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Keeper of The Moon lore questions

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I recently started playing FF14 again, first time aiming to try to roleplay a female Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon, however, my knowledge on the entire lore isn't that vast.


I've been trying to find more lore about them however, I haven't had any luck finding info about some things. I decided to make an outfit that I think looks adobes and fits the whole topic of the Keepers, however, I am unsure if it is lore-appropriate. Here are some questions I have.


▬ Are there any specific outfits they wear, colors etc.? [Example, White Mages wear mostly white/off white] Could I pull off the current outfit in an RP setting?


▬ Keepers are known to live in the Shroud and are at conflict with Gridanians, but some also live in peace with them by adapting. Does anyone care to explain this a little more in depth?


▬ If they live out in the wild, do Keeper clans join together or do they remain separate, keeping their numbers small?


▬ Where in the Shroud they would make a home? Is there any specific area they tend to go toward?


▬ They live a rather matriarchal lifestyle; does it mean they are also feminists or consider themselves better and superior to males?


▬ What exactly are their views on outsiders/other races? Are they very racist/avoiding contact with them or are they rather open toward other races? Are they open to making acquaintances/friends with others or heavily limit it to their family?


▬ Also, are there any quests/NPC conversations within the game that talk more about Keepers?



Any help on the subject would be greatly appreciated!










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I'm not one for Keeper Lore, but real-life logic and systems are a thing I do.


▬ They live a rather matriarchal lifestyle; does it mean they are also feminists or consider themselves better and superior to males?



If you could clarify exactly what you mean by this (Feminism comes in a wide variety of different forms and outlooks), I could get an answer for you. The rest is best answered by someone else.

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I'm not one for Keeper Lore, but real-life logic and systems are a thing I do.


▬ They live a rather matriarchal lifestyle; does it mean they are also feminists or consider themselves better and superior to males?



If you could clarify exactly what you mean by this (Feminism comes in a wide variety of different forms and outlooks), I could get an answer for you. The rest is best answered by someone else.


By that I meant that if they strive to make sure everyone is deemed an equal, both males and females even though the tribes are led by women or do they view themselves as superior to the male miqo'tes.

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I'm not one for Keeper Lore, but real-life logic and systems are a thing I do.


▬ They live a rather matriarchal lifestyle; does it mean they are also feminists or consider themselves better and superior to males?



If you could clarify exactly what you mean by this (Feminism comes in a wide variety of different forms and outlooks), I could get an answer for you. The rest is best answered by someone else.


By that I meant that if they strive to make sure everyone is deemed an equal, both males and females even though the tribes are led by women or do they view themselves as superior to the male miqo'tes.


Going by this definition, no. The unequal roles in society (in both Keeper and Seeker tribes) are caused by the fact that Males have a very low birth rate; this leads to certain males being selected solely for breeding in both Seeker and Keeper populations, though Keepers seem to be much more protective of their men. Whereas the "unchosen" among the Seekers (Tia) are still permitted to do dangerous jobs such as hunting, this seems to be less common among Keepers. Although Keepers trade their males between tribes for the sake of keeping the population alive and preventing inbreeding, most hunting and leadership duties are still taken care of by females.


One might posit that they are equal in terms of respect (which I am unsure of, but it wouldn't be much of a stretch), but as far as tribe duties, there is an inequality that everyone is okay with.


It's worth noting that this isn't because of any particular hatred towards Men. It's just that it's bad business for the Tribe if you let your other, rarer biological half go out and get themselves killed, because then you can't continue your family.

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I've been doing my best to collect and learn as much Keeper lore as I can since I started in 1.0. However, the fact remains that there isn't much detailed information on them. It's mostly just general statements that the naming convention lore from SE states, or comments that a small few NPCs make in-game for certain quests.


-- There are no examples of Keeper tribes we can go find and visit in-game. So its very hard to see if there are any traditional outfits they would wear. The closest we get is a band of poachers who all seem to dress alike. We know this band of poachers is not a good reference though, because they have a male leader.


-- If you travel across all of Eorzea in game and look at each NPC, you will find very very very few Keeper NPCs outside of the Black Shroud. However, there are quite a few Keeper NPCs in and around Gridania. The absolute best place to get more in-game lore for this kind of question is the Archer guild questline. The main NPC is a tribal Keeper girl who is adjusting to life in the city. From what I understand, most Gridanians generally consider all Miqo'te Keeper tribes that live out in the Twelveswood to be the same thing as poachers.


-- The lore from SE states that Keepers keep their tribes small with only 2 or 3 families living together. We don't have much more information than that, and there aren't any Keeper tribes to visit, like I said.


-- As for where they live in the Shroud... I would like to know this myself. Since we can't go see any tribes, we can't know where for sure. For my Keeper girl, I have always had her tribe existing deep in the Eastern Shroud, far from Gridania.


