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Some days, I miss my last job. Other days... not so much.


Every April to December 24th, I worked almost exclusively in the garden center of as a cashier, because for some reason I knew more about plants, seeds, soils, and fertilizers than 80% of the garden department. That whole situation can have it's own discussion another time... I wanna tell stories about what I would do from December 26th to when the garden center re-opened after the winter:


Returns Desk.


Doing a return should be an easy task. You come in with the unwanted/extra/wrong/broken item along with the package and your receipt before ninety days pass. I check the item, ask you why you're returning the item, you answer truthfully, I scan the receipt and item, stick a tag on it, hit a few more buttons, and you get your money back in a way that reflects your original purchase. The ONLY trouble we should have is if the package was destroyed/lost and I need to manually search the system for a UPC or SKU.


But some people want to make up stories. Or prove that they shouldn't have bred, or just be all-around pains in the butt. Sometimes they're innocent and it's just a horrible misunderstanding... but that was always VERY rare.




I don't remember if it was 2008 or 2009 that the New England area was hit by a really massive ice storm that destroyed a good portion of the electrical network. Almost everyone experienced blackouts, some for weeks and months before power was restored. Anyways, it was about two weeks after the storm had gone through and a man came in. He was angry, I knew he was angry before he even got into the building because I could hear him shouting out in the parking lot. He comes in with a door and practically throws it at me while screaming.


Customer: I came here just after the storm because someone broke into my house during it and destroyed my back door and I needed a new one! I didn't have the extra money, so I got the cheapest door I could find, got it home and put it up, but since I didn't have power I went to stay with relatives and when I came back all my pipes had frozen and burst and now I'm going to sue for the damages and repairs cause I don't have the money and you sold me a defective door!


Me: ... *looks at door* How is the door defective?


Customer: It let in a f'ing draft!


Me: ... Let me get you the store manager... *looks at the screen door* (... The draft is between his left and right ears... and they don't pay me enough to deal with crap like this)




Man walks in carrying a log splitting maul. A BIG man, as in tall and broad.


Me: ... Can I help you?


Customer: *with a VERY heavy, eastern European accent* Yes. Would like to return axe. Does not fit in suitcase.


(Note: area I lived in had a very high population of eastern European immigrants. This man was a repeat customer, he had only moved to the US from Russia about five years prior. He meant to say "tool box", so this was more of a WTF moment)




Customer: What do you mean, I can't pay with this check that wasn't signed by the account holder and you won't accept the three different forms of identification that I carry that all have different names next to my picture, and none of these names match the two on the check?! is a Lizard Man and he's turned you all into sheeple for his race to eat!!!


Me: *shoots supervisor and manager a look of "Please, save me..."*




Customer: I'm returning this wallpaper remover solution because it's known in State of California that consuming this stuff will cause cancer.


Me: (... Whhhhy are you drinking wallpaper remover solution..?)




Me: ... Christmas trees are not returnable...


Customer: But it died, and you have a one-year guarantee on shrubs!


Me: The tree was already dead when you bought it, though. It was a cut tree.


Customer: The needles are all falling out!


Me: ... If this had been a problem before December 24th, we would've exchanged it. But it's the second week of January.

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I'm being reminded now of when I once covered pancakes with parmesan cheese by accident... I'd thought it was powdered sugar and kept putting more on because I was so confused by why it didn't look right.



That's not Parmesan cheese. That powdered crap is like... I don't even know what it is, but it ain't Parmigiano-Reggiano.


I like you! :D


And yes, if that's your only experience with "parmesan" cheese, you owe it to yourself to go buy a chunk of the real thing. Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum.


Totally agreed that real parm is completely different and way better, if it had been real parm the mixup could never have happened :P I'm not really a cheese fan but I do so enjoy good hard cheeses.


I should probably further explain that this incident happened at a 24 hour dinner that served everything at all hours. My friend had ordered spaghetti and I ordered pancakes. It was very late and for some reason I thought the container held powdered sugar, a sprinkling of which sounded hood. Unfortunately... It was powdered parm cheese instead.

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*insert rant about everything that's been happening to me the last little while*


ugh....it's just been stressful...i'm gonna hide over here and draw till i feel better.


also putting worcester sauce on rice when you think the bottle is soy sauce is horrible.

flipping that and grabbing the soy sauce when trying to make a marinade for meat is also bad.


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Just to sidebar back to the Common Core debate...


