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The Aethersteel Tournament

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[align=center]Aethersteel Tournament[/align]




Aether and Steel.



The two are believed best kept seperate. Do you want to be a grand master of steel? Then fight steel and draw blood by blade.



Do you want to be a grand master of the Aether and Magic? Then practice in your books, study, and come to dominate your opponents with your mind.



But when the two comes together, we get the Aethersteel. The combination of Might and Magic - the culmination of Intellect and Brawn. Those who fight with more than their mind, and more than their base strength will emerge victorious.



Do you have what it takes to face your opponent - no matter what may be standing on the other side? Then step forward and fight.






The Aethersteel Tournament is a Tournament that will be following a system very similar to systems found in Rock Paper Scissors system, where two players face eachother One-On-One and are pitted into combat.



In effect, this is a “Rock, Paper, Scissors” Duel-style System!



In place of Dice, we use a system of Attack - Fast Attack - Heavy Attack. Each member will be given 3 HP. The one who wins the 'round' will be given the first post, followed by the one who lost 'recieving' the attack.



Attack: Beats “Fast Attack”

Fast Attack: Beats “Heavy Attack”

Heavy Attack: Beats “Attack”

In Laymen's Terms, this means that Attack > Fast Attack > Heavy Attack > Attack.



In the case of attacks matching, both players will recieve a point of damage and will post in order. 



A Fight Master will be used for each match, so we will be keeping the tournament a little bit smaller while we test and use this system, gain further Fight Masters for the fight to accommodate more people, and work out any complaints or suggestions that arise to better the tournament!



How Attacks are to be handled:

At the start of the match, each person will enter with a total of 3 HP.



Upon the start of the match, both combatants will send a tell to the Fight Master with either “Attack”, “Fast Attack”, or “Heavy Attack.”



The winner will be announced in local (Say) chat by the Fight Master, and the first post (to represent an attack) will go to the Winner, with the Loser reacting on taking damage.



This process will then repeat itself, until one of the members have reached 0 HP.





The Time


The Time: 

3:00 PM EST

7:00 PM GMT



The Day:

The next tourney will be on Saturday, April 30th 2016 at 3:00 PM EST. 



The Location:

This tournament will take place at the Lifemend Stump, in Central Shroud

This location is subject to change if we get a sponser that prefers to use a house*


Lifemend Stump, Central Shroud (x27, y15) [Thanks given to Ilwe'ran and Nefzan for the clarification!]




Current Needs:



Sponser(s): Currently, we would welcome an "IC sponser" - someone who wants the fights hosted at their home, or likewise, someone who wants to have their name attatched to the tournament as an RP. There is an opportunity for RP in this, I believe. No gil needs to be given to be a sponser, we are however asking for support (weather in manpower or word of mouth.)



Fight Masters: We are in need of additional Fight Masters. We are hoping to have 3-5 Fight Masters total for the first tournament. Once we have the requisite amount of Fight Masters, we will be able to have a proper tournament.



Healers: This is a fight tournament where injuries are expected. We will need healers.



You/Combat Participants! We want to know what you think, if you want to participate, if you’d be able to participate! Having more input, people, etc. Will help us build a strong, unique system that is well distinguished from the common combatant type tournaments!







PLEASE MESSAGE HERE IN PM, IN TELL (Caex'ra Vaeriar), or in skype at Katosu.sotaka if you are interested. Thank you! 

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Attack: Beats “Fast Attack”

Fast Attack: Beats “Heavy Attack”

Heavy Attack: Beats “Attack”

In Laymen's Terms, this means that Attack > Fast Attack > Heavy Attack > Attack.



This made me think of Suikoden.


Neat idea. Good luck with your event. o/


You know, the original description was meant to be a Suikoden-style system. However, I realised that referencing it that way was a bit vague, sadly. 


In Suikoden, "Heavy Attack" would do more damage (Deathblow), and I couldn't find a way to balance that for this without adding a lot of complexity to it. If there's more interest in it, I think it is possible.

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Should have to say a hint line before each exchange lol. 

Though whether "DIE PIG" implies an attack or a deathblow is anyone's guess.


5 added some interesting changes in regards to choosing the same action. For instance, you clash weapons if you both Attack, and exchange hits if you both use deathblow. Guard you just stare awkwardly at each other...


I don't know how those mechanics would necessarily translate to this system, but perhaps a roll if you hit the same action.

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Hello, just to say that Lifemend Stumps is actually in Central Shrouds :)


Thanks for the clarification. xD Sorry, I went overgeneral with it, and appreciate the correction. I'll update the original post. <3



This sounds PRECOSELY up Steel's alley....BUT GUESS WHO HAS TO WORK??




