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Absence from Public RP (A.K.A the "Feel Sorry for me" thread)

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So, I dunno if anyone really gives a damn, but apparently this thread counts as an "absences" thread. I just thought I'd throw it up here. So last Wednesday, I pulled off the impressive feat of breaking both my elbows at the same time. Not majorly, of course. I can still type, as we can see. But the meds they put me on for the pain have this magical effect of making me drowsy 90% of the day, so I can't really in good conscience engage in public RP for a little while.


I still love you guys, doe.


No really. All the love. :love:

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Damn dude, hope you're doing okay! (All things considered)


I've cracked 2 ribs, broke my nose, , blew out my knee jumping from a high roof, and have cut clean to the bone on 4 separate occasions.


I know a little about pain, but couldn't imagine breaking both elbows at once.

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Damn dude, hope you're doing okay! (All things considered)


I've cracked 2 ribs, broke my nose, , blew out my knee jumping from a high roof, and have cut clean to the bone on 4 separate occasions.


I know a little about pain, but couldn't imagine breaking both elbows at once.


To be honest? I wasn't even aware it'd happened. Sure, it hurt like shit, but I'd never broken bones until that day, then managed 2 at once. I'm awesome like that. Anyway, it was only until 2 hours later when I noticed I couldn't lift my arms above my chest that there was something seriously wrong.

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Damn dude, hope you're doing okay! (All things considered)


I've cracked 2 ribs, broke my nose, , blew out my knee jumping from a high roof, and have cut clean to the bone on 4 separate occasions.


I know a little about pain, but couldn't imagine breaking both elbows at once.


To be honest? I wasn't even aware it'd happened. Sure, it hurt like shit, but I'd never broken bones until that day, then managed 2 at once. I'm awesome like that. Anyway, it was only until 2 hours later when I noticed I couldn't lift my arms above my chest that there was something seriously wrong.

You get a rep point for being such a savage.


The floor is sad it didnt get the crying it wanted from you.

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