Mtoto Wamoto Posted July 4, 2013 Share #76 Posted July 4, 2013 FFXIV is SE's love letter to the entire series. We're gonna see a lot of cross overs from the other games and we're gonna have to deal with it. Link to comment
Myal Posted July 4, 2013 Share #77 Posted July 4, 2013 I... detest this. I actually quite like FF XIII, and I don't hate Lightning. But somehow I really, really hate this. Perhaps I just dislike dimension-hopping elements in general. Yes, I know it's not unprecedented and yes, I'm aware that this being FF, there would be a perfectly logical, convoluted, FinalFantasy-ish reason for it to happen. So yes, this might be just an irrational hatred on my part. God I could keep doing this all day. Oh come on, are these really necessary? I am well aware that I need to "deal with it", but these dismissive gloating are not helping. 2 Link to comment
FreelanceWizard Posted July 4, 2013 Share #78 Posted July 4, 2013 I actually don't even completely understand WHY people disliked it. I mean, it had everything that should have made a good game. Interesting revisions of old monsters, gunblades, cute girls, a token black guy, TRANSFORMERS, a baby chocobo, the Soul Calibur, amazing visuals, a decent story, tons of back story and information about the world right in the game. I'll bite, since I didn't really like XIII. I played all the way through to Gran Pulse before giving up, because I disliked it that much. The only other FF game I just outright gave up on was 12. All the rest of the non-MMO ones I've played through to completion, including 2, 3, and 5 *wince*. While I liked the character dynamics and was actually okay with the story in aggregate -- it's an Abyssal Exalted game in disguise -- I really disliked the mechanics and what wasn't in the game. XIII was missing towns, an overworld map (yes, yes, I know you sort of have that in Gran Pulse, but I mean all the time, like in older FFs), and branches and side areas in dungeons (though I realize that's been on the way out since VI). Mechanics-wise, I really didn't like how the Auto was optimal most of the time, how alternate paths in the Crystarium were exceedingly expensive (and unavailable for quite a while), how you could only control one character at a time, how you had to wait until you got quite a ways into the game to even change what character is in the lead or the composition of your party, and how your progression in game was directly affected by how quickly you completed fights (thus reducing the strategy elements you had in the ATB FFs). Also, I thought the break system was annoying, even if the Paradigm system was strategically interesting. The one thing in the plot that really rubbed me the wrong way was... ...after you defeat Barthandelus and you crash into the ruins, and he reveals this was His Master Plan All Along and you need to fight your way out to "get stronger." That's just lazy plot design to get the PCs into a dungeon, IMO. Also, um... it's blasphemy I know, but I don't like Lightning. Fang is much cooler. EDIT: Oh, yeah, on topic. More costumes, hairstyles, and weapon models are good. I'm not a fan of a cash-in promotion that directly brings characters from one FF into this one (as opposed to homages), so I'm curious to see how it's explained in game. Done properly, it could prove to be an interesting lore tidbit, or it could fit entirely into existing lore. Done poorly, yes, it'll twist lore into a knot and promote people from appearing in this game, which is just... not good. Link to comment
Aysun Posted July 4, 2013 Share #79 Posted July 4, 2013 I... detest this. I actually quite like FF XIII, and I don't hate Lightning. But somehow I really, really hate this. Perhaps I just dislike dimension-hopping elements in general. Yes, I know it's not unprecedented and yes, I'm aware that this being FF, there would be a perfectly logical, convoluted, FinalFantasy-ish reason for it to happen. So yes, this might be just an irrational hatred on my part. God I could keep doing this all day. Oh come on, are these really necessary? I am well aware that I need to "deal with it", but these dismissive gloating are not helping. I have to second this. Link to comment