-- We have no definite answer for this either, but I'd like to think there's still a mutual respect and both the males and females understand their roles in the tribe and why those roles are in place. We do know that the males tend to wander between tribes to make sure there are enough males around to keep the tribes going through the next generation.


-- This is something I love to RP, but rarely see others RPing. It's clearly stated in the game that Wildwood Elezen and Keeper Miqo'te have a rocky history with each other. They have a long time rivalry with their differing forms of archery (Elezen longbows vs. Miqo'te short bows) and this can be seen in the archer's guild storyline very clearly. As for outsiders of other races... it's not stated anywhere that I know of. But I can tell you that my Keeper girl sees the Seeker culture as a gross mockery of her own Keeper traditions, and can't stand the way they do things. But that isn't official SE lore.


-- I don't have links or screenshots unfortunately, but I can tell you that the places with the most Keeper lore in game are Archer's Guild quest line, and some kind of Moogle mail quest I keep hearing about but haven't found myself yet that talks briefly about male Keepers. I know there are others who can post the screenshots with the NPC conversations.

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*Jumps in the topic after having read the word "matriarchy" and "feminist" together.*


I encourage you to read this : http://nightmazing.tumblr.com/post/128702011167/a-gutter-of-flowers-nightmazing-linwa-tia


Lore bits are coming from one of the moogle quest and the associated F.A.T.E in South Shrouds.


Also read this topic : http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=2961


And don't forget that Keepers aren't native from Eorzea and can live pretty much everywhere.

There is not much about why Gridanian have some problems with Keepers but if you talk to the NPC you can suspect racism (like with the Duskwight.. Who also have pale / blue skin) and the fact that Keepers are hunters and considered as poachers.

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The males are not part of the Keeper "family unit", at least traditionally, this doesn't mean that they have no affection or ties to anyone, but overall it seems they're known for having cantankerous personalities and thrive best on their own.


Of course, any RP character can break this mold.


On my old Keeper main I wrote that his father made a yearly circuit between three clans, all of which he had kin with. He would come visit bearing gifts, spend some time with the clan, then leave and visit again in the future.

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I am playing a Keeper and while it is challenging to really get a sense of who they are as a people, it gives the player a little more freedom in some ways.  Manari's answers were amazing and I'm going to incorporate some of that into my own head canon.


When it comes to the Miqo'te there are a couple of ways to play them.  One that treats them as being substantially different from humans in behavior, culture, morals, and the like.  The other way is to treat them more like humans wearing cat ears.  I like to play them as being different and try to avoid putting modern moral or culture value systems on them.  There's enough of that in reality already.


I've been a cat owner and enthusiast all my life so that's the kind of behavior that I model.  Female cats like their toms but only in short doses.  This doesn't mean a Keeper can't fall in monogamous and long-term love with someone, but I think it'd be a little more rare.


I like to play up the rivalry between Keepers and Seekers.  I feel like this rivalry has to exist at some basic psychological level for them to have developed opposite sleep patterns, different eyes, and for their dentition to be a little different (fangs).


As for clothing, I think that's left to the imagination.  As hunters who seem to prefer forests, I imagine they might be drawn to earth tones; dark greens and browns.


Nature's favoritism for producing far more females than males would almost certainly have a dramatic impact on the way males and females behave and interact towards each other.  But since there's not really example of think in our world from which to draw, I think it kind of limits the ability to make conclusions.  That might be why it's best left to the players interpretation.


Besides, living in long-lasting family units as they seem to do, each clan of Keepers could develop radically different cultures and value systems.  So really, any thing the player can think of might be a possibility given enough time and isolation.

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All right, here goes my own opinion as a Keeper male and female RPer. Keep in mind, the lore we have is stuff that goes a long while back, and times are a bit more modern than then even for Keepers, so it's perfectly natural to find Keeper RPers with a different perspective than my own.


Also I'd like to reiterate that the term clan is a community bias. The "clans" of the Miqo'te are Keeper of the Moon and Seeker of the Sun, so Keepers cannot be split in clans themselves. They are more correctly referred to as families.


▬ Are there any specific outfits they wear, colors etc.? [Example, White Mages wear mostly white/off white] Could I pull off the current outfit in an RP setting?

While there are no specific outfits of Keepers, they are nocturnal, so colors that are more fit with the night may be a more obvious choice of clothing. Whether they'd wear forest clothes or not depends on you, as Keepers have been living far and wide in recent times, and have surely adapted to city clothing as well. They are very proud of their face paint however, said to give lunar powers, so night/lunar colors may be preferred by them, but it's not a must.


▬ Keepers are known to live in the Shroud and are at conflict with Gridanians, but some also live in peace with them by adapting. Does anyone care to explain this a little more in depth?

Simply put, they have adapted and come out to live in Gridania. They used to be in conflict, but now it's mostly a matter of some racist bias from Gridanians (who are generally xenophobic as you may experience in the very early quests there), and who tend to think that Keeper/Duskwight = bandit.


