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LF "Dark"/Mature Themed RP or FC? x_X


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I hate using the word dark to describe RP.



So I've done a lot of browsing lately. By browsing I mean that I've inspected FC info while in town or I've looked over the linkshells tab at least a dozen times now. And all I ever seem to come across are companies with good intentions, or neutral mercenary groups. I also tend to avoid tavern RP as much as possible, so I haven't really touched the RP in Ul'dah. 



But my heart truly lies with scoundrels. A group of people if not only a handful who could care less for the greater good of their people and their world and do right by them, do what they want to, get in trouble with the law and live a little. Thieves and assassins, con artists and tricksters... I'm sad to say I've hardly seen any of that here. 



Am I looking in the wrong places?



I can't be alone on this. Is there anyone out there who plays on the darker side of things? Are there any FCs with devious intent? I'm tempted to make my own, but I've only just started the game. I don't know half of the elements the game has to offer, so how could I possibly offer a good home to those who would join?




So here's my plea. Is there ANY mature roleplay on Balmung?

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There absolutely is! It can be a little harder to find, in my experience (especially the more worthwhile plots) but there's a fair amount to be found!


While my character isn't exactly the most criminally-minded individual, he is a bounty hunter and has a history of doing less than savory things to keep himself fed. I know a few others that are in the same boat.


As far as FCs go, there's Tylwyth Narah (unsure how active they are these days!) and White Wolf Syndicate. 


I've interacted with a good chunk of people from White Wolf Syndicate and they're good people. Cyreed Phayr/Ha'dhami Cehtov and Keldion Aergwilf would be the people to get in contact for that particular group.


Alternatively, if you're interested in setting something up toss me a PM! I've always got a few plot ideas kicking about that I'm more than happy to get other people involved with.

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There are dark plots, yes. However, it is a bit hard to play a dark/evil character in the game due to the nature of Eorzea, which is a very militaristic place I believe, especially if your group decides to hang around the cities at all. 


It is also hard to play a villain on this server, I feel. The RP community is very, very connected here. FCs will often work with each other. I know of two 'evil/antagonist' based FCs out there, and even then I have not seen them do anything terribly treacherous (i do not really consider petty thefts as extremely dark). While there are a few assassins IC, if you wish to be an assassin you are only going to be assassinating NPCS (Unless you are lucky and stumble upon someone killing off their character and want to be assassinated).


If you mean underground slave trafficking or what not, I am not sure if there is a huge market for that outside of people who would RP it too far and get into the realm of possible ToS violations.


Overthrowing governments like Ul'dah or whatnot, is kind of hard to RP out and actually ever succeed with (since most people follow the lore and the MSQ happenings, and I doubt you could get a lot of people to agree that you and your company are suddenly running Ul'dah)

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The only I've really come across is Lansquenet. That's not to say there aren't plenty of people role-playing the darker aspects of things... just that they aren't usually in specified FC's for it.

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I'll bite a little on this...I was originally planning to make a thread just for my character (Tseh'to) as a bounty hunter to a) do a variety of hunter type things and b) pop in as a sort of antagonist (he's neutral-ish/semi evil leaning) if needed as a way of expanding out to get involved in the community, meet more folks, and do some different RP than I do on Zarek. As it turns out, Tseh'to's going to be my dark knight so may as well start RP with him now before it comes along, IMO.


However, talking with a couple friends, we were thinking about adding a sort of secret society angle to it and expanding it into IC linkshell. It would be something small, with assassins/hunters/not-so-gooders/etc but as of right now it's still very much a work in progress and not sure I'd necessarily call it "dark" per se (especially since the initial idea was literally just an open bounty board of sorts to get RP) but feel free to give me a buzz as the idea's still mutable.


Hopefully all that made some sense. As I said, it's still a WIP.


/end ramble

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I'd be very interested to hear more on this. There is a light tone to a lot of what I've seen going on in "In-character Eorzea", but there is more than enough room to expand on the darker side of things.


No one needs to be the big bad of every plot to be relevant as a bad guy. Nor do you need to rack up a bunch of IC PK's to be considered one.


I'd like to see some wrong doers and scumbags being RPed. Someone that would make you ICly think "Wait, maybe telling this person my story isn't the best idea."


I'd be more than willing to help facilitate this idea.

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I play a very not nice character who doesn't really get along well with others (a result of which is that I have kept her out of FCs or groups). I don't really consider her to be a villain, though; while she can be antagonistic, usually she's just trying to survive by doing whatever is necessary. Her morality is pretty bleak, as to her being "good" is just a shortcut to getting your throat slit sooner rather than later.


While I'm not really doing a whole lot of rp in game atm, I'm down for threads in the forum. I greatly, greatly enjoy doing rp that could be deemed pretty messed up. I generally have kept it pretty sparse so far, but if you're willing to go down the rabbit hole I'll gladly go skipping down it with you. :D

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Gosh, I feel your pain. While I can appreciate good aligned RP I’m just not feeling it right now and the game has made it abundantly clear that Eorzea is neither squeaky clean nor shiny good. I can’t just let go of the story prospects that are offered there.


I'm interested in what you might have in mind as far as a group goes. As for what I'd like to see. . . Well, almost anything honestly. I've got a weakness for "bad guys". I'd give preference but my character isn't even above faking it till she makes it in a cult if it means she's got gil in her pocket and food on the table. 


And, if you aren’t comfortable the idea starting up a group just yet, I’d be happy to offer up my main as a connection. She runs contraband and correspondence between people who want to remain anonymous, don’t want to get caught with the stuff themselves, or are simply too busy (fists can also count as correspondence). 


TL;DR yesmoreshadypeoplepleaseilovethem.