Havoc Snow Posted July 4, 2013 Share #80 Posted July 4, 2013 One thing I feel should be mentioned of course is that we as Roleplayers are somewhat of a minority in the game. I feel that typically there are three groups of people who play MMOs. People who play it just to play it, like any other game, they don't care about the story as much as they care about enjoying the game as a whole. This is, in my experience, the vast majority of players in MMOs; the quest text skippers, hardcore raiders, and character grinders who are focused entirely on endgame and don't really pay much attention to anything before that. Next you have non-roleplayers who do still enjoy the storyline and play the game because of it. They read the quests, they watch the cutscenes, and they immerse themselves into the world. These are the second most common players in games. Lastly you have us, not unlike the last type we enjoy the storyline, we immerse ourselves in the world, and we enjoy the lore. However unlike the last type we live by that lore, we try to make ourselves a part of it, to exist inside of it in some way and so because of that we feel somewhat entitled that the lore will remain consistent. As far as fanservice and cameos go, type 1 won't care at all about it, if anything they'll love it, because to them this is just a game that now has stuff from another game they liked in it. Type 2 may have mixed opinions, on one hand they'll enjoy the fanservice, and many probably won't even care if it breaks lore to add it, but some may feel their immersion is being tampered with, ultimately though most of type 2 will be in the same boat as type 1. Lastly, type 3 (RPers) will feel as if anything that alters or betrays the lore is a complete and utter outrage (or at least many of us will) and will flame and rage against it vehemently. Bare in mind this is just a broad generalization, and not everyone fits into these three categories. Some people exist in their own category, or are a mix of them (like myself, I'm more of a Type 1+3 mix). But the key point is that, type 3 are a major minority in the game, and if they did everything to just appeal to us then they'd be losing money. The best business strategy for SE is to appeal to type 1, and do a little to appeal to Type 2 and 3 in the process. It sucks, but that's the sad reality. Link to comment
Nel Celestine Posted July 4, 2013 Share #81 Posted July 4, 2013 I will do my best to explain how it's possible. Lightning as we know her was in FFXIII. V That version of her was pulled by Cosmos into the FF1 realm of Dissidia (012). V Shantotto from FFXI was brought to Dissidia via a Cavernous Maw V In FFXI we learn the Maws are part of Atomos V Atomos is said to be a tied directly to The Void and other dimensions. Allowing those like Lilith, Lilisette, Gilgamesh and Exdeath in adddition to others the abilitiy pass between worlds through it. V Since Shantotto and Lightning are both in the realm of Dissidia and the Maw is there due to Shantotto's arrival Lightning could enter the maw. V Those same maws appear in around Aetherites during the Seventh Umbral Era V The maws are confirmed in XIV to be Atomos. V Therefore Lightning could pass through the Maw into Eorzea. Link to comment
Kivhi Posted July 4, 2013 Share #82 Posted July 4, 2013 Square pls. Give me my love's outfit Square pls. ;~; I'm not gonna join the long schpeal opinion bandwagon, but I will say I'm going to keep an open mind about the event because I think the idea is baller. I trust that the guys behind the curtain know what they're doing and I'm excited to see how the event will go. 1 Link to comment
Vash Posted July 5, 2013 Share #83 Posted July 5, 2013 I better get my gunblade from her because I want it so badly!And her outfit ill just put on everything but the skirt and there male lightning. Also mind you they might bring back Final fantasy X and X-2 people being as the HD remastered edition is coming out! So I'll get my Tidus outfit woo! Also don't forget X-2 had SO many various outfits and weapons! And if we have a ranger class by than who knows? Maybe you could use yunas gun's? Link to comment
Kari Illderthane Posted July 5, 2013 Share #84 Posted July 5, 2013 I actually wouldn't mind seeing this costume in game but take away the hat and maybe the back thingy too. Link to comment
Xenedra Posted July 5, 2013 Share #85 Posted July 5, 2013 I actually wouldn't mind seeing this costume in game but take away the hat and maybe the back thingy too. AHMG YES Link to comment
Kassandra Dawn Posted July 5, 2013 Share #86 Posted July 5, 2013 oooooo i'd wear Edea's outfit! Link to comment