▬ If they live out in the wild, do Keeper clans join together or do they remain separate, keeping their numbers small?

Keepers are a more brooding and solitary type, so living alone is also perfectly legit. If they live in groups, it is usually small families (mother, daughters, sisters, aunts and their offspring at most), with males ending up leaving the family as soon as they can be indipendent, and wander on their own.


NOTE: That male Keepers are wanderers and do not stick to the family was a lore bomb that SE added via Moogle mail quests much later after 2.0 launch, and for some, including me (Ironically, SE copied my idea of what Keeper families worked like and put them as lore for the Dazkar Xaela <.<) it was a total disaster, because it went against everything I had RPd up to that point.


Household duties such as cooking, cleaning, and childrearing are handled by the males of the Dazkar who, other than when on the move, rarely ever leave their family's yurts. Female Dazkar are tasked with hunting, and are known across the steppe as being some of the most accurate archers in the realm.



Anyways, in the end I decided to stick to my own idea of what the Vann family would be like, because it was a colossal factor in how I RPd Jet'a and Blue, and I had been RPing them for over a year. So, do what you will with that...


▬ Where in the Shroud they would make a home? Is there any specific area they tend to go toward?

Being very territorial, Shroud Keeper families would likely have their own territory within the forest. This would include uncharted parts of the Shroud, more likely, because they've got to share with the many Duskwight bands as well, and the Ixali and Sylphs. West Shroud comes to mind as an uncharted area, but feel free to make up your own part of the shroud, if you're going with a forest Keeper.


▬ They live a rather matriarchal lifestyle; does it mean they are also feminists or consider themselves better and superior to males?

Again, the 2014 moogle quest basically states that Keeper families do not have males within them (probably keep them up to when they are children). Personally I RPd my Vann women to be like amazons (again, Drazkar Xaela) and consider themselves superior to males, but matriarchal does not equal feminist all the time (not all female-only groups are like The Wicker Man <.<), but more likely simply ignorance of what males are save rumors and stuff one is told by their female relatives.


▬ What exactly are their views on outsiders/other races? Are they very racist/avoiding contact with them or are they rather open toward other races? Are they open to making acquaintances/friends with others or heavily limit it to their family?

This is again up to you, and up for debate. If your character has grown in a traditional family isolated in the Shroud, chances are they'll be more conservative and xenophobic towards outsiders and people different than them, whereas a Keeper raised in the city may be more prone to acceptance and open-minded. SE said that Keepers are more brooding and solitary, but it really all comes down to how your character was raised and what she/he is used to.


▬ Also, are there any quests/NPC conversations within the game that talk more about Keepers?

Archer storyline, and moogle delivery quest are the only ones that come to my mind.


All in all, keep in mind that the lore is not there to tell you how to act, but only to tell you what the average race/clan have acted in the past. It's much like the stereotypes of races we have IRL. Just because a site says that Italians eat spaghetti, doesn't mean you won't find Italians out there that don't like them.

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I've been trying to find more lore about them however, I haven't had any luck finding info about some things.


Lore on the Keepers of the Moon is about as scarce as their population in Eorzea, unfortunately, although, as you can see so far from this thread there are several of us who've chronicled a few things we've found.


I have started a compilation post of Racial Lore and Background that you may find helpful! It also details a brief overview of the history of race wars prominent in the Sixth Astral Era. But I figure'd I'd quote the section of Keeper Miqo'te below for easy access.


The Miqo'te are a race which migrated to Eorzea during the Age of Endless Frost, or 5th Umbral Era Calamity, which occurred roughly 3,000 years ago. We now have confirmed that the Miqo'te originally inhabited the southern continent of Meracydia and left that war and famine-ravaged land north in hopes of food. 26 Tribes of Seekers and 50 Keeper Families made the journey into Eorzea across the frozen Rhotano Sea.


We know very little about Meracydia, only that it's northern region is a desert, with mountainous highlands to the south. It was also home to Lamia and Dragons, and 5,000 years ago, was at war with the Allagan Empire. Fishing lore suggests that some amount of trade between Meracydia and Limsa Lominsa still exists to this day, but to what extent is unknown. However, Lominsan sailors and fishermen have been known to travel south that way.



Its name meaning "stalwart" in the Lalafellin tongue, this deep-sea predator is not only massive, but deceptively fast. Some sailors swear that a mahi-mahi can make the journey from Meracydia to the Cieldalaes in less than a fortnight, though knowing most sailors, that claim may be slightly exaggerated.