All the same, best of luck at your event. <3


I hope we can catch you next time :) I don't plan to have this be a one-time event; I'd love to give people a fun way to do alternative methods to Dice, even if it's something silly like Rock-Paper-Scissors.


The Chessboxing of Eorzea.


Lol. I know it's silly. x3 Though I looked up Chessboxing. That seems... Almost magical. xD

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Hello, just to say that Lifemend Stumps is actually in Central Shrouds :)


Thanks for the clarification. xD Sorry, I went overgeneral with it, and appreciate the correction. I'll update the original post. <3


Just an fyi for the future, folks like specifics with location so here ya go:


Lifemend Stump, Central Shroud (x27, y15)

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Should have to say a hint line before each exchange lol. 

Though whether "DIE PIG" implies an attack or a deathblow is anyone's guess.


5 added some interesting changes in regards to choosing the same action. For instance, you clash weapons if you both Attack, and exchange hits if you both use deathblow. Guard you just stare awkwardly at each other...


I don't know how those mechanics would necessarily translate to this system, but perhaps a roll if you hit the same action.


There's been a few ideas spitballed, such as having 3 versions of attacks / 3 versions of defense and alternating which one you get (And doing attack/defense a la grindstone) - but again, complexity.


The original idea was going to be following a system of 1/1/2, where Attack/Fast Attack both dealt 1 damage and Heavy dealt 2, but we realised that lakced balanced. The idea of it might work if we are able to create a system that alternates turns and punishes someone trying to spam the heaviest-damaging attack (Thus creating an actual risk: reward scenario.) 


At the same time, it needs to be kept simple enough to be accessible to everyone. This is why the Grindstone's and Mystic Runestone's systems really are ideal in many ways. No matter who you are, it's easy to understand that "I win because my numbers are bigger than yours." 


Hello, just to say that Lifemend Stumps is actually in Central Shrouds :)


Thanks for the clarification. xD Sorry, I went overgeneral with it, and appreciate the correction. I'll update the original post. <3


Just an fyi for the future, folks like specifics with location so here ya go:


Lifemend Stump, Central Shroud (x27, y15)


Officially updated the OP with the notes, and gave credit to the both of you. Thanks for helping out o/

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we had a fun set of matches today, and would definitely like to do it again if there's any interest in it. 


One of the mentions of need for improvement I got was that the fights might feel a little slow - namely, because of the fact that you have a tertiriary person involved, and that requires the micromanaging. 


I'm not sure how to address this, so I would welcome any thoughts and opinions to be offered up to it. 


There was another suggestion, in the occurance of Multiple draws, to have an occurance where both opponents take damage and can post 'attacking eachother.' I think this is a good idea, and hope we can integrate it soon. 




For any curious what our fights looked like; I've transcribed them. 


HUGE thanks to everyone that participated today, and congratulations to Kalm Yugure who took home the match! 



Hannah Castille glances over at Mr. Favored Student, and nods to him lightly.  "Let's have a good match, yeah?"  She smiles, drawing her daggers, giving one a small flip as she settles into a combat stance.


Kalm Yugure: "Yes, lets have a good fight!"


Caex'ra Vaeriar raises his hand, "Make it a good fight, th'both of y'! We'll be watchin' over the two of ya!"


(Heavy vs. Heavy, rerolled) (Attack vs. Heavy, Point to Kalm)  [0-1]

Kalm Yugure would slow his breathing for a brief moment. the surrounding wind would start to pick up speed as he tapped into his Aether and energy. "Alright, here we go!" With a yell he would simultaniously draw his greatsword and dash towards Hannah Castille. The weapon whirrs to life as he attempts to slash his opponents chest.

Hannah Castille is taken a bit aback by the strange weapon, and though she atempts to deflect the blade with one of her daggers, metal scraping against metal, she takes a hard slash across her chest and stumbles back with a grunt of surprised pain.


(Heavy vs. Fast) [0-2]

Kalm Yugure wastes no time, he quickly sends another swing at Hannah Castille but she parries the blow and sends a powerfull kick to his chest. Kalm grunts as he slides back from the blow. He quickly switches Dusk into his off-hand and holds it in a quick-draw fashion. He wind would be seen gathering at the grip of the blade, he quickly draws as second blade from his greatsword and shouts. "Wind Arts: Slashing Gust!" As he draws his longsword, Dawn, a gust of cutting wind emenates from the blade and slashes at Hannah Castille.

Hannah Castille is totally thrown off by him shouting the name of his technique like in one of those Doman novels.  She takes a Wind Arts Slashing Gust (?) strike to her already-bleeding chest and growls out a curse too vile to repeat.