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(will avoid using the word 'mature' in this context because I don't really see how being evil makes one more mature by default buuuuut that's another discussion altogether)


There are antagonistic characters out there, even antagonistic FCs, though unfortunately I can't think of any off the top of my head. Rest assured that I have seen them around, smaller in number as they might be.


In regards to my own characters? Vetiver tends to see the good in people despite their perceived flaws. She'd have no reason to judge given a healthy amount of redeemability and I'm sure some would find her work... unsavory.


Chrys would be less welcoming, though she's no saint by any means. Based around a Nicholas Winding Refn-inspired soft/hard dichotomy, she can be gentle towards those she cares about, but if you so much as lay a finger on them? Vengeful and brutally merciless with a past that fairs no better. Take that how you will.

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(will avoid using the word 'mature' in this context because I don't really see how being evil makes one more mature by default buuuuut that's another discussion altogether)



I took it to mean Very Not Good Things Happening in a Possibly Explicit Manner. Because, in that vein, I have sorta shied away from the very not nice I've rped in other places; the fact that the TOS makes that a little more difficult and people tend to shade more towards . . . using those sort of scenes/activities as embellishment rather than as a focus has always made me feel it would make most players more uncomfortable than was worth it.


But hey, if there's anyone willing to dive into the deep dark, I'm quite happy to participate. :D

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While it's certainly hard to maintain a FC that's openly "bad" within the realm of Eorzea, a linkshell or something significantly less... Sanctioned is certainly beyond doable.


While I would love to do something of that nature, I currently am unable to. Mostly because this character is to be retired when I can make a dragonman BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. 


The current plans are to do something post-Heavensward on the shadier side of the spectrum, namely a group of ne'er-do-wells and scoundrels, but that's a long ways away currently.


So with all that said, I'm starting an OOC linkshell based heavily around the concept of letting those of us interesting in doing something a little more... well, criminally-oriented coordinate our ideas and begin building in-character connections. If you're interested in the details, I'll be throwing up a thread shortly or you can PM me here or ingame!

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So with all that said, I'm starting an OOC linkshell based heavily around the concept of letting those of us interesting in doing something a little more... well, criminally-oriented coordinate our ideas and begin building in-character connections. If you're interested in the details, I'll be throwing up a thread shortly or you can PM me here or ingame!


Aw, man. Count me in.


I've been watching this thread and I agree: it's tough finding those shadier/seedier groups of people. I've always wanted at least an OOC place for people to go to meet people with those types of characters. ICly, I suppose, it'd have to be difficult. If your character does criminal work, they'd be stupid to talk about any of it in public or to a stranger. Somewhere like here, though, nobody's gotta knoooowww.

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So with all that said, I'm starting an OOC linkshell based heavily around the concept of letting those of us interesting in doing something a little more... well, criminally-oriented coordinate our ideas and begin building in-character connections. If you're interested in the details, I'll be throwing up a thread shortly or you can PM me here or ingame!


I'll be looking forward to it. :)



ALSO, for clarity, as this thread sort of got derailed a little: By 'dark/mature', I didn't necessarily mean evil. Noel, with how I have her set up, would be true neutral. Sure, Eorzea's society is very friendly and militaristic, but there's still crime. Hell, in Limsa's opening you're attacked by pirates. Limsa Lominsa was founded BY pirates. The game even mentions that Ul'dah has its own underground black market and is no stranger to shadier things.


Rather than cultists, villains, and chaotic evil characters, I'm wanting to get in touch with thieves, outlaws, assassins, and etc. 


I'm honestly very surprised at the answers here! And I'm glad there is so much support behind the idea! Perhaps with everyone so hesitant, I'm more inclined to jump at the chance to start my own community. I have a lot of learning to do. :)

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Dark/mature themed FC, you say?


Come talk to us. Tylwyth Narah is a Thanalan-based crime syndicate with growing influence throughout Eorzea. ICly we mainly focus on amassing power, and our organization primarily smuggles and robs. We're not moustache-twirling villains, but we are criminals. More Don Corleone, less Doctor Evil.


OOCly we do a lot of RP with other groups, providing villains and foils for them, in addition to having our own RP. A bunch of us are coming back into the game after a break, so there's a lot of opportunity. We've got a private forum for coordinating plots, a house in the Goblet, and are experimenting with a kanban-style job board to make it easy to pick up RP jobs that need doing (i.e.: "Investigate Bob Dobbs"; "Make an example out of Coatleque Crofte").


We'd love to hear from you!

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Just to elaborate:


"Mature" as a tag for some, and what I am reading here, is the themes that most shy away from in terms of casual RP. Cloaks, daggers, not withheld, it's more of the nitty-gritty side of things. People who are the darker side of life, people who thrive in situations where fluffy happy-go-lucky types simply do not have a place. It's a strange monicker, I agree, but it's why I port the tag and run small LS's revolving around it. I've noticed it as a tag related to MUD's and LARPS more than MMORPGs where it seems people attribute "Mature" to eRPer or willing to eRP and participate in events where there is blood and/or gore. This has thrown me off more than once.


I can see the miscommunication as it affected me when I first joined FFXIV  with "Mature Roleplayer" in my search info and people mostly associated it with murder and erotic RP rather than what I had come to know it as a "theme" much like "dark".


As for the thread I run with a fairly tight group that are always looking for more with regards to information brokering and more of the cloak and dagger espionage style plot lines rather than thievery, assassinations, and outlaws. The LS is for our core group and people who are more inline with the plot lines, but we enjoy including those who wish to be our branch into other aspects of the underworld, merchants, assassins, etc. eyes and ears everywhere after all. We may not be your cup of tea but if it piques your interest (or anyone elses in this thread) feel free to drop me a PM or find me in game.

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