It is believed the Miqo'te first came to Eorzea during the Fifth Umbral Era' date=' fleeing their ravaged homeland on the southern continent of Meracydia.[/quote']

A tiny seed rich in aromatic oil' date=' sesame is native to Meracydia, and thought to have first been brought to Eorzea by migrating Miqo'te.[/quote']

A thick' date=' spiny-leaved cactus indigenous to the southern continent of Meracydia. The Miqo'te are known to treat severe burns with the cool gel-like substance found inside the leaves.[/quote']


Miqo'te Naming Conventions


Though their presence in Eorzea is lesser than that of the other races' date=' the Miqo'te are easily distinguished by their large, projecting ears and restless, feline tails. The ancestors of this line first made their way to the realm during the Age of Endless Frost in the Fifth Umbral Era, traversing frozen seas in pursuit of the wildlife upon which they subsisted. Instinctual territoriality causes many among them to lead solitary lifestyles. Males in particular are said to shy from contact with others.[/quote']


The ancestors of the Miqo'te made their way to Eorzea during the Age of Endless Frost' date=' traversing the frozen seas in pursuit of the wildlife upon which they subsisted. Adaptation to a hunting lifestyle has fashioned them with a keen sense of smell, powerful legs, and a tail which provides them with exceptional balance. Miqo'te are known to be very territorial, and many individuals tend to lead solitary lifestyles, particularly males. The few Miqo'te who have made the transition to life in Eorzean society are predominantly female.[/quote']


The enduring popularity of the bow is a testament to its elegant design, but this simple weapon would be of little worth without the surpassing skill of those who master it - the archers. Projectile techniques such as high-angle fire enable archers to assail their foes with deadly precision even at great distances.


Constant assessment of the battlefield enables them to carefully determine the most advantageous ground from which to loose, as well as the nature of the arrows best suited to their enemy. Together with the longbow sentries of the Elezen military, the shortbow hunters among the Miqo'te are widely regarded as most skilled with the bow. The guild's teachings cover a variety of projectile weapons, down to the simplest throwing rock.


The nature of the alchemical trade demands that its practitioners have intimate knowledge of all facets of existence, be they mineral, metaphysical, magical, or divine. Able to transmute the very essence of matter, alchemists are able to create anything from miracle medications to lethal toxins.


The craft's establishment as a tradition in Eorzea dates only to recent history. It was born primarily of ancient techniques and knowledge brought from the Near East, but has come to contain elements of Lalafellin herbalism and Miqo'te occultism as well. The primary tool of the alchemist is the alembic.


Keepers of the Moon

The nocturnal among the Miqo'te have dubbed themselves the Keepers of the Moon. Shying from the garish light of day' date=' they revel in the shroud of night, with most offering their piety to Menphina the Lover, goddess of the moon. Their tradition of hunting in the thick woodlands of the Black Shroud have for years thrown them into conflict with the forestfolk of Gridania, who condemn them as poachers. Of late, however, many Keepers of the Moon have found some small peace with the Gridanians, and taken to living within the city.[/quote']


The nocturnal among the Miqo'te have dubbed themselves the Keepers of the Moon. Shying from the garish light of day' date=' they revel in the shroud of night, with most offering their piety to Menphina the Lover, goddess of the moon. They are distinguishable from their diurnal cousins by their darker fur, larger ears, rounder eyes, more pronounced canines, and longer, skinnier tails. The ritual application of war paint to the face is still regularly practiced, as it is believed the vivid colors grant lunar powers. The Keepers are known for their reticent and brooding personalities, but are also respected and sometimes feared for their tenacity.[/quote']


The Keepers of the Moon are the more numerous of the two Miqo'te clans you will see here in Gridania. Even so, their kind are few enough, as many and more care not for life in the city.


They have the characteristic feline eyes and long swaying tails and I daresay that in comparison to the Seekers of the Sun, they tend to be a bit more reticent and reserved. Time was, our own Gods' Quiver used to clash with the Keepers that were out hunting in the Twelveswood. But these days we deal with them friendly enough, trading what crops and hides are to be had.


The men of the Keepers of the Moon live a wanderer's life' date=' for they are at their best in small doses. Women and children keep the hearth, ply various trades, and accept game and visits from the menfolk. But King Poach denies women this gods-given rule over matters of family. He forces women to live with him, forbids them to see their sisters, mothers, aunts. Most unnaturally, they lie with him and him alone! So terrible are their crimes that all Keepers of the Moon feel the suspicion and fear cast their way.[/quote']


A rare freshwater fish decorated with a thunderbolt-like pattern down its back. The Keepers of the Moon who inhabit the Black Shroud will eat one of these before a big hunt' date=' claiming that it grants them speed and strength.[/quote']


There are many Keeper of the Moon family names that have been passed down through the generations.

The ones you see in-game represent some of the more prominent families that once crossed the frozen seas into Eorzea in search for prey. That does not mean that these are all the names available. There are some families who have chosen to live more secluded lives, and simply have not made an appearance in-game yet. There are also the families who remained in their homeland, or emigrated to lands other than Eorzea.


So, when creating a character, you are free to take the surname of an existing family, and inherit their history, or choose a yet-to-be-released surname, and build a new history.


A full list of canon Keeper surnames can be found here!



