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Greetings from Balmung


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Hello everyone,


Normally im a lurker but having never met a nicer bunch of Rpers I think I shall introduce myself.


--MMORPG background

Played WoW from release till WotLK where I stopped. Dabbled in just about every other MMO but didnt find another good one to play till Tera Online. Played for a year and a Half before things got dumb and I moved to FF14 ARR where im happily staying.


--RP experience

Minor RP in wow. Most RP during that time was self made with my Sister and me as we played Oblivion together. My first main RP time spent with other people was in Tera and now here at ARR.  Other then games I've loved to write stories since I can remember and consider myself a self proclaimed lore hound junkie.


--Character ideas/info

Cocotsu Cotsu is a Scholar with a mysterious glint in her eyes. She likes to wander around and study anything and everything about Aether.  Having no other real purpose she doesnt really get involved with wars and the such but she has a kind heart and will help someone in need if they are nearby or someone shes come to call friend.


--How did you learn about the coalition?

I saw a Linkshell invite /shout and asked about it. The Tavern is where you can find me or send me a /tell =)

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I enjoy heavy RP but dont shy from any RP within reason.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I enjoy reading, gaming, backpacking, and game designing. 


and well thats about it. Feel free to ask questions or find me ingame for RP!

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Hi and welcome to the RPC!


If there are any resources you're looking for (like RP guides, Wiki, etc), feel free to ask any and all questions. There are a TON of things on the forums to help get you out and about.


Where does Cocotsu normally normally wander? And OOCly, when are you typically online (including timezone)? 


..and for Franz's sake, how sensitive is Cocotsu to aether? As in, can she sense something amiss? Would she be interested in someone with "messed up" aether?

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Hi and welcome to the RPC!


If there are any resources you're looking for (like RP guides, Wiki, etc), feel free to ask any and all questions. There are a TON of things on the forums to help get you out and about.


Where does Cocotsu normally normally wander? And OOCly, when are you typically online (including timezone)? 


..and for Franz's sake, how sensitive is Cocotsu to aether? As in, can she sense something amiss? Would she be interested in someone with "messed up" aether?


Thank you all for the kind welcomes ^_^


   I've already been digging my way though the 100 or some pages of RP discussion but will let you all know if im looking for something =3


   OOCly Cocotsu is kinda everywhere as im trying to finish up the Main Story Quest before the next expansion. Im in the Ishguard and Mor Dhona region currently.

my timezone is GMT -5. I tend to be on in the evening ranging from 2pm-12pm however, due to my job and the random shifts I get its not a set thing.


   IC'ly and ironically shes also in the Ishguard and Mor Dhona region.


   Cocotsu's sensitivity to Aether is fairly high having had a talent for its use since she was small. She seems kind of air headed and not all there but in truth is rather sharp and stratigic about the things she says and does, so sensing it would probably within reason. side note, I was in fact pondering how the Gloom weather of Mor Dhona would effect heavy Aether users. Like do you think they would get sick? or feel elated? Or like they were bursting with energy? *cough* Ahem, back to the topic xD Seeing as her current goal in life it to study everything related to Aether I think she might be interested in someone with "Messed up" Aether but in the end that would be decided by RP I think ^_^


Again thanks for all the welcomes!

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I was in fact pondering how the Gloom weather of Mor Dhona would effect heavy Aether users. Like do you think they would get sick? or feel elated? Or like they were bursting with energy?


^This. So. Much. From an OOC standpoint, that could be something very interesting to delve into. Franz hasn't gone to Coerthas before, and likely has motivation to got ot Mor Dhona since it should only hold horrible memories of the battle at Silvertear Lake. (20 years before ARR, iirc).


In his current state though....Mor Dhona would be a very interesting place.


If there's anything we can help out with for MSQ, also feel free to ask! I've found that quite a few of us do end-game content here, so we can help out with all the dungeons if the Duty Finder is being awful. :)

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