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Feisty Ala Mhigan Monk LF more contacts!

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Edit: After a few roleplaying partners unexpectedly bailing out on me due to being burned out, or real life ganking them, I'm actively looking for new people to roleplay with! Anyhow without further delay.




Meet Avelyn Firestone; A 45 year old Fist of Rhalgr with alcoholic tendencies, rather poorly mannered in several ways; lewd, crude and rude is what sums Avelyn up for the most. At the very least there is never dull moment with her around, I can promise you that.


As for what I'm looking for? Anything really!


People to have her drink with, spar with, train with, talk to, stir up shit with, work for, work with. Serious stuff, light hearted things, it doesn't matter.


Ala Mhigans of any races, and/or older characters is what interest me the most, however I will hardly deny any other offer of roleplay!


Skype RP, Google Docs, or even Discord is an option as well if need be due to timezone difference. That said, Despite playing on GMT+1, my sleeping schedule is even past beyond most US citizens these days. However, sometimes I do need to revert my sleeping pattern back, but for the most part? Yeah, I can roleplay easily enough with none European folk. That said, I'd love to have more EU RP friends!


Happened to be interested? Toss me a message over the RPC or simply contact me here ingame.


And just for the hell of it, have a link to her WIP wikipage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welp I think I got back to most people, and thank you for the ingame whispers as well!


Not going to lie but I would love to meet more Ala Mhigans, and especially the older generation (35ish +) are very much welcome! I know we are a rare kind, but if you happen to have one of the older Ala Mhigans, please throw me a message, I would love to meet you IC!

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  • 9 months later...

I have two characters, brother and sister, about your character's age. They're Alex and Grace Windfist, they're third generation namesake after the name their grandfather took on account of his technique. They're monks. Both active in the invisible Little Ala Mhigo scene with Alex also being the leader of Crystalline, a free company. They're by no means super monks of invincibility, but they harbor the Ala Mhigan spirit and all that. I try to hang out with either of them in Little Ala Mhigo on the off chance I'd find some random RP out there, but feel free to drop a line or something here.

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Oh dear, how interactions would go between Josiah and her...


Haha, anyway, hello! As with many others, I would also love to hopefully have our characters meet up at some point. Josiah is half Highlander, his absent father being full, so he's always eager to learn more about his heritage on that side, since he's more Midlander than anything. Plus, his happy-go-lucky and white knight personality would go along swimmingly with Avelyn, and he's a wee babe compared to her in age. Anyway, ya can reach me either though PMs here or in-game!

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