A few people have already delved into your individual questions but I'll see if I can take a crack at them as well.


Are there any specific outfits they wear, colors etc.? Could I pull off the current outfit in an RP setting?


Not specifically, and outfits may very well vary greatly between families. We do have this statement though:

The ritual application of war paint to the face is still regularly practiced, as it is believed the vivid colors grant lunar powers.

So, vivid colors may also be worn on a day to day or as ceremonial garb? Many Keepers of the Moon are woodsmen and foragers, so outfits that play to that may also be acceptable. Keepers also culturally worship Menphina, the moon, who's goddess is aspected as ice, so pale colors, blues, and whites may also be acceptable.



Keepers are known to live in the Shroud and are at conflict with Gridanians, but some also live in peace with them by adapting. Does anyone care to explain this a little more in depth?


Many Keepers within the Twelveswood live by their hunter/gatherer roots. However, in most places of the Twelveswood, unsanctioned poaching is illegal which causes some conflict. Gridanian law demands that nothing be taken in excess from the Wood and that which you take must be returned in some manner.


Another problem that has arisen is the Couerlclaw Poachers, which is a violent gang of Keepers who've abandoned traditional Keeper culture to follow a rather tyrannical "king." The gang's initiation rite is to kill a Wood Wailer, which obviously puts them with some contention with Gridania. These actions reflect poorly on many peaceful Keeper of the Moon families who wish to live in peace with the Wood and its other denizens.



If they live out in the wild, do Keeper clans join together or do they remain separate, keeping their numbers small?


From the Miqo'te Naming Conventions Thread:

The Keepers of the Moon lead more solitary lives' date=' rarely forming communities of more than two or three families.[/quote']



Where in the Shroud they would make a home? Is there any specific area they tend to go toward?


Many Keepers of the Moon we see in game gravitate to South Shroud near Quarrymill as this land is designated hunting grounds and fewer incidents of poaching crimes come to bear against their traditional lifestyle.


Quarrymill was named for the waterwheels that served to process raw stone into building material. Over the years' date=' it has come to be a gathering place for hunters and trappers, owing to its location amidst elemental-sanctioned hunting grounds. Quarrymill is also a place of judgement. All outsiders who wish to dwell in the Twelveswood must present themselves here to have their worthiness weighed by the elementals. Those whose petition is denied cannot remain in the wood, nor can they receive of its bounty. Harsh though it may seem, this has been the way of it since time immemorial.[/quote']


South Shroud Landing

Constructed by Highwind Skyways to serve as a landing for cargo airships, this location was quickly abandoned when the imperial presence in the area became too large to ignore. Now the site is used as a makeshift market where bandits and poachers peddle their ill-gotten wares far from the eyes of the law.


This does not mean that there aren't Keepers elsewhere! Many Keepers have integrated into Gridanian city life, while others live elsewhere in the Black Shroud, possibly in deeper regions. Keepers of the Moon can also canonically be found in Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, Coerthas, and Dravania. Though we don't have access to the area, it's highly likely that there are many Keeper families living in the Orn Wild, a dense forest similar to the Black Shroud in the northern Farreach region.


The Orn Wild

A primeval forest that stretches across the northern reaches of the Dravanian hinterlands, its rich verdure sustained by the pristine waters of the Thaliak. Nigh untouched by the hand of man, its wilds stand between those who would make their way to Sharlayan without braving a trek across the forelands.



What exactly are their views on outsiders/other races? Are they very racist/avoiding contact with them or are they rather open toward other races? Are they open to making acquaintances/friends with others or heavily limit it to their family?


This likely varies by the individual, but generally, Keepers lead more insular lifestyles, preferring to stick to family units or small groups. This does not mean they cannot make friends with outsiders, as we see several instances of Keeper of the Moon adventurers, merchants, and others in positions of various militaries across Eorzea, including Gridania's Wood Wailers and Limsa Lominsa's Knights of the Barracuda.


As far as racism is concerned, per lore, most of the races tend to not like other races. The Sixth Astral Era was famous for vicious race wars and even heated clan divisions. It's only in more recent years that most of the races and city-states have been forced to put aside their differences and live in an awkward harmony in order to resist threats to their lifestyle.


Rise of the City States - (Year 400~1000)

Four hundred summers removed from the great deluge, Eorzea's population finally begins to experience a resurgence. Immigrants from islands beyond the Bloodbrine Sea, as well as the eastern continents of Othard and Ilsabard arrive in Aldenard in droves. Three great migratory waves of Hyur also inflict irreversible change on Eorzea's population distribution.


Racial tension hits its peak at this time, with individual races seen gravitating to certain city-states to escape persecution - the Elezen to Ishgard in the highlands of Coerthas; the Lalafell to Belah'dia in the deserts of Thanalan; and the Roegadyn to Limsa Lominsa on the island of Vylbrand. However, even this was not without its problems. It is only a matter of years before clan-based infighting between the Plainsfolk and Dunesfolk Lalafell result in the fall of Belah'dia and its bifurcation into two new city-states, Ul'dah and Sil'dih.