Folken Posted July 5, 2013 Share #87 Posted July 5, 2013 I'm sorry Nel, but I'm about to debunk you Dissidia ties. The world of dissidia is a mirror realm, the heroes you play as are constructs created by melding the heroes ethereal consciousness with a duplicate body (failed attempts at the merging results in Manikins within the game.) This is all explained within reports in game. Gilgamesh is the only exception to this rule in Duodecim, as he is actually the one and only gilgamesh who happened to stumble upon the realm of Dissidia (Likely drawn by the essence and consciousness of Bartz.) Regardless, Gilgamesh will be making an appearance period in the game. And thus, Dimension hopping is completely canon and plausible (As in generally every FF, especially ones where Gilgamesh make an appearance.) So sadly, some players may not like this Lightning spiel but it kind of comes with the territory of Final Fantasy to be honest. At least with Lightning she has more evidence on her side of the game to support any kind of time travel/dimension travel, as opposed to other less flexible worlds on the subject. Link to comment
Black Posted July 5, 2013 Share #88 Posted July 5, 2013 I'm with Aysun on this one. You know people are going to take this angle and just go crazy with it. Now we'll have people from Azeroth, A galaxy far far away, and people carrying a special ring... Love it! :frustrated: I'll be honest, this angle kinda is a big turn off for me. My enthusiasm has dwindled a lot this week between this and the server squabble. Just know that there will always be people that are like-minded with you around to play with. Don't let it kill your enthusiasm. Would much rather see Clud's outfit from Advent Children in this game. >< Maybe Lulu for reasons unknown to me. it had everything that should have made a good game. Interesting revisions of old monsters, gunblades, cute girls, a token black guy, TRANSFORMERS, a baby chocobo, the Soul Calibur, amazing visuals, a decent story Truth. Cameo =/= interdimensional travel Says who? Where is it written that a cameo has to go by some preset criteria that can't involve interdimensional travel? Perhaps it doesn't suit your tastes that they chose to have the REAL Lightning cameo into the game, rather than just a Hyur with her likeness appearing, but that doesn't make it any less of a cameo. Hell, even Yoshi-P exists in the game in the form of the Wandering Minstrel. What Aysun's saying is that she doesn't want to see every FF character ever interdimensionally travel to this world. She's not saying that eastereggs/nods to past games and such are bad. I'm with Aysun, having it in the lore (not just a silly event) that Cloud Strife is in this world doing Cloud things is just lame. LET'S BRING ALL THE STRONGEST FF CHARACTERS EVER TO THIS WORLD! Yawn~ Bring their costumes? Yeah! That's cool. Lots of points here. I am of two minds on this. I also tend to dislike cross-overs that do not "fit" my sensibilities : Zorro meeting Lone Ranger is a stretch but it fits better than Zorro meeting Superman and Mickey Mouse. I also like to keep it separate. I am a bit of a student of comics and Pop-culture in the US and Japan, although I only got my degree from the "University of Armchairs", I have traveled and pondered the "why" of things. (This is going to get technical and maybe does not pertain to some views or will change them, but I just want to explain something I've seen for a few years.) I think most of us know Japanese tend to adopt things and concepts and change them around in a way that they like. Before a certain period of time, I never saw many dimension-traveling or alternate/parallel-dimension stories in Japanese literature/manga, only in America (DC comics notably made the concept popular in the Silver Age and when they "abandoned" it, Marvel picked it up and ran with it). At some time around when Dragonball became "serious" and less "funny" as it added a "Z" then a "GT" then continued, I noticed a few concepts leaking over to Japan. Death became less meaningful (the Dragonball series turned it into a highway bypass with Fast-food attractions...figuratively speaking). American comic characters were already making it a habit to "come back from the dead" and Dragonball Z just escalated it. It also introduced Time-Travel and sons/daughters coming back into the past to meet their fathers/mothers without said fathers/mothers needing to worry about diaper changes of childbirth (X-Men did this with Rachel Summers and Cable and...I think