(Fast vs. Fast) (Fast > Heavy, point to Hannah) [1-2]

Hannah Castille gets her feet back from under her after that attack and feints a sharp stab at Kalm's chest in return, her true attack coming in from the right, a low strike aiming at his side.  "Uh... Hannah Attack, flying steel daggers!"  She laughs, trying to throw him off just as much as she'd been with an attack name.

Kalm Yugure grins at the joke, definately a mistake. He winces as the blade cuts into his side, staining that part of his coat crimson red. He quickly places the now hiltless Dusk on his back.


(Heavy Vs. Heavy) (Attack Vs. Attack) (Fast vs.Heavy) [1-3]

Kalm Yugure gathers energy in his feet, he dashes towards Hannah Castille and sends two guick strikes at her hands with the flat of his blade in an attempt to disarm her.

Hannah Castille loses one dagger, but she does have two.  That said, she raises her now-empty hand, signalling a yield.  "Okay, enough.  Ya got me."  She flashes an easy smile and sheathes the other dagger with a practiced flip of her wrist.




(Heavy>Attack, First point to Xi - First post to Xi) [0-1]

U'xi Krash quickly dashes forth at Kuroko, leaping up to avoid any horizontal swing she might aim at her to quickly try and get a spinning kick to the girl's head or shoulder.

Kuroko Koumori cursed as her sword swing passed right under her opponent, managing to take the kick on her armoured shoulder rather than her exposed head. The force still ran through her arm, but she didn't let the pain faze her now, it was only the first blow, after all.


( Attack > Fast Attack; Point to Xi) [0-2]

U'xi Krash quickly bobs and weaves around Kuroko, light on her feet as she'd watch for the right moment to strike, quickly trying to aim a kick at one of Kuroko's legs, hoping to bring her off balance.

Kuroko Koumori had attempted a quick pommel bash, but again her opponent had seen it coming, her mistake penalised by a lance of pain shooting along her leg. Still, the stalwart Xaela remained standing, green eyes almost burning as she glared at her opponent.


 ( Heavy Attack > Attack, Point and Match to Xi) [0-3]

U'xi Krash quickly leaps up, aiming to simply get over any swings Kuroko might throw at her, only to try and land on the girl's shoulders, kicking her down into the dirt.

Kuroko Koumori made the swing, but the Miqo'te was already in the air, before she had time to realise, she felt the feet slam into her shoulders, and she fell backwards, heavy sword dropped into the dirt. "Guh!" She spat. "I yeild."







U'xi Krash: You'll learn a valuable lesson today, Kalm... we'll just have to see which it'll be.

U'xi Krash stretches her arms and legs, shaking herself loose before fixing a smirk upon Kalm.

Kalm Yugure closes his eyes for a moment and recall memories from his past as an Axe user. The Inner Beast resonates within him and when he opens his eyes, his blind one was a crimson red. One could assume its sight was restored, temporarily at least.


( Attack > Fast Attack, first point to Kalm) [0-1]

Kalm Yugure examines U'xi Krash for a brif moment. She was faster, so he needed to be stronger. Wind wont be much help here, but the earth....Kalm quickly stomps his foot into the ground. A small stalagtite rises from below her foot.

U'xi Krash raises a brow to Kalm's fighting style, only to notice what it is when she gets a stalagmite striking her foot, groaning to the boy's little trick and poor knowledge of geology!


(Recast, Attack=Attack)  (Recast, Attack=Attack) ( Attack > Fast Attack; point to Kalm) [0-2]

Kalm Yugure wastes no time at all. He draws Dawn from Dusk and drops the now gripless greatsword onto the ground. Just like Kay had taught him, he thrusts his parries her punch with a slap from his blade and grit grimmaces as he suffers a kick to his ribs. He stabs U'xi Krash's in her laft arm, hoping to hinder her power now.

U'xi Krash would move fast, only to have her blows deflected, being just a bit too slow to avoid Kalm's forward stab, sustaining a cut to her arm. "You're so going to get detention."


(Attack>Fast, point to Xi.) [1-2]

U'xi Krash is not entertained and shows it in a brutal fashion, quickly dodging and  blocking anything Kalm might throw at her up close before aiming to send an aether charged punch straight for his stomach and possibly his poor ribs.

Kalm Yugure: "Urk." Kalm grimaces as a few ribs are cracked from her punch. "Perservere..."


(Fast>Heavy, Match to Kalm.)

Kalm Yugure drops Dawn to the ground. "Gotcha." He taunts as he grabs onto the hand that punched him. Stone began to form on his head. She knew what was coming, but she was trapped. "KO!" He shouts as he headbutts U'xi Krash right on her forehead with his own rock enforced forehead!