That is not to say, however, that the period was devoid of racial harmony. Their banishment from the Twelveswood by the spirits of the forest works to strengthen the bonds between the Hyur and Elezen living in the Black Shroud, ultimately leading to their joint establishment of the underground city of Gelmorra.




Hope this helps! ^^

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I'll add what I know


▬ Are there any specific outfits they wear, colors etc.? [Example, White Mages wear mostly white/off white] Could I pull off the current outfit in an RP setting?

None is mentioned, but being nocturnal and hunters, I'd imagine their clothing to blend in with the dark environment: nothing bright and probably earth tones (dark greens/brown) and black.


▬ Keepers are known to live in the Shroud and are at conflict with Gridanians, but some also live in peace with them by adapting. Does anyone care to explain this a little more in depth?

Traditionally, Keepers are hunters. Its what they do in order to survive, but it's also a rite of passage. It's a conflict because for many centuries the Gridanians have been following the rules of the Elementals: don't take more than you need from the forest. The thing is, Seekers are doing just that with their hunting and that's bad news for the Gridanians because once an Elemental is fed up EVERYONE in the forest will be killed. The Elementals are weak now, but they were very much a threat prior to the Calamity. In other words, the Shroud belongs to the Elementals.


It's just fairly recently that more and more keepers are moving into Gridania and are assimilating into their culture.


▬ If they live out in the wild, do Keeper clans join together or do they remain separate, keeping their numbers small?

I can't say for sure about each clan's size, but it at least seem as if each clan have a relatively friendly or neutral relationship with each other. Even if they're not related or of the same clan they still refer to each other as "sister" and won't actively kill another seeker unless they're a lost cause (ARC story line?)


▬ Where in the Shroud they would make a home? Is there any specific area they tend to go toward?

Deep shroud, I take it. The farther away from Gridanian settlements the better; there is a coerlclaw(?) settlement on the outer edge of Camp Tranquil, near the Thanalan border.


▬ They live a rather matriarchal lifestyle; does it mean they are also feminists or consider themselves better and superior to males?

It doesn't seem that way. They welcome the occasional male, but it seems as if they don't get along well for extended periods of time. But that seems to be how both sexes prefer it since it's very "unnatural" for there to be monogomous type of relationship with a male seeker and probably vice-versa.


▬ What exactly are their views on outsiders/other races? Are they very racist/avoiding contact with them or are they rather open toward other races? Are they open to making acquaintances/friends with others or heavily limit it to their family?

They don't strike me as xenophobic and we see plenty seeker npcs; though I'd imagine they're very protective of each other, especially in Seeker settlements (wherever they are).


▬ Also, are there any quests/NPC conversations within the game that talk more about Keepers?

ARC questline revolves a seeker in Gridania vs a seeker poaching clan

Moogle Quest "The past is a story we never tell"

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*Jumps in the topic after having read the word "matriarchy" and "feminist" together.*


I encourage you to read this : http://nightmazing.tumblr.com/post/128702011167/a-gutter-of-flowers-nightmazing-linwa-tia


That post is pure headcanon, and I personally adamantly disagree with it. We have a single example of a matriarchal society (which, no, doesn't mean men are treated badly in it) in game, and some how this poster has bent over backwards, making lore-somersaults to make it all about men again? That seems super weird to me and completely against provided lore. If anything the statement the Keeper woman makes in the Moogle quest line, displays an indifference to Keeper men, not reverence.


Now, sure, I can see these traditions existing in a single Keeper tribe. I'm am positive different tribes have varied traditions, but I find the idea that their society has to revolve around the D silly.

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I want to thank everyone for all the effort put into replies talking about the lore and even links to websites that have more information.

It all has been informative and I hope people like I, who are looking to roleplay a Keeper and don't know where to start, find this thread as useful as I did.


I have been doing the postmoogle questline. It is so fun!


Oh, all of this brings me to a question I thought up yesterday:


As a female Keeper, are all required to hunt?

Also, are there any positions within a family one can occupy that do not revolve around using physical strength to fight, ex. if one is a thaumaturge/arcanist/conjurer, would they use spells instead to hunt or would the mage types prefer leave the hunting to other members?

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As a female Keeper, are all required to hunt?

Also, are there any positions within a family one can occupy that do not revolve around using physical strength to fight, ex. if one is a thaumaturge/arcanist/conjurer, would they use spells instead to hunt or would the mage types prefer leave the hunting to other members?


In the Archery Questline, it is shown that Keepers have great pride in their archery, but not all Keeper NPCs are shown to be archers. It's the same for hunting. Actually, in the Moogle Mail Questline you are doing, you will get to the quest called "The Past is a Story We Never Tell". In that quest, you will talk to one of the most traditional Keeper NPCs in the game. She is not a hunter; she appears to be a merchant, and her sister confirms the two were not raised to be hunters.