the Summers also had a pet dog? ) Since then, I've seen dimension-hopping and parallel universe exploration in so many manga and films (The very inspiration of my own character whom I derive from the OVA series, "Shin Getter : Armageddon" has one scene that fairly yells during the finale that these characters we've seen may be a part of some larger parallel universe as they run into a huge starfleet of parallel characters...It's over-the-top and a bit ambiguous if these are the "real" crew we've been watching the whole series or so something else.) I've seen this exploration of parallel worlds in other series, too. Cheesy? Yep. I do love cheese but I sometimes cut down on it (I used to create Parmesan mountains on my spaghetti! ). I think this "Zeitgeist" to explore such concepts has hit Japan hard and while we in the West consider things "old" since we've already seen them, not in Japan. I also think, in a weird way, it does tie into the first themes of the FF series of dealing with "death" as someone sees or runs into a parallel universe character who died in theirs. Again, I prefer "old-school" where death meant something in older anime, but I do see this trend here. Also, to add to Vanschiver and others...this thing is more cross-promotional than you may think. ppvcqxfmPOE I also like to mention our own start-cinematic. We find ourselves floating in time-space and a voice calls out to us. Later we return to it. Could this be "The Void" that is mentioned elsewhere by others. That right there pretty much suggests a dimension that can crossover to other areas. But let's look at this reasonably, especially with the YouTube link I provided. I feel this is just a small piece of cross-promo fluff. I don't think it will have too big an effect on things. I could say this is massively cross-promo and I feel, it will be optional. Needless to say, there will be RPers who will do their RP with this in mind, even without such an event. You may feel this weakens their character concept, but sometimes these players are young and are learning the ropes. Sometimes they just want an X-Men crossover. With or without, it won't make much difference. You might say it "legitimizes" cross-over RP but we are dealing with different perspectives here and there really will never be a consensus. Sure, there might be friction if ever these two parties meet, but it is up to both to be calm and decide their styles of RP clash and move on. You don't have to promote any "elitism" and just say you don't agree with it. One is free to ignore this event or include it. It is the same if I decide if my character was at the final v1.0 battle or not for v2.0. RP is what you make of it. You don't have to agree, just understand. No harm, no foul. :ahriman::chocobo::at::arrow: Link to comment
Jayce Lightfall Posted July 5, 2013 Share #89 Posted July 5, 2013 Damn! That sword and bow look absolutely sick. Link to comment
V'sato Posted July 5, 2013 Share #90 Posted July 5, 2013 I think I must be the only person from the western market who actually liked FFXIII. I'll join you. I'll join y'all as well. I didn't think it was a terrible game. Link to comment
Gideon Aryeh Posted July 5, 2013 Share #91 Posted July 5, 2013 I've got to say, I thought I'd be a little weirded out by the idea of different Final Fantasys bleeding into ARR but I am surprisingly okay with it. q8RuIXX4ntc FFXIV is SE's love letter to the entire series. We're gonna see a lot of cross overs from the other games and we're gonna have to deal with it. Personally while I am no fan of XIII I love seeing other things like Magitek armor, and even the black screen that says "Defeat such and such" before a super hard boss fight (that you are more than likely going to get your ass kicked on, ever notice when you get the normal transition screens in a boss fight its much easier than what I like to call the black screen of death boss fights? Am I the only one who noticed this from the series?). I love the fan service! Link to comment
Havoc Snow Posted July 5, 2013 Share #92 Posted July 5, 2013 One thing to keep in mind is that this probably won't be sticking around for long either, being that it is most definitely just a promotion for FFXIII-LR, it'll probably last until the game launches (considering we probably won't even see this stuff added to the game until closer to next year when the game is supposed to be released) and then it'll be taken out. This kind of thing makes me think more that it's a short term promotional event, so you can do it or ignore it and in a month or so it'll be gone from the game forever, pretty much like the Goobbue Mounts. Link to comment