U'xi Krash takes the hit like a champ... a champ with a severe headache, stumbling back as she'd reach up her hand to Caex'ra; "Fine, give it to the boy... before I show him a KO."







(Fast=Fast; Recast.)(Fast=Fast; Recast.)(Fast=Fast; Recast.)(Heavy=heavy; Recast.)(Attack>Fast, first point to Kuroko) [0-1]


(Heavy=Heavy; Recast.)(Attack>Fast; point to Kuorko) [0-2]

Kuroko Koumori was wary of that smile, not wanting to risk getting caught in some magic trap, she grabbed her sword by the secondary hilt and drove the flat of the blade into her opponent's side, aiming to bash the air out of the Raen's lungs.

Gehenna Dys is smashed in the side, flopping into the ground again like a ragdoll, though her smile stayed on her lips.. a moment's time passes and she laughs lightly -shaking her head. Maybe she was used to worse or was a mascohist or just found his own distress amusing!


(Fast>Heavy, point to Gehenna) [1-2]

Gehenna Dys pokes her finger down into the wet  ground, one of those purple flames hovering about her dashing down low to strike Kuroko! But.. misses and streaks right through her legs along the ground leaving a trail of burning embers behind it. That doesnt seem right, esepcially since she's now rolling away. A fractino of a second passes and that ember trail brightens vasty and a shockwave of localized explosions bursts through that trail it made, the blasts forceful and means to knock even a heavily amrored foe away. Gehenna gets up during this, shaking her wrist to get the dirt off her finger..

Kuroko Koumori was caught off guard by the magical explosions, knocking her back, putting a few more feet between her and her opponent. Despite this, she couldn't help but smile a little herself, this felt like a real fight now, not simply an assault on a ragdoll.


(Fast>Heavy, point and match to Kuroko)

Kuroko Koumori dashed forward, knowing that she was at a disadvantage at this distance. She moves faster than one would think someone wearing such heavy armour could move, and used the momentup to send her blade swinging at her opponent, twisting it to strike her with the flat edge, rather than cleave the woman in two.

Gehenna Dys is struck once more, though the blade is laid flat, the blade passes through her swiftly as it was swung, her body becoming a pitch black silhouette with a burning purple aura around it..  the image of a skeleton flcikering within the silhouette liek a dying lgihtbulb as her torso is cleaved right off, laughing all the while before both parts of her body burst and scatter in ashes. All but one of the purple flames that hovered about her die out, the remaining one poofing in a big plume of smoke as Gehenna stands there instead. "Well that was fun." She nods to Kuroko, smiling.


Kuroko Koumori manages to stay balanced, a testament to her control of her blade that the blow didn't send her flying as it passed through its target. "Hmph!" The Xaela turned to face the mysterious Raen. Ever one for tradition and rules, she was still on her guard, since there hadn't been any official calls of victory or surrender yet.

Gehenna Dys rubs her side a bit, holding the smile towards Kuroko. "You certainly hit hard, miss. And don't worry, I felt all of.." She wiggles her fingers at her. "That... I think I'm done.."

Caex'ra Vaeriar raises his hand, "MAtch to Kuroko!" He'd call out. He'd smirk, bringing his hand down. "Was a hell of a set of fights today."




Combat can be a little 'slow' this way.

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Won't be able to hold this today due to some personal issues, my appologies. There will, however, be another tournament showing on the next week, with the following updated rules: 


+ HP Will be raised to 5

+ "Draws" will be 1 damage to each player, with each player posting continuing in the order from the last attack (For example, say you recieved the last attack, you would get to post for this one first.) 


Will update the OP when I am able! Sorry again for the trouble!

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Won't be able to hold this today due to some personal issues, my appologies. There will, however, be another tournament showing on the next week, with the following updated rules: 


+ HP Will be raised to 5

+ "Draws" will be 1 damage to each player, with each player posting continuing in the order from the last attack (For example, say you recieved the last attack, you would get to post for this one first.) 


Will update the OP when I am able! Sorry again for the trouble!


So is this going to be every week?

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Won't be able to hold this today due to some personal issues, my appologies. There will, however, be another tournament showing on the next week, with the following updated rules: 


+ HP Will be raised to 5

+ "Draws" will be 1 damage to each player, with each player posting continuing in the order from the last attack (For example, say you recieved the last attack, you would get to post for this one first.) 


Will update the OP when I am able! Sorry again for the trouble!


So is this going to be every week?


That's the honest goal and to make it fun for everyone, but I am struggling to be able to set my own time on saturday due to some RL issues coming up (As we saw with last week.) 


