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So when will everyone begin rping?


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I'd be up for RPing right from the start if I find something to jump in on, or someone wants to do something (I'm starting in Ul'dah).


That said I'm also keen to get my hands on an airship pass as soon as I can, which means levelling... (I had an issue with the account I used in the OB so I have to reroll Lothaire on my new shiny NA account for the EA :( ). As fun as RPing is I would like to be able to join the rest of my FC in the wider world at some point. Eventually.

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I'd be up for RPing right from the start if I find something to jump in on, or someone wants to do something (I'm starting in Ul'dah).


That said I'm also keen to get my hands on an airship pass as soon as I can, which means levelling... (I had an issue with the account I used in the OB so I have to reroll Lothaire on my new shiny NA account for the EA :( ). As fun as RPing is I would like to be able to join the rest of my FC in the wider world at some point. Eventually.

Ah that's cool! i'm going to be ul'dah as well! though as a THM....not sure what your what your gonna be though so that may or may not work out

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I'll be looking to RP pretty much as soon as those gates open. I have a 1.0 character so I'll be playing on Balmung and have a few levels on my lancer over that lvl 20 limit they gave us in phase 4. With that said I'll probably be trying to catch the main story up to my level (Didn't even get to the Ifrit fight in phase 4) but as many have said if I see RP or get RPed at I'll be more than happy to stop and interact. :D I would actually love to get RPed at outside of the cities since my character isn't very fond of them.

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Ah that's cool! i'm going to be ul'dah as well! though as a THM....not sure what your what your gonna be though so that may or may not work out


I am going to be a THM too. :D Because setting things on fire is too much fun. *nods*

indeed xD though my chara will most likely be all over the world once i get the chance as he is a wanderer.

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Balmung is my server of choice, and I'll likely start RPing once I get 'settled' in. I managed to get to 15 MRD during Phase 4 (because I wanted to start in Limsa Lominsa), but there are a couple other classes I want to get to 15 (or CNJ at the very least) before I start leveling my 'main' class, GLD. Once I'm able to level Gladiator is probably about when I'll start actively RPing, though if I happen to fall into any kind of RP situation beforehand I'll give it a shot.

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I'm only in-character when I'm doing something that involves me being in character, such as meeting a character for something or participating in an RP event.


I enjoy RPing very much, but I have other interests in the game, such as leveling, getting Scholar, gathering, fishing, crafting, and generally exploring the world to bother with RPing 24/7 when it brings me no pleasure to emote my feelings in an area where no one is listening or caring.

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indeed xD though my chara will most likely be all over the world once i get the chance as he is a wanderer.


Lothaire should probably, icly, be in Limsa Lominsa but since they locked the classes to specific cities, and I simply must be a THM, he's staring in Ul'dah.


I'm pretty sure I can find a reason for him to be loitering around Ul'dah if you or anyone else wants to meet up and RP some time though. :)

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I'll be focusing first on getting my characters to the levels I want them at (essentially, it's just a search for armor sets that suit them) before spending time trying to 'fish' roleplay on the field. I will most likely jump at some of it if I find it before my OOC goals are achieved, though. Because time I spend having fun is time well spent!

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I think I'll start roleplaying from the start, honestly. The level system in this game isn't as cut and dry as previous games that I've roleplayed in so it's sorta new territory for me in this regard.


I'll probably chase armor sets more than anything. I can see myself roleplaying in lowbie clothes for a while though. They look great and they fit my character!

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Lothaire should probably, icly, be in Limsa Lominsa but since they locked the classes to specific cities and I simply must be a THM he's staring in Ul'dah.


I'm pretty sure I can find a reason for him to be loitering around Ul'dah if you want to meet up and RP some time though. :)

Sound's like a plan! assuming i can actually make a chara in Balmung! which i really hope i can >.<

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I'll be IC most of the time, and I know plenty of other RPers who probably will be too. If you see people RPing hop in! I love it when people notice others RPing and join in on the fun. A good place to find RP at launch is all over the starter cities.


In Limsa Lominsa there's the Bismarck where I know a lot of people like to go. It's kind of a bistro.


Then there's Apkallu Falls in Gridania where the fireflies come out at night.


Where else? Hmm.. In Ul'dah there are so many places because it's just a big city. So anyways I hope you find some people. Speaking of which depending on which server you play on or if you play on both I'm pretty sure there are OOC/IC RP linkshells that are meant for the RP community members. Feel free to message me (Luluni Luni) for the Gilgamesh OOC Linkpearl, a person from Balmung I think might be handing out pearls there for their OOC linkshell I believe is Xenedra? There are probably a bunch.


Anyways! Good luck and see you in Eorzea! :tonberry:

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I myself wont begin RPing untill I reach the level cap with at least one character so I have played through most of the game, or at least enough so I know enough lore  from quests to feel comfortable.


That and I find it will be easier being a max level to RP in exotic locations where mobs could be an issue. Also it opens up alot more armour options for RP

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I'm not terribly certain when I'll really start to delve into things. Likely going to take some time to get situated in-game first. I know my priority as far as tomorrow morning is concerned is to get through as much of the main storyline as I can (if not finish it) and get prepped for finishing my relic weapon alongside my group that was working on it during 1.0. We only had Ifrit and Garuda left, but it looks like Titan might be thrown into the mix as well now~


Should be fun to see the changes they've made either way.


/coughTotally need to get the server first Binding Coil of Bahamut clear as well/cough.


Figure I'll start actively roleplaying once my free company is all settled in.

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Been awhile since my first post so going to say now im gonna be mostly in the ul'dah area but when i can travel basicly anywhere finding me may be a bit of a chore,i am also gonna try and rp right off the bat as soon as i have proper THM garb.

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Hmmmmmm so iv'e actually been wondering something's! first off what server are people going to be in? second of all what point the game are people gonna start rping? Edit: to be more specific i mean to ask what server will you be choosing personally not what server's will rp be on.



I my self will be rping almost right off the bat once i have gone through most tutorial quest's and have proper gear that goes with my class,and try to be IC almost 100% of the time,and probly be medium to heavy rp wise. what about everyone else?


Pffft begin? We were rping during open beta on Gilgamesh heh

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Hmmmmmm so iv'e actually been wondering something's! first off what server are people going to be in? second of all what point the game are people gonna start rping? Edit: to be more specific i mean to ask what server will you be choosing personally not what server's will rp be on.



I my self will be rping almost right off the bat once i have gone through most tutorial quest's and have proper gear that goes with my class,and try to be IC almost 100% of the time,and probly be medium to heavy rp wise. what about everyone else?


Pffft begin? We were rping during open beta on Gilgamesh heh


Keep in mind im talking about when i start in Balmung tomorrow as ive official decided to have that be my MC's main place how ever i will also be playing the exact same chara in Gilgamesh....though for gilgamesh i might make a new chara...possibly a villian

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