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Hello I'm not trying to stoke any flames as both myself and my better half have been anxiously waiting to join an rp community in ffxiv and have been following the HRC community for quite some time now. Both of us are concerned about legacy servers due to our experiences in other mmos and were ready to join Gilgamesh then had recently found this from the beta forums.



There is a worry that the community will degrade because of the nature of reddit... Again I am not trying to cause a panic but it was a bit unsettling seeing the poll results.

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I'll say this like it has been said in the other thread about which server to join:


Make a character on both worlds. Play them both a bit. Try meeting up with members of both communities ahead of time. Then make your decision. I think that you'll find that the community of Balmung isn't going to give you that worried feeling once you get to know them!

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All the more reason to come to Balmung where you'll be surrounded by a community that's not only tried and true, but helpful and filled with people who are more than willing to lend a hand and provide excellent RP'ing opportunities.



Or you could stick with Gilgamesh, and take a gamble on how frequent your RP will be and what quality of RP you may find, and happen to share that server with the cesspool of reddit.


Seems like a pretty obvious choice if you ask me.

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I might make Blamung my primary server if this actually proves to be bad. It might not though the people in that pole don't seem all bad. It's something we have to wait and see to bare actual results. Roll a character on both servers (they can even be the same exact character) just in case. Any trolls will be reduced to a minimum once people have to start paying.

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You can always roll on both servers as others have mentioned to test the waters, but the reddit community for FFXIV hasn't been that bad at least not what I've seen of it both on site and in game. The majority of them have been on gilgamesh for the P3 beta so if you've played there you already have an idea what its like if not test it out and see how it goes.

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That Gilgamesh is the Reddit server is actually one of my concerns for those playing there. The conduct of some redditers on Gilgamesh is a source of vicarious embarrassment for me as someone who participates in the FFXIV sub-reddit, particularly when their griefing takes the shape of "what are you doing here; this is the reddit server! Get out RPers!" However, other Reddit users have also called out those bothering roleplayers on Gilgamesh because it is honestly shameful behaviour and, thankfully, not to be tolerated as the norm. Here is a reddit thread about some of the good things about Gilgamesh from someone who had similar apprehensions:



With that in mind, however, I'd also like to say that, as someone who has similarly unpleasant experiences with established communities in other MMOs, that the 1.0 players continue to be the most friendly and welcoming group of MMO RPers I have ever had the privilege of encountering, so there's something good about the Balmung court too.


My advice is to not let the past affect your decisions here. Try both, meet people from both sides, ask questions of both those advocating the Balmung and Gilgamesh communities, and see what the present tells you. Sometimes, it's okay to look at things with a fresh face and be pleasantly surprised, :).

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I'd advise you to try out both. I know I'm new and all the legacy people have been so helpful. I encourage you to try Balmung and Gilgamesh. Although I will say the trolling in beta was so bad a few times I had to end up RP'in'g in party chat and Tells. I wish you all the luck in picking and my the odds be ever in your favor.



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Hello I'm not trying to stoke any flames as both myself and my better half have been anxiously waiting to join an rp community in ffxiv and have been following the HRC community for quite some time now. Both of us are concerned about legacy servers due to our experiences in other mmos and were ready to join Gilgamesh then had recently found this from the beta forums.



There is a worry that the community will degrade because of the nature of reddit... Again I am not trying to cause a panic but it was a bit unsettling seeing the poll results.

 *notices this is the first post*


Sounds like you are already decided. Balmung should be a fine choice for you.

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4chan is also apparently making their home on Gilgamesh (At least from what I've heard.) I've been a member of the Reddit community for quite some time now, and while I do enjoy it, there are bad apples, as with any community. I've actually ran into griefers on Gilgamesh that were claiming they were from the reddit community during the beta, and that spawned a post on Reddit that had some 270+ comments on it discussing the quality of community members.


That being said, with both Reddit and 4chan gunning for Gilgamesh there is a good chance there will be a higher than average number of griefers running about. It's just something that will inevitably have to be dealt with. I wouldn't let that factor too heavily into your decision, however, as you will find griefers everywhere.