I'm hesitant to update with a weekly update due to that. But I will try.

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Won't be able to hold this today due to some personal issues, my appologies. There will, however, be another tournament showing on the next week, with the following updated rules: 


+ HP Will be raised to 5

+ "Draws" will be 1 damage to each player, with each player posting continuing in the order from the last attack (For example, say you recieved the last attack, you would get to post for this one first.) 


Will update the OP when I am able! Sorry again for the trouble!


So is this going to be every week?


That's the honest goal and to make it fun for everyone, but I am struggling to be able to set my own time on saturday due to some RL issues coming up (As we saw with last week.) 


I'm hesitant to update with a weekly update due to that. But I will try.

 Trust me I know how IRL can totally override your plans for stuff. 


More I'm just trying to get it worked out on the calendar. If weekly doesn't suit you then try just one day a month. Like "every third saturday" or something. If that not possible then don't sweat it. I simply had it on the calendar as a single event, but if you're going to do it again that's awesome. Just post/update with the latest time/date/location. Remember this is the information your attendees need as well so the sooner you can get that info posted the more can arrange to show up. If possible try to give at least one week advance notice.

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Won't be able to hold this today due to some personal issues, my appologies. There will, however, be another tournament showing on the next week, with the following updated rules: 


+ HP Will be raised to 5

+ "Draws" will be 1 damage to each player, with each player posting continuing in the order from the last attack (For example, say you recieved the last attack, you would get to post for this one first.) 


Will update the OP when I am able! Sorry again for the trouble!


So is this going to be every week?


That's the honest goal and to make it fun for everyone, but I am struggling to be able to set my own time on saturday due to some RL issues coming up (As we saw with last week.) 


I'm hesitant to update with a weekly update due to that. But I will try.

 Trust me I know how IRL can totally override your plans for stuff. 


More I'm just trying to get it worked out on the calendar. If weekly doesn't suit you then try just one day a month. Like "every third saturday" or something. If that not possible then don't sweat it. I simply had it on the calendar as a single event, but if you're going to do it again that's awesome. Just post/update with the latest time/date/location. Remember this is the information your attendees need as well so the sooner you can get that info posted the more can arrange to show up. If possible try to give at least one week advance notice.


Understood! I appreciate both the guidance and advice.

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We had a great, full tournament, with tons of awesome fighters!


WE realised 5 HP is too much, so we're keeping the "Tie" rule, but lowering back down to 3! (We did this mid-tourney, in the interest of time!) 


Congratulations to this weeks winner, Artoria! Hope to see everyone next week!



Artoria Aldsan: "Good luck, Miss Yuusha."

Yuusha Ur slides her hands into her pockets and closes her eyes, a plume of frost coming form ehr lips as she speaks. "Likewise."

Artoria Aldsan charges in at Yuusha Ur, releasing a wave of aetheric energy as she brings her sword down.


(Attacks will deal damage to both members, Attack = Attack; 1:1, First post to Artoria)

Yuusha Ur opens her eyes and smiles to Artoria as she approaches, tapping her foot in the mud once as a plate of frost forms beneath Artoria's path in the mud, instantly freezing and becoming slick as the woman is struck by the wave and weaves to the side, spinning a kick at the woman to knock her off balance to topple her from the suddenly unfriendly ground, hands in pockets all the while

Artoria Aldsan slides on the frozen ground, her hand going to the ground for balance as she slides under Yuusha's kick, before digging it in for leverage to spin herself around to face the other woman again.


(Point to Yuusha, Heavy>Normal attack. [[Yuusha 2 / Artoria 1]])

Yuusha Ur leaps back in a feint, a pillar of frost rising out of the wet ground beneath her feet rather quickly as she lands, launching her at Artoria rapidly as she arcs an axe kick down towards the woman's shoulder to jar her a bit and maybe loosen her grip on that blade. Hands in pockets!

Artoria Aldsan brings her sword up to take the hit, sliding back across the frozen ground from the force of the impact.


(Point/Post to Artoria, Heavy>Attack. [[Yuusha 2 / Artoria 2]])

Artoria Aldsan digs herself into the ice before launching herself at Yuusha, her sword coming down in a wide arc to smash against the other woman.

Yuusha Ur is indeed amshes, and twirls off to the side, catching herself on the rock Caex stand on with a single boot. She looks back to Artoria and smiles..

Caex'ra Vaeriar staggers a little feeling the rock beneath him shiver from the impact. He smirks, bending at the knees to balance a little.


