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Bloodsands Veteran seeking contacts & friends!

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Hey everyone! The title pretty much says it all. I've run low on consistent RP of late for Mhaya, my bloodsands competitor and veteran. She gets along with just about anyone that doesn't fall under the title of Monetarist and enjoys a variety of hobbies like bartending, cooking and playing various instruments, primarily the harp. I'm looking for people to RP with (the details of which don't truly matter, as even going fishing with a bit of RP is extremely relaxing and therapeutic to me!) so I'm posting this to reach out! Feel free to PM me or message me in-game, whichever is easier and/or more comfortable for those reading!

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I'm going to get through this whole post without doing the obvious thing everyone expects me to!


Warren's not precisely a Bloodsands veteran, but he did spend considerable time associated with them pre-Calamity. A sometimes-competitor, he was largely behind the scenes as one of the guys who helped undent the shields and swords and had a modicum of success in actually fighting. He also served in some small capacity to help newcomers learn how to sell themselves to the crowds and draw attention to themselves in a manner that led to money being laid down, one way or the other.

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How long ago might that be? A lot of that would've been crucial to the success of the fights. Mhaya's been fighting a while so there's a distinct possibility she'd have noticed your character at one point or another!


Warren was hammering out shields and dents approximately two years prior to the Calamity. He was a makeshift trainer-type probably one year prior and briefly after before finally moving on.

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Awesome! Totally feasible that these two could've known about each other then. I wish there was an In-game function like a battle arena. It'd make actually being seen in the coliseum more believable than what's basically hearsay. Either way, I adore the lore of the Gladiator's guild and couldn't be happier trying to push some more eyes upon it. You're welcome to shoot me a tell in game anytime!

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I wasn't entirely on board with the slight retcon the Bloodsands got smashed with going from 1.0 to 2.0 but it's a nice point to use for storytelling. In the original game, the Gladiator's Guild was straight-up your entry ticket to the 'Sands and the class quests (once they got implemented!) actually had you instanced in the arena itself, beating up fools and cajoling to the audience to make them hurl gil at you. Nowadays it's much more relaxed, but I was happy to work the Armorer leves and Gladiator quests into Warren's backstory.


As far as formalized fighting goes nowadays, there's this event that happens weekly where folks form up to beat each other up. It's been a decent facsimile of a proving grounds even if it isn't lore-bound outside of Balmung.

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I've definitely heard of it! Sadly, I am a fairly slow reader and more populated events get me fairly lost. I have trouble keeping up in most cases or I'd probably show Mhaya around some. It definitely makes RP'ing in some scenarios difficult (Definitely adding to this post existing!).

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Sharla herself was involved with the Bloodsands in her younger years as a minor competitor around 13-14 years prior to the Calamity. Would have gone under the name of Shas Tarry around that time if known by anyone at all. Feel free to hit me up here or in-game for random RP, even though I haven't really had Sharla back in Ul'dah for some time now <_<.

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My character Wemrys Quintos was involved with the bloodsands about 12 to 13 years ago when he was about 15 or 16 years old and was there for quite some time making a name for himself as 'The Lominsian' (since the Eorzean Alliance was not a thing back then and there were tensions between the city-states fueled by a lot of aimless pride). These days he's a sellsword going by the moniker 'Quintos the Storm'. If your character would have been around the bloodsands back then I'd be glad to set up some kind of RP!

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Sounds like a great idea, Quintos! Mhaya's been around the coliseum for nearly 18 years, so there's a really good chance she'd know your character's name or have seen a few fights. Feel free to whisper me if you catch me online today! I should be on for most of the day.

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