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What Toxa said. Let's all just vote on a new server!

 There are trolls and griefers in every community. But you are more than welcome to bring this up in the Rping on Gilgamesh? thread and see how concerned everyone is.



If so there is another rp community building on Behemoth as well.


I honestly don't care where we end up I just want to help a new rp server succeed.

Might as well put these down here too. There are those in the Reddit community who are interested in roleplaying. I always say its nice not to stereotype people. I mean as roleplayers we are often called elitist jerks, but I'd like to change that. I also spoke to people who were -excited- and happy that the community was so diverse. I even did an impromptu rp class during this last phase with a guild that most roleplayers would ignore.


And there are some here that are actually from the Reddit community who are interested in roleplay. How bout being nicer to them and at least giving them the benefit of the doubt eh?





So look at that Gilgamesh will be a place that even a person from Reddit can come along and roleplay with us without being worried about being looked down upon because they are on Reddit, or any community deemed -not worthy- by the roleplaying elite. *rolls eyes*


Bottom line is blacklist the griefers and teach the newbies. Proactivity is the order of the day on Gilgamesh and leaders who really want to put the work in to build something great are what we need right now more than anyone else. Now for those who are going to Balmung fantastic, its nice to be able to just jump right into things. Me personally I'm just excited to be building something and I enjoy teaching people something fun, but that's just me.


If I were that worried about griefers I wouldn't play mmos at all, seriously. A bit too much hair on my chest for that concern you know, and I drink a full eight glasses of *Man Up* daily.


And as far as quality rp goes, well that depends on what we do to push it. Again if you are coming to Gilgamesh you have to be proactive and willing to be strong enough and patient enough to want to build something great. If you wish to not take a leadership role from the gate I more than understand. As many have said you can't come to Gilgamesh and be upset that you aren't finding rp. You have to make it. Me personally? I do a pretty damn good job of making rp and I am confident in those coming to Gilgamesh to do the same. I've been playing mmos since 1999, I could care less about griefers and I find many are easy to convert if you are willing to take the time to teach them. Many so called griefers are that way because of the negative stereoytpes surrounding roleplayers. I have not gotten griefed -once- during beta 2 and 3 and this is with teleporting from city to city to inform the populace that there will be rp on the server. I am patient with them and more than willing to answer any questions, and for that they are glad we are there. I personally find Gilgamesh with all its varied communities to be something special. I found the non roleplayers to be warm kind and excited to be in a new mmo. Many of them were even following name conventions for their characters trying to get into the lore.


And guess what? I'll turn those guys into roleplayers too, and so will the rest of the Gilgamesh crew.


One of my most favorite servers of all time was Wyrmrest Accord in WoW, the rp was great, the community was warm and there were other groups there besides roleplayers, and we all appreciated each other being around and in time respect grew. I am looking forward helping to recreate that.


Open mindedness and killing them with kindness will win the day, and if that doesn't work well there is blacklisting them and calling it a day.


Those who are coming along for this exciting ride see you in open beta and please come to the beach party! Can't wait to have you there.


And last but not least bring yourselves, bring your concepts, bring your patience and most of all bring your roleplay. Because there are people on the server who want to see you. Trust me on this! I have spoken to FC leaders, first timers, etc etc who are all happy that there is an rp community that is going to be there. I have even spoken to FC's who while not a rp FC have members who want to rp, they will be contacting me during phase 4. Seen the Tempest FC adverts during the beta? Yeah we had guys from Tempest try out rp with us too for the first time and they loved it.  *Waves to Booker*


Thank you all who are supporting this endeavor. Look forward to roleplaying with you and establishing a fine strong foundation! See you all in the game!


*tips his hat and says nothing else about it*.

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I think somebody made a post here yesterday about Gilgamesh being a target for people because it was a recognized FF character.  At the time when I read it yesterday I wasn't sure about that point but after reading that Reddit forum it seems that was a reason given for choosing Gilgamesh.  Something to think about.  And I will +1 the post once I find it one here to show it.