(Fast=Fast, Art ->Yuusha->Art [[Yusha: 3 // Art: 3]])

Artoria Aldsan coils herself like a spring and immediately launches herself through the air after Yuusha, bringing her sword down as she passes overhead.

Caex'ra Vaeriar blinks and quickly side-hops off the rock, not wanting to get in the way of the fight. He smirks a bit, his hand is dancing for his axe but he keeps himself reserved in that capacity - just getting out the way.

Yuusha Ur 's shoulder is sliced even as she even ducks to avoid, setting a boot upon the rock artoria was about to land on and icing it over as Yuusha herself pushes away and sldies out of range, letting Artoria have an unpleasant landing wihtout falling on her.

Artoria Aldsan hits the ice and immediately slips off and back into the tree.  She shakes her head and slowly picks herself up to face Yuusha again.


(Heavy = Heavy, Yuusha -> Art -> Yuusha [[4/4]])

Yuusha Ur swipes her leg out in front of her, a jagged, double edged  icicle sprouting from the gathered ice around the playfeild.. she promptly roundhouses the ice blade at an angle to send it flying at Artoria like a throwing knife.

Artoria Aldsan growls and throws a burst of raw aetheric energy at the icicle, before charging through, shard of the broken ice cutting at her face as she brings her sword down in a heavy overhand slash.

Yuusha Ur lowers her torso as she watches the blade, eyes narrowed. She sidesteps the would-be cleave last moment but is flung off to the side as the ice beneath shatters and throws her off balance, stumbling back before catching herself on her backside. Her glasses are fogged over at this point. Another pillar of ice pushes her back to her feet, promptly shattering behind her as its task is finished.


(VICTORY: Artoria Aldsan. After a rediculous... Heavy=Heavy; Heavy=Heavy; Normal=Normal; Normal=Normal; Quick>Heavy.) 

Artoria Aldsan chases after Yuusha and sticks her blade in the ground, using it as leverage as she flies up in a spinning kick, releasing the blade once she touches the ground to spin it around to point at the other woman.


Caex'ra holds up his hand, "That'll be th'fight to Artoria! Good fight t'both. Help y'self t'some potions by th'rock - we got plenty t'get ya mended back up. S'no conjurer, but it'll get you rollin'." He'd pause a moment after, "An' the next fight'll be -Selene an' Ganzorig! (We'll be switching back to 3 HP per person. Sorry for any trouble!) "





Ganzorig Kahkol: Good luck.

Selene Cehter tilted her head at Ganzorig Kahkol. "Now, that's a pointy lance... Be careful with that, ok?"


(Heavy>Attack; First point and post to Selene.)

Selene Cehter examined her oponnent for a moment, her hands quckly making some symbols as she smiled. Suddenly, she points one of hre daggers at Ganzorig Kahkol, summoning her jutsu. "Raiton!" She yells, hurling a lightning at the xaela.

Ganzorig Kahkol did not expect lighting out of the seemingly meager woman, he'd twitch in spot and be as lighted up as a lamp post, coughing and smokeing black, he'd waste no time in trying to retaliate. Charging in with his lance, aiming for a quick thrust at Selene.


(Fast=Fast [[selene:2 / Ganz: 1]])

Selene Cehter parried the blow crossing her daggers in front of her and pushed him back a couple steps, just before stepping in too close for his lance and kicking the back of his left knee to make him go off balance. "Kneel!"

Ganzorig Kahkol kneels as "ordered", though didn't plan on remaining down for long. His legs lift him back up while his arm nearest to Selene attempts to dig itself to her stomach.

Selene Cehter 's eyes open wide as the massive fist punches the air out of her.


(Point to ganz, 2/2)

Ganzorig Kahkol does not allow Selene to recover. While she gasps for air, he'd heft his lance up, and with a mightpy spin, he'd aim his spear's smooth side at Selene's side with as much strength as his arms can bring.

Selene Cehter actually holds at the spear for a moment, going with it for a quick spin before being launched away from Ganzorig. "WoAoAoAoAOOOOooooo!!!"


(Victory ot Ganzorig)

Ganzorig Kahkol rushes to Selene and before she can recover, his spear tip would be just inches away from her face, claiming his victory. " ....Yield..."

Selene Cehter holds her hands up. "Okay okay! You can continue!"

He nsaps out of his conversation for a moment, raising his hand and calling it - "Th'match to Ganzorig! He'll be advancin' - IF either of y'need healin', come t'me - in the meantime; Xi an' Kuroko, Step up f'ya fight!"





U'xi Krash takes her place, drawing her curved blades as she'd assume a fighting stance, awaiting Kuroko.

U'xi Krash: Lets hope your luck's improved this time.

Kuroko Koumori bows courteously to U'xi Krash.


