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Where in the blue hells do you hang out, anyway?

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Okay. I'm making this thread because I've seen so many of you here in the forums. And a lot of you are like celebrities to me. And I'm wanting to both just RP with most of you for the sake of RPing with the great people here, and wanting to expand my RP connections. 


But: I've never seen most of you people hanging out in the same places I go trawling for RP. 


So, where do you people play?

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Only the coolest bar in Eorzea, also conveniently called the Blue Hells.


Actually, for me, I've been sorta hanging around my FC house as of late and interacting with folks there. I do swing by Ul'dah on occasion to peer into the Quicksand, but I really don't come by as often as I once did. I probably should do it more, though, since I'm more or less wrapped up with my IG goals (save for leveling Judge) and thus have more time open for the RPs that I often spend just hanging around idly.


But yeah, I don't think there's really one place where folks hang out. Each person has their own haunts they frequent, and sometimes they intersect. If there's someone you'd think would be interesting or fun to RP with, I'd recommend either shooting them a PM here or a /tell in-game. Then you can figure out a way for your characters to meet!

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Past the railroad, on the bad side of town.


Just kidding, anyway kyrio the problem is that a lot of the active people on the site do not hang out anywhere. Many of them, including myself generally, have done so much open world RP that we only go to public places for a specific scene. Otherwise we are hanging out with our fc or favorite LSs.


If you had gone to the quicksand a year ago, you would have seen all these people lining the walls, just as you do now. For example, I hardly ever do open world hangouts with Evangeline, its usually one plot or another. R'elend, my Brass Blade though, is a newer character, and spends all his time trawling around Ul'dah looking for RP.


So take heart, todays Quicksand railing standers will be tomorrows well known names!

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Celebrities? Where?


*Looks around*


Uh, me? Celebrity? Nah. I'm a marshmallow that SMILES. :3


But, Eleni is an adventurer so you can find her pretty much anywhere, but highest chances if catching her are in Gridania. 


P.s. Or just poke me OOCly when you find me, and we'll fix up some RP! :3

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I don't know about celebrities, but I usually throw Berrod around Ul'Dah and Thanalan, with the occasional visit to Gridania and Limsa Lominsa. 


Currently he's in a hospital bed, but when he's active  Berrod takes daily trips to Eustace the Levemete in the Quicksand, and frequents Pearl Lane.

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Im generally loitering  QS simply because im too lazy to find a new spot.


I do a lot of open world though also. So there's that.


If you want to meet people you should attend grindstone though. That's where you'll like see everyone. 


If you're lucky you might even see Warren roll a 0.


Also, Aya. . . That avatar tho. . .


I approve

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I'm all for the open world RP. But the rub is that it makes people who want to find you and RP with you have to scrounge around. Since we can't send mail in-game unless you're on the friend's list, and you can't add the friend's list unless you're both online . . . 


But it sounds like the best bet is the Grindstone outside of just going on manhunts to find most of you. Kyr was there last week, but with like 25 competitors, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. Especially with two obnoxious Hyur shouting all sorts of strange things at you during your fight. /straightface.

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I wouldn't say I'm a celebrity so much as a creepy lurker, but if you would like to meet some of us Rendezvous folks, we run a public event every month. We love running said event, too! It's a laid back time, and it's our primary interaction point with the server in general.


If you'd like to stop by, the detailed post should be linked within the calendar. No hard feelings if it's not your cup of tea, though! (See what I did there?)

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I'm all for the open world RP. But the rub is that it makes people who want to find you and RP with you have to scrounge around. Since we can't send mail in-game unless you're on the friend's list, and you can't add the friend's list unless you're both online . . . 


But it sounds like the best bet is the Grindstone outside of just going on manhunts to find most of you. Kyr was there last week, but with like 25 competitors, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. Especially with two obnoxious Hyur shouting all sorts of strange things at you during your fight. /straightface.


This is why, when I find people I want to rp with on the forum (and aren't holed up playing dead) and can think of a way for character interaction, I send them pms pretty much begging them to rp with me, including some times when I am available (and including those in Eastern and whatever the +0 timezone is called, the one in Britain) and some ideas for rp.


People here, whether you consider them 'celebrities' or not, are generally really friendly and try to make accomodations.

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I'm all for the open world RP. But the rub is that it makes people who want to find you and RP with you have to scrounge around. Since we can't send mail in-game unless you're on the friend's list, and you can't add the friend's list unless you're both online . . . 


But it sounds like the best bet is the Grindstone outside of just going on manhunts to find most of you. Kyr was there last week, but with like 25 competitors, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. Especially with two obnoxious Hyur shouting all sorts of strange things at you during your fight. /straightface.


This is why, when I find people I want to rp with on the forum (and aren't holed up playing dead) and can think of a way for character interaction, I send them pms pretty much begging them to rp with me, including some times when I am available (and including those in Eastern and whatever the +0 timezone is called, the one in Britain) and some ideas for rp.


People here, whether you consider them 'celebrities' or not, are generally really friendly and try to make accomodations.

I agree with this here. I don't think anyone is a celebrity but just a friendly person who is active on the RPC.  


I go everywhere but am trying to fall back to the quicksand since so many enjoy watching bri be bri.

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I'm all for the open world RP. But the rub is that it makes people who want to find you and RP with you have to scrounge around. Since we can't send mail in-game unless you're on the friend's list, and you can't add the friend's list unless you're both online . . . 


But it sounds like the best bet is the Grindstone outside of just going on manhunts to find most of you. Kyr was there last week, but with like 25 competitors, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle. Especially with two obnoxious Hyur shouting all sorts of strange things at you during your fight. /straightface.


In the case of Grindstone, you probably should come an hour early (yes an hour). Normally, there are quite a few people there already and the mechanics of organization aren't taking place yet. Once it starts, getting in RP with anyone until about the 3rd round might be tricky because tons of people are running around trying to make sure things go smoothly with 30+ people signing up. The people who run it don't want it to go to 3-4 am, but before the event offically starts you can generally talk to competitors and even staff a bit easier.


If you get knocked out quickly, about 30% of the fighters stick around to watch at least one more round which gives you some conversation chance. If you are really bold at least a half dozen to a dozen folks will still be there after the final roll. (But that can be pretty late for some people).

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I rp wherever I am. Out in the world, in the adventuring guilds, even when I'm out running around on choco exploring the regions. My characters don't really have 'haunts' yet, so the best way to snag me for rp is to simply whisper me and go "Hey! Wanna rp?" I will literally slam the breaks on my chocobo turn that sucker around and run towards you going YES ALL THE YES. xD

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