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I'm new and thought about going to Gilgamesh for a little while in the beginning but then I realized I would be missing out on the awesome Legacy characters RP. I mean getting sent 5 years in the future is part of the Lore now right? So why wouldn't I want to be in the same server as those guys. Plus most of the Legacy players I met both in and out of game have been awesome. I remember I kept dying on the "Lord of the Inferno" quest where you have to fight the butt load of Amal'jaa and this Lv. 50 White Mage kept reviving me so I didn't have to go back to my starting city!


Also I did the "Copperbell Mines" dungeon and thought I had gotten used to it since I did so well in the first two dungeons but I kept dying on this one part and would run back to the place where I died but was locked out. There was this Legacy player who level synced (White Mage) and she ended up in the room surrounded by like 10 monsters by herself. She killed them ALL! It was crazy how good she was and she didn't even get mad at us that died just gave us tips on how to do better! So I know for a fact I definitely playing on Balmung!

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I'll toss my feelings in with the rest here.


So far it seems like there are some Legacy players whose roleplay does not interest me all that much, however all of the ones I've encountered have been nothing but friendly folks and helpful on this site, patient with newbies and informative with regard to the lore.


I say this because I see the number of server choices as being rather unfortunate for this community, as many people I've seen who are going to Gilgamesh seem to be doing so because of some beef with "Legacy players" (Some of them? All of them? No one's been all that specific). The people going to Behemoth are definitely doing so because they don't like this community, I hear.


But I'm not going to talk about Legacy players and their detractors. If we take them out of the equation, there's not a great reason to choose Balmung over Gilgamesh, or Gilgamesh over Balmung. I'm not even all that worried about griefers, because I've never been worried about griefers--I don't even blacklist them unless they get spammy while I'm typing.


So to me it just looks like there's not a good choice or a bad one, one way or the other, and the fact that there is a choice at all only serves to divide this community and foster loyalism, as people in this thread defend their server choice and make inferences about the server they didn't choose.


I'm discouraged by this community attitude.



@Toxa, I think the worst thing people could do now is vote for a new server. And Rock is right--there will be griefers everywhere. You learn to deal with them or you learn to ignore them, but it's rare that there are ever enough of them to really drive roleplayers out or meaningfully disrupt a roleplaying community. They aren't the norm.


@Rock, no offense, but the Wyrmrest Accord server is not a good example of a thriving server for Gilgamesh to aspire to by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe that server started as a shining bastion of hope for folks who were fed up with Moonguard and Thorium Brotherhood and elsewhere, but hostility and resentment resulted in that community practically closing its gates to new players and each other in later years, becoming a collection of isolated guilds floating in the aether.


I don't know how it's faring nowadays, but that's why I'm suspicious of communities that splinter away from larger communities due to some kind of strife.


I also don't think it's fair to say that the OP here has made their server choice. I like to think that there are many people like me who are still trying to decide, still feeling out the elements of this community in order to make a server choice that--make no mistake--is rather difficult.


We stand to lose out on roleplay with cool people either way unless we make a character on both servers, and then comes the often unrealistic expectation that we're able to sustain characters on both servers equally. That is quite a task. Further, for many it will come down to where their friends go, and some stand to leave friends behind if not all of ones friends choose the same server.



I'm not offering any answers here, I'm sorry to say. I only wanted to offer my perspective as a newcomer, because I think that a lot of the members here may be able to relate.

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It shouldn't matter what server anyone chooses to go to.


If you're on the server they choose, great! You have new people to RP with.


If they go to the server you're not on, great! Other people have new people to RP with.


What. Does. It. Matter?


We're all trying to make this community the best it can be, and if that means there are two places to choose from, all the better. Because people are right, Balmung may not live up to your expectations. And Gilgamesh may be more difficult to establish yourself in. But I'm sure either one will fit someone.


I cannot stress this enough...TRY THEM BOTH. Make a character on each, see if you like the styles of RP there. Find the place that is best FOR YOU.