My thoughts:

It seems Keeper tradition is not limited to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. It makes sense. In any kind of society, there are different roles that need to be filled. Also, there are certainly Keeper mages, and likely several roles for them that do not include hunting.

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As a female Keeper, are all required to hunt?

Also, are there any positions within a family one can occupy that do not revolve around using physical strength to fight, ex. if one is a thaumaturge/arcanist/conjurer, would they use spells instead to hunt or would the mage types prefer leave the hunting to other members?


In the Archery Questline, it is shown that Keepers have great pride in their archery, but not all Keeper NPCs are shown to be archers. It's the same for hunting. Actually, in the Moogle Mail Questline you are doing, you will get to the quest called "The Past is a Story We Never Tell". In that quest, you will talk to one of the most traditional Keeper NPCs in the game. She is not a hunter; she appears to be a merchant, and her sister confirms the two were not raised to be hunters.


My thoughts:

It seems Keeper tradition is not limited to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. It makes sense. In any kind of society, there are different roles that need to be filled. Also, there are certainly Keeper mages, and likely several roles for them that do not include hunting.


I feel the same way.  It stands to reason that there would be any number of roles one could play.  Jacks of all trades may not be particularly good at any one of them.  I think specialization is natural.  I think some would cook, craft, hunt, fish, sell/barter/trade, astronomy, astrology, counseling, advocacy, healing, styling, mechanic, carpentry, law enforcement, and on and on.  Not all in the same family or clan but there might be one of these or more in every group.


I think a lot of people get stuck in the more stereotypical ideas of what people were like in a medieval-style time period.  The notion is that only primitive or simple types have families that congregate together in close-knit communities or clans.  Or that they can only do so in particular ways, hunter-gatherer for instance.


I've been toying with the idea that Mia's family made moonshine for those who wanted it.  I'm thinking of a less violent, happier grim of Sons of Anarchy.  This could involve some interesting brushes with the Coeurlclaw and the Syndicate.  It's something I haven't read a lot about on the forums but it stands to reason that there could be more than one outlaw clan of Keepers.

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Traditionally, Keepers are hunters. Its what they do in order to survive, but it's also a rite of passage. It's a conflict because for many centuries the Gridanians have been following the rules of the Elementals: don't take more than you need from the forest. The thing is, Seekers are doing just that with their hunting and that's bad news for the Gridanians because once an Elemental is fed up EVERYONE in the forest will be killed. The Elementals are weak now, but they were very much a threat prior to the Calamity. In other words, the Shroud belongs to the Elementals.


I agree that the Shroud belongs to the Elementals, and everyone who lives in it (including Gridanians) do so at the Elementals' pleasure. I haven't seen anything saying that Keepers (assuming that's what you meant) are overhunting the Shroud. Instead, I've been assuming that the schism between the Shroud-living Keeper families and the Gridanians is entirely political.


The thing to remember about the Shroud is pre-Calamity Greenwrath would take out anyone who displeased the Elementals, and made the Shroud a very dangerous place for anyone who wasn't in the Elementals' good graces to live there. Yet Keepers (and Duskwights) have lived in the Shroud for a very long time. Clearly they've come to terms with the Elementals.


You could make the argument that things are different now, and Keepers are overhunting because they can. However, you also have to recognize that it's only 5 years after the Calamity, and the Shroud was hit particularly hard. The Keeper population is probably reduced enough that there's no real way for them to overhunt the place, even if they wanted to.


Anyways, just my 2 cents here! :D

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Traditionally, Keepers are hunters. Its what they do in order to survive, but it's also a rite of passage. It's a conflict because for many centuries the Gridanians have been following the rules of the Elementals: don't take more than you need from the forest. The thing is, Seekers are doing just that with their hunting and that's bad news for the Gridanians because once an Elemental is fed up EVERYONE in the forest will be killed. The Elementals are weak now, but they were very much a threat prior to the Calamity. In other words, the Shroud belongs to the Elementals.


I agree that the Shroud belongs to the Elementals, and everyone who lives in it (including Gridanians) do so at the Elementals' pleasure. I haven't seen anything saying that Keepers (assuming that's what you meant) are overhunting the Shroud. Instead, I've been assuming that the schism between the Shroud-living Keeper families and the Gridanians is entirely political.


The thing to remember about the Shroud is pre-Calamity Greenwrath would take out anyone who displeased the Elementals, and made the Shroud a very dangerous place for anyone who wasn't in the Elementals' good graces to live there. Yet Keepers (and Duskwights) have lived in the Shroud for a very long time. Clearly they've come to terms with the Elementals.


You could make the argument that things are different now, and Keepers are overhunting because they can. However, you also have to recognize that it's only 5 years after the Calamity, and the Shroud was hit particularly hard. The Keeper population is probably reduced enough that there's no real way for them to overhunt the place, even if they wanted to.


