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Hm. I think all of that works out pretty well aside from one teensy inconvenient fact: While Eorzea has a lot of sky, and Limsa in particular has a lot of pirates, there's not really a thriving sky pirate community in the world.


Airships were, up until very recently, owned and used by the City-States. They're transport vessels primarily, and there's no real in-world lore to justify independent owners of them. It's true there's no lore to state that people did not[/i] have access to these, but airship travel in Eorzea is pretty much confined to the equivalent of airliners. There's not really a whole lot to pirate in the sky, not exactly. Not until Ishgard opened up and the City-States started permitting adventurers to work on their own airships, but that still requires you to be a part of a connected Free Company.


There's plenty of crime in Eorzea, but a criminal with his own airship wouldn't last long in a world where that would be a very, very exclusive club.

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No harm no foul. It's not like you could have known prior. If you wanted to establish just a shady-but-well-to-do background, the Rogue's Guild in Limsa Lominsa is basically... Well, they're a legit establishment of Robin Hoods.


They're official defenders of the actual Pirate's Code that helps rule Limsa, and are a gang of do-gooders capable of all sorts of fun skulky stuff.



It wouldn't impact your background much at all if they simply got taken in by one of the Rogues. You can access the quest My First Daggers once you unlock the armory system and reach level 10. Then it's just a visit to Limsa Lominsa and you're all set to start with the sneakysneaky.

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I have also read that the idea of a Miqo'te being raised by a Hyur is becoming cliché. Is this true?

People do it all the time, x being raised by another race. In truth, I think at this point people see it more as uninspired, seeming so many go for it, but going as far as saying it is cliché? I'm not sure. Personally I find it being used as an easy way out to roleplay a race with a background what normally doesn't make sense for them, what at that point I would go to myself "Why don't I just roll x race and make the story more fitting without having go look for all sorts of workaround?"


But it can make for a good background story nevertheless. It's your character at the end of the day. I know a race simply sometimes doesn't look pleasing in the eyes of the player and prefer to roll another :)

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"Miqo'te being raised by Hyur" largely came about because RP characters were being made before official lore on naming conventions did (if I remember correctly, there weren't any official naming conventions until around 2.0 so every 1.0 character didn't benefit from them). There was also a long time between when lore conventions came out and the ability to purchase a name change came out. Then there's the fact that some people just don't want to/aren't able to afford one.


"Airship Pirates" may not be something you wanted to do anymore but I'll toss in one more tidbit: The reason only Grand Companies had airships before was that Garleans would shoot them down on a regular basis during the 2.0 storyline. After Operation Archon, there aren't that many active AA guns or whatever they use (mortars like in Castrum Meridianum? those are ground attack...) so Free Companies have started getting them. It's a very recent thing though.

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Hello again everyone! I am working on adding more details to my character's history. I was wondering what everyone thought of the idea of experimenting with Aether for the purpose of causing a sickness/disease. I would like Rinh's sickness to be the result of secret Aether experiments by the Garlean Empire if that is viable.


Saw you were a bit unsure on making your Keeper so I wanted to point you to this recent thread on Keeper Lore. Hope it helps!


On the topic of aether experimentation, go wild! People have been experimenting with aether for ages and I see no reason why the Garleans wouldn't perform Allagan-esque experiments on subjected citizens if given the opportunity? Just remember that native Garleans are genetically unable to manipulate aether on their own. ^^

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Hello again everyone! I am working on adding more details to my character's history. I was wondering what everyone thought of the idea of experimenting with Aether for the purpose of causing a sickness/disease. I would like Rinh's sickness to be the result of secret Aether experiments by the Garlean Empire if that is viable.


Garlean who went through horrible aether experiments here! ...it's fun RP. (The one responsible for the actual aetherial manipulation wasn't Garlean by birth. She just happened to work on Garleans at the time). With how varied Allagan tech is, there's a lot of room for interpretation and speculation. My method is to find something similar in game, then bend it a little to do something plausible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just throwing in my 2 cents here


Everything looks pretty okay so far, only changes I'd make are:


1) Drop the sky pirate idea, become a normal pirate instead. It'd blend very well with the Maelstrom and could serve as a viable shared experience that other characters you may interact with might have.


2) I wouldn't do the experimentation bit, it's -extremely- cliche in my opinion. Honestly you don't need to work so hard if you want to give him some kind Aether based disease/sickness, you could link it to his pirating. Perhaps he raided a Garlean ship and the raid set something off?

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