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[CRYSTAL DC] Seeking Connections of All Sorts

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EDIT: Brief pause on taking new offers! I've gotten a lot of people contacting me already and am struggling to make time for everyone so until things calm down a bit I'm pausing accepting any further additions. Thank you all for being so welcoming, I look forward to all the RP we'll all get up to ❤️


Hello all! Now that I've finished getting all their profiles looking all pretty I figured I'd make a post here to offer myself up for some potentional new RP partners! I primarily play on the Balmung server (but have a char on Mateus as well) and am pretty much open to RPing with anyone on the Crystal Data Center now that world visits are a thing. I'm also open to Discord RP (if not prefer it at times), and I probably could be talked into RPing in PMs here on the forums if needed. So plenty of options available as far as RP venues go!


All my specific OOC info as well as a nice handy quick link list to my char's profiles can be found at https://ariaooc.carrd.co/

Please give it a read over before you respond here or contact me, thank you!


While you can get to my char's profiles from that link above as well, for the sake of this post I'll list each of them individually with a little blurb and what I'm looking for each just for a quick glance under spoilers so the post isn't too crazy long. Visit their profiles linked next to their name for more detailed info!


 Cetah Naras - https://cetah.carrd.co/




A sweet, energetic Keeper girl with a passion for exploration, fashion, and sweets. Young and still finding her place in the world, she's really only been out on her own and away from her clan for a few years at this point and is eager to see all there is to see and meet all sorts of people.


Looking for a long-term romantic partner (either gender, but heavy lean towards males), exploring buddies, friends to have tea parties with and talk about fashion, meeting people of all types, and really just friendship and socializing in general.



M'kaiko Raesho - https://mkaiko.carrd.co/



A bold, confident Seeker who has lived most of her life as a refugee on the Ul'dahn streets, originally from Gyr Albania. Always ready for a good time whether that involves booze, a thrilling bit of combat, good company, or any mix of the above! A very multi-talented woman and jack of all trades that will take on most types of work as long a the pay is good.


Looking for possible romantic partners of any gender (though ones that can share, as she's non-monogamous and doesn't intend to change that for anyone anytime soon), casual flings, people to work for (escort, bodyguarding, scouting, delivery, any other number of thing, she'll take on most jobs if she thinks she can handle it and the pay is good), drinking buddies, sparring partners, and friendship in general. Also open to possible long lost family, as there are still a few living members of her small Marmot tribe that was mostly wiped out by Imperials floating around in the world.




Rose Typhoon - https://roset.carrd.co/





A strong, confident Hellguard who is a lot more then meets the eye. While she loves herself a good fight she's equally comfortable using her hands to punch as she is to create. A talented craftswoman of multiple disciplines she enjoys working hard and making cool things for herself and those around her. More well spoken then most expect when they first look at her and pretty good at dishing out advice when warranted she's a good and steadfast friend to have on your side, and a not so fun enemy to have to contend with.


Looking for possible romantic partner(s) (preferably female), drinking buddies, people to craft stuff for, fellow craftsmen to talk shop with, sparring buddies, people to go exploring with, and general friendship or possibly even rivalry/enemies. Also open to the possibility of long lost family as she originally came from a pretty big one that scattered across the globe.



Yisugei Dotharl - https://yisugei.carrd.co/




A wandering minstrel Xaela male who while still enjoying the thrill of combat much like his fellow tribesman, also finds great joy in music and sharing his with the world. Seemingly calm and collected on the surface he's generally a kind face to those he meets and is always willing to lend an ear to listen to other's troubles, or offer them a song to soothe their minds.


Looking for possible romantic partner(s) (either gender, though relationships may be fleeting with him), people to perform for/share his music with, fellow musicians to connect with, venues to possibly perform at, people in need of a good listener that he can lend his ear to, sparring partners, archery-based work, and friendship in general. Also of course always open to RPing out any tribe/family like relationships with fellow Dotharl players!



Hitsu Kaisuri - https://hitsu.carrd.co/




A brash, rough around the edges Raen Lancer who speaks it like it is and can come off a bit mean to those upon first meeting. Whether this is because she's actually a mean person or just really bad at understanding how her straight forward attitude comes off to people is anyone's guess. When she does get close to someone and they get past her initially rough exterior most find her to be a very steadfast ally, even if she's really bad at being comfortable or kind in any regard. If you can handle a straight shooter who lacks a considerable amount of empathy then she's the ally for you.


Looking for a possible romantic partner (either gender. She might be a bit tsundere [with a touch of yandere] so beware, haha.), sparring partners, rivals/enemies (she makes a lot of them with that personality of hers), fellow adventurers to take down strong foes with, and generally interactions with people of all types even if said interactions may not always end positively! 



Kihruh Churabe - https://kihruh.carrd.co/




An incredibly eccentric and super freckly ginger Keeper girl who often seems to have her head up in the clouds. The type to burst out with the most random ideas or thoughts and generally finds herself attracted to all matter of things unordinary and out of the norm. An energetic ball of enthusiasm for life she's pretty fun to be around though she certainly keeps things interesting as you never quite know what you're going to get out of her! She is often accompanied by her tall, imposing Xaela Boyfriend.


Looking for friendship, possible family/clan ties (Churabe is a clan I'm kinda trying to put together though I don't have much on it yet so am happy to possibly brainstorm with someone else who would like to make one!), adventuring buddies, meeting those also interested in the weird and the crazy in the world and can put up with her eccentric personality, and generally just interactions of any sort.



While I'm happy to RP any of the above characters and creating lasting relationships for them, the first two, Cetah and Kaiko, are my mains and as such the ones I have the most focus on and am the most hopeful to find good, strong, long-lasting RP partnerships for (friendship, romantic, or otherwise.)


Please look them over and if you think you have any chars you'd like to throw at mine just respond here, shoot me a PM, or see my contact info on my OOC site linked above. Thanks for looking!

Edited by ariaAnomaly
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