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Au Ra Naming Conventions

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Nice. I love the Mongolian(first)-tribe(surname) combo for Xaela. Very nifty.


Edit: can we just talk about;

"Torgurd, This desert tribe does not wear any clothes, choosing instead to cover their bodies almost entirely in a white paint created from mud, lime, and bone meal. The paint helps to reflect the relentless desert sun."

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Nice. I love the Mongolian(first)-tribe(surname) combo for Xaela. Very nifty.


Edit: can we just talk about;

"Torgurd, This desert tribe does not wear any clothes, choosing instead to cover their bodies almost entirely in a white paint created from mud, lime, and bone meal. The paint helps to reflect the relentless desert sun."


Nope, gotta talk about them Goro.


"The Goro believe horses to be perfect beings, and each male and female, upon their coming of age, is married to a horse of the opposite sex. Reproductive mates are chosen by lots."

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I'm partial to Ejinn.



Ejinn - A river tribe that chooses to swim from place to place rather than walk or take boats. It is said that members of the Ejinn can hold their breaths for up to a quarter bell, and will often migrate while almost completely submerged in order to avoid contact with hostile tribes.



Gonna make me a Kappa.

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Nice. I love the Mongolian(first)-tribe(surname) combo for Xaela. Very nifty.


Edit: can we just talk about;

"Torgurd, This desert tribe does not wear any clothes, choosing instead to cover their bodies almost entirely in a white paint created from mud, lime, and bone meal. The paint helps to reflect the relentless desert sun."


Sign me up for Torgurd, jk.

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"The Goro believe horses to be perfect beings, and each male and female, upon their coming of age, is married to a horse of the opposite sex. Reproductive mates are chosen by lots."


W-what?! That can't be real? I mean, I'm reading it, but...wat?!

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Nice. I love the Mongolian(first)-tribe(surname) combo for Xaela. Very nifty.


Edit: can we just talk about;

"Torgurd, This desert tribe does not wear any clothes, choosing instead to cover their bodies almost entirely in a white paint created from mud, lime, and bone meal. The paint helps to reflect the relentless desert sun."


Nope, gotta talk about them Goro.


"The Goro believe horses to be perfect beings, and each male and female, upon their coming of age, is married to a horse of the opposite sex. Reproductive mates are chosen by lots."

I need to make a Goro just to see how people react when they find out I'm married to a horse.

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Nice. I love the Mongolian(first)-tribe(surname) combo for Xaela. Very nifty.


Edit: can we just talk about;

"Torgurd, This desert tribe does not wear any clothes, choosing instead to cover their bodies almost entirely in a white paint created from mud, lime, and bone meal. The paint helps to reflect the relentless desert sun."


Nope, gotta talk about them Goro.


"The Goro believe horses to be perfect beings, and each male and female, upon their coming of age, is married to a horse of the opposite sex. Reproductive mates are chosen by lots."

I need to make a Goro just to see how people react when they find out I'm married to a horse.


"Take a look at my horse, my horse is amazing."


In all seriousness, I get the feeling we'll likely see some sidequests involving certain Xaela tribes. The Dotharl/Hotgo situation sounds ripe for quest fodder, as does the Jhungid/Kharlu rivalry (you know if this was WoW, they'd be rival factions you could gain rep with one at the cost of the other). And I expect to see some Dalamiq cultists.

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Nice. I love the Mongolian(first)-tribe(surname) combo for Xaela. Very nifty.


Edit: can we just talk about;

"Torgurd, This desert tribe does not wear any clothes, choosing instead to cover their bodies almost entirely in a white paint created from mud, lime, and bone meal. The paint helps to reflect the relentless desert sun."


Sounds like my kind of tribe.

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The Au Ra lore is completely crazy and I LOVE it. It makes me sad that we'll miss tons of those cultures because we can't play in Othard ;_;


Anyway, my Xaela will be a Kahkol! Possibly an Oronir in the past. From what I see, Xaelas tend to change their tribe more or less easily.

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Haha, wow.  Au Ra lore is awesome.  Now we will have hundreds of Seekers AND Xaela that have all abandoned their tribal ways IC.

Unsure if this is a sarcastic remark or not.. xD


Some tribes actually dwell in cities though, so that's cool for those 'I was raised in a city' folk.

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Haha, wow.  Au Ra lore is awesome.  Now we will have hundreds of Seekers AND Xaela that have all abandoned their tribal ways IC.


I think this is a good excuse for a Xaela to have a name that isn't part of the main lore. Which is completely alright, but yes, as you say, there will probably be alot of people doing this, so it wouldn't be very unique.

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Yep, I foresee soo many people just simply not going with the conventions on this.


It's great to have it and all but... this is going to drive yet another wedge between those who are hardcore on lore and those who are more casual about it.


Still, some of this information is just rich. I'm guessing that any romantic propositioning between members of the Torgurd tribe is prefaced by "Hey want to take a bath together?"

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Does this mean that you can name your Auri warrior after your favorite anime character and still be within the boundaries of Raen naming conventions? Prrrrrrobably not—the main reason being because the names used in a lot of modern manga/anime are just that: modern. The names that we’ve decided to go with for Final Fantasy XIV, are based off of ones that were prevalent between the 16th and 18th centuries. The Miku in Miku Hatsune? That wasn’t around in the 17th century, so (unfortunately), it isn’t name a Raen family would consider for their daughter, no matter how green/cyan her hair.



This is probably the best part about that whole page.

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My prediction of keeping Septh's full name due to it's Mongolian heritage was correct. Still keeping the last name though, this is a person with no tribe and is literally being converted to Au Ra. It wouldn't make sense to have a tribal surname at all.

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My prediction of keeping Septh's full name due to it's Mongolian heritage was correct. Still keeping the last name though, this is a person with no tribe and is literally being converted to Au Ra. It wouldn't make sense to have a tribal surname at all.

But, I mean the name could just of been from a tribe that no longer exists.


Like how 'Weaver' used to just be a title of someone who was in the profession of weaving but it slowly just became a last name.


As did Potter etc. ^^

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