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Primal Music: A special thing

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We all had our painstaking amount of time grinding primals to the point where the music becomes ingrained into our heads, but if you're like me, you pretty much just summarize it into a phrase. Allow me to begin, and please, do share your experience with the buttrock that is 90% of primal music.


  • Ifrit: William Tell Overture on crack

  • Garuda: 3115666_o.gif
  • Moggle Mog: This is Halloween copyright infringement
  • Leviathan: I wouldn't remember, the boss ends in 30 seconds
  • Ramuh: Comfy_guy.jpg
  • Shiva: 129157560493033650.gif

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The Primals' versions of the tracks are also all very nice. In fact, I wish they'd replace the current version of both Ifrit's theme and Shiva's theme (the second part) with the Primals' versions; they're just so nice and, in Ifrit's case, more in keeping with the weight of the other primal themes.


Shiva's theme in particular really exposes how incredibly washed-out the in-game version is in comparison. That's probably intentional given the punk rock theme of the track, but the difference in clarity is just too large for me to ignore. Speaking of, you can preview the tracks here. Even in 128kbps MP3s, you can really notice the difference.


And while this isn't exactly primal-related, I love playing this track in place of the normal battle theme for the hydra and chimera trials:



Makes them 300% more epic and enjoyable. :)

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I'm curious about the Primals version of Shiva. Although it is commonly disliked, I do enjoy the second part; it took me quite by surprise when I first heard it and I felt somehow it fit despite the strange choice. All-Engrish j-rock/pop is an acquired taste and the noisy sound doesn't do it any favors. I was just surprised I enjoyed the track so much considering that specific style of rock sound isn't something I generally like. I think it could have a cleaner sound and probably be much improved for it though.


That being said, my favorite is Ramuh. I like dissonant tracks that contrast with what's going on and it's very peaceful sounding to me, at least most of the time.

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I'm curious about the Primals version of Shiva. Although it is commonly disliked, I do enjoy the second part; it took me quite by surprise when I first heard it and I felt somehow it fit despite the strange choice. All-Engrish j-rock/pop is an acquired taste and the noisy sound doesn't do it any favors. I was just surprised I enjoyed the track so much considering that specific style of rock sound isn't something I generally like. I think it could have a cleaner sound and probably be much improved for it though.


The transition is horrible and it sounds like it was mixed just as horribly.


I'd have zero problems with it otherwise, it just plum doesn't sound good. If I could listen to a good version maybe.

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ifrit: generic JRPG boss music

titan: buttrock

garuda: boring buttrock

levi: even more boring buttrock

moggle: plagiarism

ramuh: something actually creative

shiva: vomit




((Mod note: Alothia removed the picture simply because it was a bit graphic. Some people have sensitive stomachs. Thanks))

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