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The Gemini Bakery & Inn


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[align=center]Is opening its doors![/align]




[align=center]Hello and thank you for reading this. Now that the grand opening is behind us we are opening once again and from now on every two weeks on saturdays at 11 AM PST.


This weekend will be themed for Valentione's Day with special orders and some sharing menu's to celebrate with your loved one. As well as those you can take a long with you. So come on over and enjoy a relax atmosphere to and enjoy a drink and a meal.[/align]



[align=center]Now, you are probably thinking that is neat and all but what is the The Gemini Bakery & Inn? Well let me tell you! Our bakery will serve freshly baked pastries and other delights, as well as all kinds of beverages yes… some even come with a fancy little umbrella![/align]



[align=center]So come on over and take a seat in our bakery






or relax in the lounge upstairs![/align]



Once it starts getting late and you wish to let it all out, we will open up our ballroom.We have a wine bar, instruments where bands can play and of course a big dance floor!




So come on over and enjoy yourself!


[align=left]OOC Info:


[align=center]Hello, thanks again for reading this. What our FC is trying to make is a fun little hub where rp'ers can get together in a relax atmosphere with friends or maybe make some new friends. We are set to be open on Sundays at 10a PST however is subject to change due to demand. Also, we have a linkshell which everyone is welcome to – here you can find information about ongoing events as well as times when the bar could be opened out of its regularly scheduled time. Our members have a wide range of time zones to be made available to the public, so whether you’re from the EU, Australia, or the US, we will be here for you! [/align]



[align=center]We are located in The Goblet - Ward 2: just take aethernet to The Brimming Heart Subdivision to plot 49 shown here on the pictures.[/align]





[align=center]Our linkshell is The Gemini Bakery and you can just ask myself Sofi Miauxi or Koschei Wynters for an invite and we will keep you up to date on the bakery itself. The channel is currently OOC.We are also working on a private room where you can enjoy a big meal on an even bigger table with some friends or FC member or FC Members who are also friends (I know crazy right!) because sometimes you want some more privacy for certain events. But more details about that once later.[/align]


Thanks again and come pay us a visit


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Thanks to my friend Kohu who got me a sneak peek inside the bakery as it was still under construction.


Cute layout, a very warm atmosphere.


The screenshot hides it, but there's a comfy floor pillow next to that fireplace that someone is going to claim and never relinquish!


I was also excited to hear about the room for reservations. Will definitely be back to buy some sweet treats. The first was free and now I'm hooked! lalalalala

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Thanks to everybody that came over to check us out and gave us feedback.

We appreciate it very much!


We are also wondering at what times people usually rp so we can maybe work towards those times as well or switch it to that. =)


Thanks again


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... I knew I was forgetting to go somewhere! I think I got confused by the whole "Sunday the 20th" thing. :?


Then on Saturday I got caught up in (unsuccessful) Moggle Mog grinding for the Mogblade, and Sunday I got caught up in pre-Ball preparations and a stint in a possible music video. Bah!


I'll just have to visit at the official Grand Opening in January, I suppose.

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  • 1 month later...

So that's 11 AM PST my mistake for not adding it.




[align=center]Try out our special for this weekend only.

Sharing is Caring!

The Valention's Special.

1 cake or pie of your choice for two people and then one bottle or pot of your picking as well for a 100 gil.


(naturally this a made up menu in return for made up moneys)[/align]

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  • 3 weeks later...

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