Renaise Posted July 5, 2013 Share #93 Posted July 5, 2013 The more and more I hear about this the more and more I like it. One of my personal gripes about 1.0 was it didn't feel Final Fantasy enough, now are they maybe over compensating for that fact? You betcha! Am I happy about it? You also betcha! I'd like to see this happen more often in fact. I can understand some people are worried about this opening the floodgates to people bringing characters along from other universes. But to be fair people who want to do that would have done it anyway. Most people will be sensible with it and even if they aren't you still have the option to not RP with them. Link to comment
Grott Posted July 5, 2013 Share #95 Posted July 5, 2013 I haven't read all 90-something responses, but I can honestly say I don't like this. I remember every Final Fantasy having its own unique story, feel, and look, with few similarities between them. This is blatant and obvious fan service to get more advertising. FFXIII is their cash cow right now, and they are just beating it to death to get some extra cash. I bought this game to play FFXIV, not FFXIV Presents FFXIII. Of course one could make the argument "Don't wear the gear if you don't like it." but frankly, I don't even want to see it. And that's all I have to say on this subject. Link to comment
CassandraJean Posted July 5, 2013 Share #96 Posted July 5, 2013 I can't say that this bothers me, it looks fun? If it's an optional event and not really anything to do with the storyline, than it shouldnt be a problem for anyone. It's just something to do for fun one day when you're feeling out of character. Link to comment
Havoc Snow Posted July 5, 2013 Share #97 Posted July 5, 2013 Of course one could make the argument "Don't wear the gear if you don't like it." but frankly, I don't even want to see it. Turn your camera away if you see someone wearing it? This sort of thing really doesn't seem like that big a deal to me, and lets face it. SE could use all the advertising they could get. It wasn't that long ago that the internet was flooded with articles about how they were facing bankruptcy if things continued to trend the way they were with their games. After he flop of a game that FFXIV 1.0 was, and the horrible sales that the initial release of FFXIII got in the western market, as well as the downward spiral KH was going with all the rehashed and sideplot games that were coming out they are hurting REALLY bad to get people to buy their stuff, so a little cross-franchise advertising isn't a bad thing. Afterall, if FFXIII sells good, then SE has more money to throw around towards further development for FFXIV, or even FFXV if you're waiting for that. So in short, I think this kind of thing doesn't really hurt anymore. No more than buster sword limit breaks, the return of old FF game villains (Xande and Cloud of Darkness), or even Atomos/Cavernous Maw being taken right out of FFXI and put into the game. There is SO MUCH fanservice in this game already, anyone who complains about any single thing can be seen as just nit picking really. Edit: Also another thing to keep in mind, every single race in this game came from another game, and most of the monsters while recurring monsters from all FF, are visually direct ports from FFXI. One could say that FFXIV in its entirety is from another game, the only thing unique about it is Hydaelyn. Link to comment
Mtoto Wamoto Posted July 5, 2013 Share #98 Posted July 5, 2013 I think people are missing the coolest thing about Lightning's outfit... IT HAS A CAPE GUYS. CAPES. HELL. YES. MY BODY IS READY. Also, Beta Behemoth seems cool. Wonder how they're gonna explain that one. Link to comment
Mtoto Wamoto Posted July 5, 2013 Share #99 Posted July 5, 2013 Edit:: Oops, double post. My bad. Link to comment
Martiallais Posted July 5, 2013 Share #100 Posted July 5, 2013 I'm more than okay with seeing costumes (dye-able, yes please) from other FF games. As for those characters making possible appearances? I'll chalk it up to being just like running an instance or dungeon (more often than not) and explain it away as needed, which shouldn't be much if it's just an event ingame. Link to comment
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