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Looking for Ishgard rp buddies

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I have decided to try roleplaying as an Ishgardian Noble... so It makes sense for me to find connections before I transfer him to Balmung... My Character is named Rahab Vauquelin the heir to House Vauquelin... He is young by Elezen standards (As I'm clueless on elezen ageing... his age is the elezen equivalent to an 18 year old) and is only an heir because his elder brothers all died ... two in battle and one from a wasting illness.


He is rebellious in personality often dressing as a low born and sneaking out to explore the realm of the lower people often to the displeasment of his strict grandmother whome has taken over raising and turning him into the next successor to the Vauquelin family due to his fathers death and mothers suicide.


The kind of connections I am looking for is that of Family, friends, and servants.. he may not have brothers or parents but he does have quite a few sisters (about 6) so if anyone else is condisering making an elezen they're more than welcome to join the family ;) I am also looking for friends and connections in other houses. Ofcourse having the habit of sneaking out he's befriended people he has met in the forgotten knight (though they usually don't know he's from a noble family)


If anyone is intrested PM me because I can't transfer till the service is re-opened ;)

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Elezen aging isn't that much different from Hyur. 

If he's 18 as an Elezen, he's probably like late 20s? Early 30s? 

Nothing too dramatic.

My character is...the son of an Ishgardian noble who deserted and was later (due to plot things that happened) adopted into his uncle's family...so he's back to being a noble?

He's kind of a dick though >>

Servers are down and not much to do about it now...but I guess interested.

If you're not already a part of the Ishgard LS, you should join!

...if you are and I am just blanking on it...Hi xPP

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Elezen aging isn't that much different from Hyur. 

If he's 18 as an Elezen, he's probably like late 20s? Early 30s? 

Nothing too dramatic.

My character is...the son of an Ishgardian noble who deserted and was later (due to plot things that happened) adopted into his uncle's family...so he's back to being a noble?

He's kind of a dick though >>

Servers are down and not much to do about it now...but I guess interested.

If you're not already a part of the Ishgard LS, you should join!

...if you are and I am just blanking on it...Hi xPP


But... everyone needs atleast one friend who is kind of a dick xD

I do intend to join the LS also ;)

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I'm always up for Ishgardian rp ^^ even if I stay rather silent in the Ls hehe. I swear I am rarely busy.


Though I guess I could only be of use if your character cares to bother with speaking to a common blood. :P

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I would offer Virella, but she's kinda away from the scene until MQS hits and I can decide onto her storyline, so if you got the patience to wait until 3.1, we can roleplay! Else there is Avelyn, but she's an Ala Mhigan, and not quite Ishgardian :P


That said, feel free to poke me ingame if you ever wish to join the Ishgard LS :)

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If he doesn't mind making an outsider friend, Riven often hangs out in Foundation.  ^^  She's a midlander hyur working as a part time alchemist's clerk, and generally is seen toting books and a sketchboard about.


Rahab would probably find her intresting and would eagerly become friends with her :)

He's a nice guy. although a bit snobbish.

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Well if you don't mind getting called all kinds of names and possibly kicked between the legs 


Gwendolyn Belmont is around Ishgard when she can to see Family in the Brume.. but she HAAAAAAAAATES nobles.


But I need the thing between my legs to make babies :(

Besides I don't plan on letting the bigwigs know I sneak out to where the low born live or telling the low born i'm nobility :)


The only people who know are him, his grandmother and one of her personal bodyguards who she always sends to fetch him back. His grandmother would never tell anyone what he gets up to... think of the scandal O.o

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If he doesn't mind making an outsider friend, Riven often hangs out in Foundation.  ^^  She's a midlander hyur working as a part time alchemist's clerk, and generally is seen toting books and a sketchboard about.


Rahab would probably find her intresting and would eagerly become friends with her :)

He's a nice guy. although a bit snobbish.

I'm game! ^^

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