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Tiergan's Thread of Shameless Self-Promotion [No Commissions. Apologies.]


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He Who Ignites the Umbral Blaze[/align]




Honzoooo, you're next! Thank you for being so patient everyone. The company I am doing some freelance work for kind of moved the goalposts on me in terms of one of their deadlines, so I'm in crunch-mode and it's slowing down these commissions.


I'm so, so, sooo sorry for the wait time. T_T I know many of you have been super patient.


Don't worry sweetheart.

And I like this one.

I wanna ruffle some hair @_@

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Hey guys, just dropping in a quick note to explain the delay: Like I mentioned before, I have a major freelance deadline breathing down my neck. It ends on the 20th and once it's over, I can resume everyone's commissions.


Sorry for dragging out the wait!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I unfortunately have bad news.


My overall health has been rapidly deteriorating from the amount of work I've been trying to handle on my own. I have been working 12-15 hour days, sometimes even on weekends working on a mix of freelance work and commissions. The stress of that work, along with other things I won't go into, has made me physically ill. I didn't realise just how badly I was killing myself trying to make ends meet until I was home visiting my family for the holidays and they kind of freaked out at how drained, pale, and skeletal I looked.


Because of this, I have to stop working on commissions for health reasons. I will be finishing Honzo and Sophia's because both of them have already paid me, but I won't be able to do any more for a long time. I'm not really sure when I'll ever be able to pick things up again.


I'm so, so sorry for getting everyone's hopes up and letting my waitlist get so gargantuan. When I first made this thread and left it open, I was in an extremely hard place in my life. I let the list keep growing and growing and growing because I was terrified all those commissions might be the difference between having a place to sleep or not, or the difference between having food vs starving. The longer the list got, the more I felt like I was going to be okay, so I just let people keep jumping on it. I'm sorry for not having more foresight about this. :/


It meant so much to me that everyone wanted my art, especially when I needed them to survive. I really wish I could make all the pieces for everyone, because I know many of you were on that waitlist for months. Thank you so much for your interest in my work, and again I'm really, really sorry. I know this is disappointing.

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Take care of yourself lady! Get healthy, get to a good place, and then think about things like this for FUN rather than for NEED. :) We'll be here when you're better all the same.


Best of wishes, Tiergan!! I'll keep you in my thoughts.

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Am disappointed b/c your art is so incredibly lovely... but your health and well-being is most important.

Feel better, get better and relax! Just remember if you start feeling down, we all LOVE your work and are eager for you to return refreshed and renewed- even if it means no arts for a long, long time.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Gnnnn that turtle one. @.@ I wanna feed him strawberries. And name him Wallace. 



... his shell gets itchy like this guy?






The entire city runs really fast back and forth over the spot. ::Sage nod::

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