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The Spectrum Guard (Inactive)

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[align=center]You are not alone.[/align]



Many of us have known what's it's like to be alone. We seek to fight the chains of loneliness. By the grace of the Twelve, we have found each other, and we now champion the bonds of friendship as the Spectrum Guard.


The Spectral Guard are a group of friends and comrades who gathered together to champion tolerance, acceptance, and have a good time. Out of character, we are a group of LGBT/Friendly people who enjoy RP. We're not a strict organization. We ask that you be friendly and accepting.


If you're interested, check out our site at http://spectrumguard.enjin.com/home.  Our officers are Corin Winterborne (Captain) and Gerik Aston (Vice Captain).


The Spectrum Guard maintains a headquarters & lounge in Camp Bronze Lake.


Quick note: You (IC/OOC) do not have the be LGBT to join our linkshell, just a roleplayer. We ask that you understand and accept the fact that the majority of us are



Random  beefcake shot!

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Ooh. I've never heard of a LGBT guild before. That's wonderful! For some reason I never thought those existed. I suppose because not a lot of game allow for gay marriages, thus equating to LGBT guilds didn't exist either.


Hope to apply some time.

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Glad to see this concept out there. I am joining Knights of the Twelve but would def hang with you guys. And if this is a linkshell join it as well.


We are starting off as just a linkshell.  Depending on member interest, we may form into a Free Company if we have the numbers & desire.  But the Linkshell will always remain our primary IC communication tool, and members of the linkshell who are in different Free Companies won't be forced to join ours if we do become a Free Company..

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Well, as you've said it's primarily an RP linkshell for the time being, I'd like very much to be a part of this!  Where I'm personally a straight individual I have no troubles or concerns with people loving and being attracted to who they darn well want to be attracted to!  I also find that LGBT groups are some of the most accepting and fun people to hang around.


I've actually kind of gone out of my way in DC Universe Online to find a LGBT group to roll with!  Shame I don't play that game anymore tho.


ANYHOW, if you're willin' to have a bratty miqo'te in your mix than I'd love to join up.  If it does become a free company not sure where I'd go then, I'm sorta hoping that the Knights of the Twelve pick me up, their style suits mine super well..so yeah.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We're going to be having an OOC Linkshell meeting on Saturday over Skype.  We'll be going over our plans for the future when the game launches.  If you're interested in us, this would be a good chance to see what we're all about.  It'll be Saturday at 3pm over a Skype Chat (no voice).  If you want to check us out, give me a PM, and I'll add you to the list.


Feel free to register and check out our forums at http://spectrumguard.enjin.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'd very much like to join on my Seeker of the Sun, C'thaniel Nunh. He's not my major PvE character, but definitely one I'd love to RP as. Anywho, I joined the forum, and stuff, but haven't filled the literal application because I suppose I'm lacking a nomination. Heh-heh...

That's all right, if you come to our grand opening Saturday night (the details are on the forum), I'm sure we can find a way to squeeze you in. ;)

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