Anyways, just my 2 cents here! :D


Apparently there are bands of keepers that are flat out murdering Wailers.  Which is probably a large reason as to why there are issues with Keepers in general in the Shroud.

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Apparently there are bands of keepers that are flat out murdering Wailers.  Which is probably a large reason as to why there are issues with Keepers in general in the Shroud.


Oh, yeah, absolutely! And Wailers are going after bands of Keepers. It's like the Hatfields and the McCoys. Who knows who started it? They're just doing what they've done for a while.

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Apparently there are bands of keepers that are flat out murdering Wailers.  Which is probably a large reason as to why there are issues with Keepers in general in the Shroud.


Oh, yeah, absolutely! And Wailers are going after bands of Keepers. It's like the Hatfields and the McCoys. Who knows who started it? They're just doing what they've done for a while.


Well, no. This was discussed at length in another thread, but I'm on my phone. Suffice it to say, the Wailers are doing their jobs. Nothing they're doing is just cuz "this is what we've done for a while." The poaching Keepers ARE a threat to everyone around them.

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The basic explanation for why the Wailers are trying to stop poachers is because when you poach, kill animals disrespectfully, or excessively, the Elementals notice, and unleash the Greenwrath to indicate that they're sick of your shit.


So to stop poachers from Ruining It for Everyone, the Wailers go after them before they can kill animals non-stop.

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The way I've come to interpret the Keeper poacher issue is that there are a few groups (the most well known and present in-game being the Couerlclaw poachers) that are openly poaching for reasons that go against pure survival and harmony with the Twelveswood and outright oppose Gridania. These groups conflict directly with Gridiana's Wood Wailers and therefore have gained a reputation. I imagine this has fueled the natural xenophobic and racist Gridanian view to put a sterotype that since all Keepers of the Moon seem live out in the woods and hunt, they are all probably poachers.


That's how I've RPed the kind of experience that Manari has had when dealing with people in and around Gridania.


However, as already stated, there is no way that these Keeper families that have been living in the Twelvewoods for so many years could have possibly survived without learning to live in harmony with the elementals. The Twelveswood, before the Calamity wounded it so badly, used to be a place you didn't screw with.

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While we're on the subject of Poaching and Greenwrath, we also have to keep in mind that the Seedseers and Padjals all do their best to pacify/calm down angry elementals. In fact, the Senna siblings all have a yearly (?) ritually to pacify The Great One and if left unchecked, huge portions of the Shroud will succumb to it's wrath.


So while everyone over-hunts and logs Gridanian have to pretty much clean up after their mess. Or else.

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Apparently there are bands of keepers that are flat out murdering Wailers.  Which is probably a large reason as to why there are issues with Keepers in general in the Shroud.


Oh, yeah, absolutely! And Wailers are going after bands of Keepers. It's like the Hatfields and the McCoys. Who knows who started it? They're just doing what they've done for a while.


Well, no. This was discussed at length in another thread, but I'm on my phone. Suffice it to say, the Wailers are doing their jobs. Nothing they're doing is just cuz "this is what we've done for a while." The poaching Keepers ARE a threat to everyone around them.


I did a poor job of making my point. Yes, the Wailers in general are attacking the bands of poachers - Coeurlclaws and the like - but it's that dynamic (plus the attacks on Wailers by the poachers) that are coloring the perception of all Keepers in the Shroud. I was basically agreeing with you. :D

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While we're on the subject of Poaching and Greenwrath, we also have to keep in mind that the Seedseers and Padjals all do their best to pacify/calm down angry elementals. In fact, the Senna siblings all have a yearly (?) ritually to pacify The Great One and if left unchecked, huge portions of the Shroud will succumb to it's wrath.


So while everyone over-hunts and logs Gridanian have to pretty much clean up after their mess. Or else.


That's how the Padjals tell it, but I'm not exactly sure if it jibes with the timeline.


Gridania was founded about 500 years ago, but Miqo'te entered Eorzea between 3-4000 years ago. Moonkeepers are predominantly found in the Shroud, so you'd have to argue that either Keepers appeared as distinct entities in the Twelveswood after the founding of Gridania, or that most of the Keepers migrated en masse from wherever they were living once Gridania pacified the Elementals. While either of those ideas are possible (especially if there's some sort of magical event that sparked the origin of Keepers as a distinct people), they don't seem especially probable.


Another possibility is the Keepers figured out a way to live in the Twelveswood prior to the creation of Gridania. This would cast the issues between Gridania and the Keepers in a different light. Instead of the Keepers being largely refugees who emigrated to the Shroud after the Pajdal made it safe, they would have been (relatively) indigenous inhabitants of the Twelveswood coming into conflict with the newcomer Gridanians.


Which may or may not be the case, but it's certainly an interesting idea!

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