I have a three year old son, so it'll be awhile yet before I have to play proxy math teacher.


I'm a strong advocate for progressive science and understanding. Even when I was in high school, I figured most of the stuff they were feeding us was misunderstood or outright BS because I know we are in a constant pursuit of true knowledge of all facets of our world, so believe me when I say that creating new standards or methods of teaching any given subject are typically a-ok with me.


My problem with the Common Core method would lie with those students who aren't grasping it. E.g. if my son was having a hard time grasping the Common Core method, I would expect his teacher(s) to be doing anything they could to help him achieve understanding, because gods know I'd be useless at it. If you're going to introduce new methods of teaching and stir up the older established methods that we parents have been teaching our own children ourselves from day one, then you'd damn well better be prepared to back up and reinforce those methods when someone doesn't get it. By all means, provide my son with a newer, different understanding of mathematical concepts. But by those same means, make absolutely sure he can understand them.

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Or, you know, we could just continue to memorize our multiplication tables like we did in the "good" old days and forget this BS altogether.


So long as they can come to the correct answer to the problem, who cares what method they use?


Developing problem-solving skills is applicable in more than just mathematics.

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Everyone thinks about concepts and abstract ideas differently.  The more complicated, typically, the more ways there are to arrive at the same answer.  Addition is simple, and I imagine most of us do mental addition in the same manner (or using a small set of similar approaches).  Multiplication is much more complicated, same with division, and there are a myriad of ways we may go about it.. or not go about it!


I would hope teachers could be flexible enough to try to deal with students reaching the same, correct, answer using different mental approaches.


When it comes to these sorts of basic mathematical operations, the best method I ever had for learning them was a terribly strict math teacher who would make the entire class stand up 5 minutes before her class ended (stand up so that you couldn't use pen and paper or calculator) and then verbally go through a long series of operations: "5 plus 3 times 8 divided by four plus six subtract 2 and divide by 2), and whoever answered correctly first got to leave the classroom.  There was no method involved, but there was motivation to get it right (since you got an extra long break to go talk to friends between classes or whatever!) and it made you work.  I think class by class, week by week most of us got a lot better at doing math in our heads and that sort of improvement becomes ingrained and sticks with you.


I never found teaching me a particular method was as effective as making me just want to solve these problems in real time.  Anyway, not really a useful anecdote, but something I always think of when the topic of math education comes up :)

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I think there's a tiny pride thing. For me.


I consider myself quite able to solve problems well etc. Faced with these problems, scratching my head and wondering WTF IS THIS is not something I like. I also remember during elementary school being one of the biggest helpers of my peers and those younger than me with learning. I was able to do a quite a bit of it and a lot of people always asked me for help.


I wouldn't be able to help people with these :c


Cause god it'd take me a long time to even figure out their method in the first place.

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Developing problem-solving skills is applicable in more than just mathematics.


You are right.

But this is still a math class.

In my day, what you wanted was the "Philosophy and Critical Thinking" course.


They are two different subjects.


In this case, the math problem said how do you add 8 and 5 to make 10. The boy was correct, it is not possible. The teacher only confused him by telling him he is wrong and making it a philosophy question.


If the question had been worded "Using the XYZ System, how can you derive 10 from adding 8 and 5", THEN I can see the argument being valid.

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But this is still a math class.

In my day, what you wanted was the "Philosophy and Critical Thinking" course.


I'm going to take angry exception with that.


(Which is a cue for someone to pop in and complain that the topic is boring, but what the hell)


Math is all about solving problems. It's all about thinking about things in a way that we're not used to thinking about. Arithmetic, algebra, calculus, and all that? Those are the tools. The grammar. The vocabulary. They're the tools that you can carry in your toolbox to help you think about all this crazy stuff.


When we teach kids to read, we start with stories. We don't make them memorize vocabulary and diagram sentences for a decade before they see a story.


When we teach kids art, we start with painting pictures. Formal techniques come later, if at all.


Music theory can help us understand why a song is the way that it is, but when we teach kids music we always start with songs.


Why, then, do we think that math has to start and end with rote techniques?

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My boyfriend and I didn't get to see each other this week, so we were looking forward to spending this saturday together, but his work called him in to close. He's working all day saturday as well and most of Sunday. Bah. We spent last night together which was nice, though. He got a new puppy!

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The process of sending a loved one to their "final" resting place takes forever.