(Attack>Fast, first point to Xi 1:0)

U'xi Krash quickly charges forth at Kuroko, throwing down a flasSpoileromb to blind the woman as she'd teleport herself behind the woman through the quick use of aether, aiming to deliver a hard backwards kick to Kuroko's behind.

Kuroko Koumori managed to avoid getting blinded, but looking away left herself open to the attack, stumbling forward as she's struck from behind.


(Attack>Fast, Point to Kuroko 1:1) 

Kuroko Koumori recovers quickly, however, stepping back to slam the pommel of her sword into her opponent's ribs.

U'xi Krash would be taken by surprise by Kuroko, she didn't used to be this fast... U'xi's carelessness is quickly rewarded with a swift blow to her flank, causing her to stumble to the side, chuckling loudly as she drops into a lower combat stance, turning to Kuroko with a grin.


(Fast>Heavy, point to Xi 2:1)

U'xi Krash quickly runs to circle Kuroko, brandishing her daggers behind her as she'd start to spin, bringing forth a storm of blades to quickly deliver a multitude of cuts to Kuroko. 

Kuroko Koumori was expecting her opponent to be fast, but she still couldn't find an opening in the rapid strikes. She manged to block a few, but the majority bit into her armour, wearing the Xaela down with many small hits.


(Heavy>Attack; Point to Xi/Match)

U'xi Krash giggles and bounces around during her spinning, slowing down as she'd begin leaping over Kuroko's sword, quick as it might be. In her final leap she'd just try to land on top of Kuroko, hoping to stomp her to the ground.

Kuroko Koumori was getting annoyed at being toyed with, she tried a sweeping cut to catch the bouncing Miqo'te, but was too late. Before she realised what was happening, she was face-first on the ground. "Geh! Damned cat..." She couldn't help but feel annoyed at herself for being bested in such a fashion.


Caex'ra Vaeriar: "An' tha's th'fight t'Xi!" He'd call out, holding up one hand. He moves around, "Xi, stay up there - If y'need some quick 'ealin', let us know. Y'll be goin' 'gainst Ganzorig next."

U'xi Krash: I know, much like my pants, it's a lot to take in! You did well, dear. Going to be sore in the morning.

Caex'ra Vaeriar chuckles. He flips the potion in his hand, before tossing it back towards Xi, "Try thinkin' of Miqo'te keeper men, then."

Gehenna Dys brushes Kuroko's armor off a bit. "Perhaps I'll have to enter next time." She smiles to Kuroko. "One of us will win one of these days. You think?"

Kuroko Koumori takes the Miqo'te's hand and pulls herself up. She turns to Caex'ra. "No, I am fine, it is mostly just some light bruisng, the blades did not peirce my armour."





U'xi Krash: First I get to beat up on a student... now a guard. I'm considering collecting the whole set.

Ganzorig Kahkol gives U'xi a quick nod before grabbing his lance.

Caex'ra Vaeriar thinks about it for a moment, "Though didn't that studen wind up smackin' y'ass last time..."

U'xi Krash: I let him win so he'd donate to the school!


(Fast>Heavy, Ganzorig 1:0)

Kuroko Koumori: "Mmmn, it seems I need more practice against faster opponents, or that Miqo'te will be my downfall each time."

Ganzorig Kahkol starts off quick this time. His lance on his side, pulling a one handed feint thrust wich he'd follow with an kick at U'xi's chest.

U'xi Krash: I am known to bring ruin in my wake, Kuroko, don't wo-... gah!

U'xi Krash takes the kick as she was far too busy boasting, stumbling back as she curses under her breath. "Couldn't you see I was busy?!"

Kuroko Koumori bursts out laughing at U'xi Krash.

Selene Cehter bursts out laughing at U'xi Krash.


(Heavy=Heavy, 2/1)

Ganzorig Kahkol swings his lance in an acr, trying to catch U'xi offguard by switching tactics quickly.

U'xi Krash takes the hit by being swept to the side, crying out in anger as she retaliates fast, trying to deliver a swift spinning kick to Ganz's head for being so damn rude; "Would you stop that?!"

Ganzorig Kahkol gives a disgruntled "oomph", shakeing his head to clear the dizzyness, he'd give U'xi an glare before attempting to give her his own boot.


(Attack>Fast, Poitn and match to Ganzorig)

U'xi Krash quickly sidesteps the boot, wiggling her finger in denial to Ganz; "Don't you know it's rude to kick a girl?"

Ganzorig Kahkol wastes no time as she taunts him. From his posision he'd quickly jolt his spear inches away from U'xi's face just as he did with Selena. He'd keep it there. "...Yield...."

