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Looking For Role-play!

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Name: Trembling Boulder


Sex: Male


Race: Roegadyn


Clan: Hellsguard


Age: 26


Bio:  Like most second,  and third-born children of the Hellsguard clan.  Trembling Boulder was sent forth from his mountain village like many others before him, and made his way towards Ul'dah. Yet Trembling wasn't the second, or third-born he was in fact the first born with his younger brother only being a year behind him. It wasn't until he was older, that his village expressed worry. Trembling unlike his brother was very timid, thoughtful, passive, and far from fearless. 


"When he wields steel, he shakes so hard I swear if we where to leave it in his hands he'd shake the pommel right off. Don't even get me started on how bad his voice shakes when he's nervous." 


" He has the ferocity of a cactuar."


"He screams like a female hyur child." 


After much discussion the village decided to let Trembling leave,  and let his brother take his place.  After all who knew how many souls would pass by from the gates of the underworld if Trembling would be the one to stand guard.  Once the news was given to Trembling he took it with a soft smile, and a submissive nod.  After all it was out of his nature to be upset, angry, and deep down he understood why that choice had to be made.  



  However, besides choosing to reside there and becoming a Sell-sword. Trembling made his way towards Gridania after hearing about it's cooler climates, lush green forest, and lastly it's vegetation.  Upon arrival Trembling quickly feel in love.  Everything he had heard was true, and it wasn't long until Trembling found himself applying to the Conjures' Guild.  Once being accepted Trembling has devoted his life to respecting the elements, studying the art of the conjurer, and doing the bidding of the guild when a job feel in his lap.  ( Assuming the guild would give out task.) 




Looks like it's me again, but this time I come before you all looking for some people who'd be down for some lasting, and meaningful RP.  Oh,  and I hope everyone is doing great today! I'm really interested in adventure base Rp. You know,  like going out into the world and Rping at difference places, and making out a reason why said characters are there.  ( I know sounds pretty lame and boring.) 


But,  adventuring isn't the only RP I'm willing to do!  If you as a player have something else in mind I'm always down.  After all  I want to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves Oocly. So in short I've listed what I'm looking for. 


The List:



1.) Friends/allies/rivals/acquaintances 


2.) People who wouldn't mind if I did a bit of writing based on the RP. ( I'm really excited about the writing aspect of RP.)


3.)  Storytelling, and or taking part in a plot.


4.)  Rp that promotes character growth. 


 5.) Open for suggestions, if anyone else would like to add something to the list. 


OOC Info



Timezone:  (EST, USA.) I'm on quite a bit.


Sever: Balmung

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Always for helping sell-swords ^-^if you ever catch me on feel free to bother me. Also if you get beat up a bit in your profession and you can't heal yourself I know a decent medic :P 


I'm generally easy enough to get in touch with either in game or here. So if you have anything you want to talk about or cook up plot wise I'd love to help or least give feedback.

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Another conjurer checking in, though Garalona may or may not end up completely exasperated by Trembling Boulder. Could be amusing either way! I'm also EST and generally on in the evenings or any time on the weekends. I'm horrible about remembering to look people up, so if you see me on say hi!

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Always for helping sell-swords ^-^if you ever catch me on feel free to bother me. Also if you get beat up a bit in your profession and you can't heal yourself I know a decent medic :P 


I'm generally easy enough to get in touch with either in game or here. So if you have anything you want to talk about or cook up plot wise I'd love to help or least give feedback.

Decent medic? I like to think Swyg is better than decent.

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No! Thank you for the add my friend.  Anyways I just wanted to take a moment and let you all know that I've brought my main over and he's been made into Trembling! I'll be sure to get back into contact with you all once the game is back up.


I'm still looking for people to RP! Thank you all so much for all the help, and here soon I'm going to add some more information on Trembling and attempt to craft a decent hook for you good people to latch onto if you'd like!

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Sorry I haven't been on guys! We had a lost in our family, and we have been out of town. I will be on late tomorrow night. I'm still looking for contact! Thank you all for baring with me!

Aww, Trembling. I was so worried about you. :love:


I'm glad you're all right. PM me or let me know any time if you need anything. *big hugs*

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  • 2 weeks later...

So,  I figured I would give this thread another bump! My RP experiences have been aright, but I'm finding role-play hard to come by.  I've been sending ooc whispers, having Boulder approach people Icly, and even been emoting openly in an attempt to bait in some role-play.  I'm not quite sure what it is I'm not doing wrong,  so if anyone had advice I'm all ears!


But, with that off my chest.  I'd like to say the people who have responded to this thread have been nothing but helpful, oocly.  I understand that our play times differ, and all that good jazz.  If anyone would like to role-play,  please feel free to add me or drop me a post on here.  


Thank you for taking the time to read this,  and I hope you all have a great day!

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So,  I figured I would give this thread another bump! My RP experiences have been aright, but I'm finding role-play hard to come by.  I've been sending ooc whispers, having Boulder approach people Icly, and even been emoting openly in an attempt to bait in some role-play.  I'm not quite sure what it is I'm not doing wrong,  so if anyone had advice I'm all ears!


But, with that off my chest.  I'd like to say the people who have responded to this thread have been nothing but helpful, oocly.  I understand that our play times differ, and all that good jazz.  If anyone would like to role-play,  please feel free to add me or drop me a post on here.  


Thank you for taking the time to read this,  and I hope you all have a great day!


Never did get you added to my friends list boulder, let me know when you're on and we can get some RP going and stuff!

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  • 4 weeks later...

How's it going guys? I hope everyone is having a great holiday.  So, I know things are going to be slow for the next few days seeing that one of the holidays are coming up.  But, I figured this would be a good chance to say I'm still looking to make some contact and that I have also created a wiki page for Trembling and I'm in dire need of people to add on the affiliations section. 

So, in short I'm still looking to make some contacts. 


Trembling's Wiki

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Heya Trembling! I'd be happy to meet up and RP sometime =) I have a lot of characters to choose from that could offer a variety of things. Some are listed in my wikis in my sig below, and others I'm just too lazy to make one for x_x 


But if you want to chat/get together and do something sometime, I'd be glad to!

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Maybe I can see a hook actually. Maybe both our characters saw each other once or twice in the past at Stillglade Fane or something? Past events can be linked through Gridania.


I'm open for RP, in any case. I try to keep my RP relations as relations. I don't want them to just turn into a one day thing, friendlist, and then never do anything again..


Also yes, finding RP is hard, even when RP is aplenty.


Might have Timezones issues though.

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