More than 2 weeks before the cremation and putting them in the same place as their wife. Why should it take that long to say goodbye and then celebrate their life and passing after almost 2 years of being without the one they'd lived with for over 50 years?

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Got up this morning and went into the store to get my provisions for the day, which includes a 16oz bottle of whole milk that's listed as pasteurized. I won't go hugely into things, but I'm part of the estimated 50% of the lactose intolerant population that has little-to-no problems with whole milk that is either raw or pasteurized (ultra-pasteurized is something else). 


(Before anyone comes out of the woodwork trying to convince me that cow's milk is evil and I'll die a horrible death because I drink it and that I should switch to soy or almond milk... I have research that points to soy and almond milk being at least just as bad. I'd much rather drink goat's milk, but that's not available commercially as anything but ultra-pasteurized which makes it pretty much worthless, nutrition-wise.)


Anyways. Drink half the bottle of milk, we get moving for the day. About a half-hour later, I start feeling... off. Shaky, queasy, crampy. I'll spare the rest of the details, but I was sick for a little while. No real idea -why-, I check all the packages for what I'd eaten at breakfast and nothing is out of date. A few hours later, I feel a bit thirsty and hungry (but not wanting to risk trying to eat something solid), I finish off the rest of the milk. Half-hour later, again I'm sick. I grab the now-empty bottle out of the trash to double-check the expiration date, and my eyes happen to fall on the ingredients list.


Ingredients: ultra-pasteurized skim milk, mechanically separated and processed fats, carrageenan, vitamin B13 added


My bottle of whole milk was made from skim milk that they went and re-added some sort of fat to. And seaweed.


What. The. Frack.

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If you ever want to see me angry myself into a boil, get me talking about how people drive.




One of my biggest pet peeves is when people either forget or (the more likely thing in my rage-filled mind) outright refuse to use their turn signals. And then you get dirty looks when they have to swerve back into their lane because you're not a goddamn mind-reader. My apologies!


Oh, speaking of swerving? Those people who drift. You know the ones. Either they change lanes horrendously slowly (usually without signal, of course), or decide that staying in their lane isn't good enough and decide to start straddling two.


Then there's folks who decide that they're above the law and use turn lanes and even the pull-off lanes/curbs as if they're normal lanes. I literally had a dude cut around me at a light that JUST TURNED GREEN once by jumping into the left-turn-only lane.


And that's not even getting into unnecessarily slow drivers, tailgating, and idiots on their cellphones. I swear. I wonder at times why there always seems to be accidents on the road, then I remember all the nitwits I've seen doing stupid nonsense.

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{bad driving rant}


And motorcyclists who think they don't have to wait in line with the rest of us.


And people who don't know how to "zipper"


And people who wait till the last minute to get out of the construction lane.


And people who refuse to let the 18-wheeler merge because they *need* to be in front


And people who complain when others do the speed limit in the passing lane. I got news for you, the passing lane isn't the "I can go over 65" lane. If you have to break the speed limit just to pass someone, you are still breaking the law. (this coming from someone who regularly does 75-80)

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If you ever want to see me angry myself into a boil, get me talking about how people drive.




One of my biggest pet peeves is when people either forget or (the more likely thing in my rage-filled mind) outright refuse to use their turn signals. And then you get dirty looks when they have to swerve back into their lane because you're not a goddamn mind-reader. My apologies!


Oh, speaking of swerving? Those people who drift. You know the ones. Either they change lanes horrendously slowly (usually without signal, of course), or decide that staying in their lane isn't good enough and decide to start straddling two.


Then there's folks who decide that they're above the law and use turn lanes and even the pull-off lanes/curbs as if they're normal lanes. I literally had a dude cut around me at a light that JUST TURNED GREEN once by jumping into the left-turn-only lane.


And that's not even getting into unnecessarily slow drivers, tailgating, and idiots on their cellphones. I swear. I wonder at times why there always seems to be accidents on the road, then I remember all the nitwits I've seen doing stupid nonsense.

I like the cut of your jib sir.


It's things like this that cause my blood pressure to go up, and my doctor wonders why my stress levels are so high. You try getting around the beltway twice a day with these idiots.


Don't even get me started when the weather gets bad. Yes, I get it, the weather is bad so we need to slow down and be more careful. Slowing down and being more careful does not mean doing 30 on the highway, its only a drizzle.


Edit: By the way, is merging a lost art? Did we like lose it at some point in our advancement as a species? How hard is it to merge from an off-ramp?

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