so I can start RPing. Once I figure that out, I'll be back on Gilgamesh until new players can join us on Balmung.

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People are RPing on Gilgamesh already? I am the last to know.


I'm not sure how busy this weekend will end up being, so I'm just going to play this one by ear. I will definitely at least be checking out actual Rhio on Balmung, though, because it's been too long.

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