And to those of you contributing, there is NO sense in trying to sway people one way or another. You don't know anyone else's reasons. You don't know why they've made the choices they have. You can't get inside of their head space and understand them fully. That doesn't mean that you have to try badgering them into one place or another (not that this has happened lately, I just want to say that it very well could happen again).


Be happy for wherever new people decide to go, because at least they are going somewhere. They could decide to play a different game...then you could be sad. But if they're making our home with us, at least they're a part of our extended family, even if they end up being that weird cousin you see twice a year at the family reunion. Because seriously, what family would be complete without drunk cousin Randy?

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I fear that we might get to the point where battle lines will be drawn in the sand and flame wars will commence. Soon people will disregard the whole notion of picking both servers to see which one they're more comfortable with. Truth be told, we're slowly heading towards the movement of propaganda pamphlets littering the RPC's cobblestone streets with embolden messages that jump off the page saying, "Uncle Balmung or Aunt Gilgamesh wants you!


The wary travelers sail in upon our majestic shoreline, confused, but with every right to be about what all the commotion is about. Secondary? Primary? With two pints in hand, a random inhabitant trots along the pier and slings one ale sodden arm over the shoulder of the starry-eyed adventure. "Come my friend! Welcome to Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition. Allow me to explain to you the current political situation of our humble abode and why Balmung(or Gilgamesh) is right for you."


In the meantime, before it's come to that, we have topics like this with the words that start off with, "Hello I'm not trying to stoke any flames..." but in the same action hand you flint and tender while pointing you in the direction of the firewood.

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I fear that we might get to the point where battle lines will be drawn in the sand and flame wars will commence. Soon people will disregard the whole notion of picking both servers to see which one they're more comfortable with. Truth be told, we're slowly heading towards the movement of propaganda pamphlets littering the RPC's cobblestone streets with embolden messages that jump off the page saying, "Uncle Balmung or Aunt Gilgamesh wants you!


The wary travelers sail in upon our majestic shoreline, confused, but with every right to be about what all the commotion is about. Secondary? Primary? With two pints in hand, a random inhabitant trots along the pier and slings one ale sodden arm over the shoulder of the starry-eyed adventure. "Come my friend! Welcome to Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition. Allow me to explain to you the current political situation of our humble abode and why Balmung(or Gilgamesh) is right for you."


In the meantime, before it's come to that, we have topics like this with the words that start off with, "Hello I'm not trying to stoke any flames..." but in the same action hand you flint and tender while pointing you in the direction of the firewood.


That is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. Thank you.

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I fear that we might get to the point where battle lines will be drawn in the sand and flame wars will commence. Soon people will disregard the whole notion of picking both servers to see which one they're more comfortable with. Truth be told, we're slowly heading towards the movement of propaganda pamphlets littering the RPC's cobblestone streets with embolden messages that jump off the page saying, "Uncle Balmung or Aunt Gilgamesh wants you!


The wary travelers sail in upon our majestic shoreline, confused, but with every right to be about what all the commotion is about. Secondary? Primary? With two pints in hand, a random inhabitant trots along the pier and slings one ale sodden arm over the shoulder of the starry-eyed adventure. "Come my friend! Welcome to Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition. Allow me to explain to you the current political situation of our humble abode and why Balmung(or Gilgamesh) is right for you."


In the meantime, before it's come to that, we have topics like this with the words that start off with, "Hello I'm not trying to stoke any flames..." but in the same action hand you flint and tender while pointing you in the direction of the firewood.


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It shouldn't matter what server anyone chooses to go to.


If you're on the server they choose, great! You have new people to RP with.


If they go to the server you're not on, great! Other people have new people to RP with.


What. Does. It. Matter?


We're all trying to make this community the best it can be, and if that means there are two places to choose from, all the better. Because people are right, Balmung may not live up to your expectations. And Gilgamesh may be more difficult to establish yourself in.  But I'm sure either one will fit someone.


I cannot stress this enough...TRY THEM BOTH. Make a character on each, see if you like the styles of RP there. Find the place that is best FOR YOU.


