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Dark Knight w/o life skills seeking mentor/master

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Hello everyone, I've never posted anything like this and I'm really shy so please be patient with me and I'll try not to ramble.


I roleplay a Dark Knight Miqo'te named Claire Harte (Unfinished RPC Library Entry) who is in desperate need of a mentor or someone to give her guidance in general life. Although Claire is good in combat having been raised aboard a pirate ship from a young age she has next to no life skills and is not equipped for day to day life since outside of combat she acts like an emotionally fueled child. I don't necessarily need someone to guide her in combat but instead someone who will teach her how to live and survive, be a mentor to her and such. 


I'm definitely willing to talk out specifics, since I've been roleplaying this character for over a year now it's hard to fit everything in a reasonably sized post. I appreciate any and all inquiries and i hope this post was detailed enough.


RPC Library Entry:

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Well I have two chars. Ones an officer to a fc the other a doctor. if Either is up your alley.

Many things are up my alley! Do either of your characters have a wiki entry/could you explain a bit about them to me if it's not too much trouble? A doctor would be interesting especially since Claire is prone to constantly injuring herself though an FC officer could be neat also depending on what they're like.

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Heya Claire! I don't have anyone to mentor her, and definitely not someone that can help with combat, but I do have a dark knight-esque character that's a bit down on his luck and in need of companions/friends. He's generally pretty open/worldly and may be able to inadvertently help her out as well =)

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Hey there! My character's a noblewoman and the leader of a free company, so she knows a fair bit about how to act properly and general life skills. I'm not sure I have the time right now to commit to her being Claire's official mentor, but she'd still be glad to offer some guidance!

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Heya Claire! I don't have anyone to mentor her, and definitely not someone that can help with combat, but I do have a dark knight-esque character that's a bit down on his luck and in need of companions/friends. He's generally pretty open/worldly and may be able to inadvertently help her out as well =)


That sounds like fun, I'd be up for it. Hopefully Claire doesn't make him too much more down or worse angry! She's kind of on the selfish side so I'm curious how the two would interact! 



Hey there! My character's a noblewoman and the leader of a free company, so she knows a fair bit about how to act properly and general life skills. I'm not sure I have the time right now to commit to her being Claire's official mentor, but she'd still be glad to offer some guidance!


I read your RPC entry and Faye is super perfect. Claire is the kind of person that excels when following orders and is pretty malleable; Given Faye is a strong leader I can see it working out quite well. I'm not sure how busy you are but I'm pretty patient, at the same time I don't want to seem pushy. Given you run a FC I am sure you're very busy so whether you're able is up to you but I'm on board. My timetable is pretty much always open.

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We'll see how it goes =D 


My main, Val, is also pretty good at picking people up, mostly because he's very relaxed and cheerful--though he'd probably be an absolutely awful role model. Faye always has to fight and reel him in, herself :P


Either way, I'm looking forward to it! Feel free to send me a message in game sometime and we'll try to set something up!

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We'll see how it goes =D 


My main, Val, is also pretty good at picking people up, mostly because he's very relaxed and cheerful--though he'd probably be an absolutely awful role model. Faye always has to fight and reel him in, herself :P


Either way, I'm looking forward to it! Feel free to send me a message in game sometime and we'll try to set something up!


I'll be sure to look you up whenever I am on and set something up. If he's relaxed and good at picking people up then I'm sure their first interactions will at least be somewhat pleasant, Claire is easily dazzled and is swayed with little effort should the person be kind to her. 


Just realized you too had a wiki page, I'm really excited to RP moreso now than even before!

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Hello there! Feel to search out Paul. He's in a bit of a dark place, but hides it and still manages to be social. In fact, he spent his entire life at sea and hides that very well, having been forced to completely change his speech patterns, accent, and behavior (aside from drinking rum, however!).


Wiki: tinyurl.com/desmond28

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Hey, I don't know if you're still looking for options but I thought I'd offer my character. I've written him to be a fatherly/mentor figure to pretty much anyone whether they like it or not.


I've got some little event/RP sessions to teach survival and how to be an independent adult in Eorzea brewing in my head, so just let me know if you'd want to talk about it some more. Either way I hope you find the interactions you're looking for!

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  • 3 weeks later...



No, but all Sithness aside, my character is a Dark Knight himself, and very open to ensuring that other people don't get swallowed by their own dark side. He's also a mercenary by trade, with plenty of experience in the nitty-gritty ways of life, so he'd definitely be up to imparting his knowledge!

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If you want a good-aligned type mentor, Tyonis might not be the best choice. If you want someone to teach your character to harness the FULL POWER OF THE DARKSIDE, the Mongrel of the Bloodsands would be more than happy to throw your character into the Abyss.


Aside from his experience as a fallen Dark Knight, Tyonis is also skilled in wilderness survival and sleight of hand.

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