And to those of you contributing, there is NO sense in trying to sway people one way or another. You don't know anyone else's reasons. You don't know why they've made the choices they have. You can't get inside of their head space and understand them fully. That doesn't mean that you have to try badgering them into one place or another (not that this has happened lately, I just want to say that it very well could happen again).


Be happy for wherever new people decide to go, because at least they are going somewhere. They could decide to play a different game...then you could be sad. But if they're making our home with us, at least they're a part of our extended family, even if they end up being that weird cousin you see twice a year at the family reunion. Because seriously, what family would be complete without drunk cousin Randy?


If everybody had this attitude, there wouldn't be a problem with having conversations about this issue without threads needing to be locked or lines in sand being drawn. It's called a community because it encompasses everyone, even *gasp* people we may dislike or disagree with.

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For all the concerns about those communities, I'm sure there are concerns about ours.  We are who we are, and we will make the impresions we want to.


Our Company is dedicated to RPvE more then city/tavern RP, and we're welcoming people.  We're currently looking into an IC and OOC alliance system and will be actively looking for other Companies to RP with.  We hit it off, and we can invite them into the alliance.  Finding other people to RP with becomes easier if you're carrying an alliance linkpearl and have access to multiple guilds.


Give the other groups a chance.  RPers can be seen as elite and intimidating?  Well, we show them we're not.  And in doing so may even be able to draw in some new RPers and at the very least hopefully improving their opinion of this.


Leave your preconcieved opinions at the door.  Hopefully the other groups will as well and we can not only coexist, but become stronger as a result.


...see you on Gilgamesh. :tonberry:

Also, keep your fingers crossed that SE gives us a dedicated RP server, solving the problem outright.  There was discussion of it...

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I wonder how many more of these threads we will see before release...?


Personally I think we are just damaging ourselves as a community as we peck at one another's choices we should just make it a non-topic and try to refrain from posting opinions but band together as ARR RP'ers.  We are already a minority compared to the overall population and can ill afford to bicker amongst ourselves.


This division and constant new topics about it serves none of us well, I have said it before and I will say it again your choice of server is nothing to do with the kind of rp'er or player you are its merely about legacy vs non legacy and in six months that will be irrelevant to either choice since the server economies and character levels will be approximately the same on both.


Lets just stop the talk about primary or better server for RP and call them both good alternatives to each other.

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Pushing again the "try both" philosophy because it deserves to be repeated. The option exists to be tried for those of us with the power of tabula rasa.


I also want to put forward something I notice doesn't get much play whenever this discussion comes up. All of us who have the choice between Gilgamesh and Balmung are extremely privileged. All of us who have the choice to say whether we want Legacy or non-Legacy are extremely privileged. Because we're newer, we can do what we want to do. We're literally spoiled for choice with the community's decision to be in two places rather than one because we have our pick of two differently evolving and special worlds.


The 1.0 players who wish to continue the characters they've so diligently played for 2-3 years don't have that choice, so whenever this topic comes up, I feel horrible for them. Every time this comes up, we highlight the choice that isn't fair for them to make given all the work they've already put into their characters during the worst of times. It's honestly heartbreaking. So, whenever this topic comes up again and again in all its different iterations, I just want everyone to remember that. That we with the choice are the lucky ones.


Exercise your choice. Try both, but don't rely on those of us who have made our choices to make yours for you. It's your privilege to do that for yourself.

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Pushing again the "try both" philosophy because it deserves to be repeated. The option exists to be tried for those of us with the power of tabula rasa.


Exercise your choice. Try both, but don't rely on those of us who have made our choices to make yours for you. It's your privilege to do that for yourself.


Yup, just this. Again.


I will say, despite shaking my head at how many times these threads pop up...I'm glad that some of people have toned back their posts a bit. There were some ah...passionate people (on both sides) that really weren't coming across or presenting themselves the way I'd like to think they wanted to. Putting down another server doesn't mean people will want to come play on yours, nor does it help the community as a whole.

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