U'xi Krash raises a brow as she'd find the speartip right in front of her nose, giving it a wiggle as she'd lean to the side, checking if it's indeed there before sighing deeply; "Fine... you take the victory, you big baby. Sheesh... not like I point sharp pointy things at your face!"




Artoria Aldsan: "Well fought, Mister Ganzorig.  Good luck in our match."

Ganzorig Kahkol gives Artoria a quick nod before assuming his battle stance.


(Quick>Heavy; First poitn and attack to Artoria.)

Artoria Aldsan coils herself like a spring before launching herself at Ganzorig, slashing at him as she practically flies past, before digging in to turn herself around behind him.

Ganzorig Kahkol deflects the flying Xaela to the best of his strength, but the blade is simply way too big for that and cuts through his arm, fortunetly for him its at best a flesh wound. He'd try and lunge his lance at Artoria as she's turning about, ignoring the pain on his arm.


(Fast>Heavy; Point to Ganzorig 1:1)

Ganzorig Kahkol steps in range of his lance, watching Artoria's stance and with a few feints, aims his spear at her side.

Artoria Aldsan hisses as she angles her sword to deflect the lance, stepping back to get out of range once again.


(Heavy>Attack, point to Artoria 2:1)

Artoria Aldsan steps back in, bringing her sword down in a heavy overhead slash in an attempt to batter aside any attempt at defense with the lance.

Ganzorig Kahkol 's lance isn't really meant for defence, the heavy blade tears through it and trying to parry wasn't the best idea one could have against a weapon of that size.


(Quick>Heavy; point and match to Artoria.)

Artoria Aldsan dashes in again to ram her shoulder against Ganzorig, before kicking her foot out in a sweep to put him on the ground, her sword coming down to point at him.

Ganzorig Kahkol flies about like a ragdoll, back to the ground with a heavy thud. He'd look at the sword tip and without words, he'd raise his hands in surrender.

Artoria Aldsan: "Well fought, Mister Ganzorig."

[17:08]Artoria Aldsan extends a hand to help him off the ground.

Ganzorig Kahkol accepts the hand, using his lance to get up. He'd look at the woman with respect and nods.



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Bumping this for visibility and because I forgot to write hte announcement!


we'll be doing another round on Saturday, April 30th at the Lifemend Stump at 3:00 PM EST. 



We still need to get some Healers, and I would really -love- to get some people who would like to GM the fights with me.

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Percival came out on top from Today's tournament! Was a great match all around to everyone, and we got our first pure-mage character I think (Which was awesome to see.) 


Kukuna Kuna: "Do try not to split me in half."


Percival Turner: "Is there enough of you to split?"


Kukuna Kuna raises her rod up high. "Plenty of you to burn." With a quick swipe of her rod, she flings a small fireball towards Percival, hoping she would catch him off guard.

Percival Turner demonstrates a complete disregard for his own safety, dashing straight forward through the fireball, ducking low, and aiming a left-handed punch for Kukuna's face.


Kukuna Kuna gasped as Percival took the fireball directly. A gauntleted fist managed to connect with her face, staggering her a bit. Her mouth was already bleeding. "Ngh...Different from Runestone..."


Percival Turner follows up by dropping down and attempting to slam the pommel of his sword into Kukuna's shoulder.


Kukuna Kuna quickly twisted herself as the pommel of Percival's blade decended upon her. Her dominate right arm was spared but Percival instead smashed her left, laming her limb. "Grgh...!!" Desperate to open distance between the two, a spark formed between the two as Kuna jumped back. Soon enough the spark turned into a small explosion as she used the flames as cover for her retreat.


Percival Turner stumbles back a little, not sure why he didn't expect an explosion at that range. "Damned fire..."


Percival Turner reaches up, taking his sword in both hands before leaping across the space between him and Kukuna. As he lands, he brings the weapon down, but rotates it so that he would just hit with the flat side of the blade instead of possibly cutting his opponent in half.




Kay'ran Dethnos gives a slight nod, wringing her hair out from all the rain as she steps up, opening up her coat to drag out her daggers from the harness underneath, closing the coat afterwards before looking at Kuroko. "Bes' o' luck to ye, lass."


Kuroko Koumori walks into position, drawing her blunt sword. She gives the training weapon a few test swings in the air before she takes her stance, facing her opponent. "Indeed, let this be a good fight."


Kay'ran Dethnos brings up her left arm, holding the dagger horizontally, her right arm to the back, stretched like a board. She takes two slow steps forward then springs off towards Kuroko, launching herself in a small spin to close the distance and attempting to slam both of her daggers pommels into the Au Ra's side as she lands.


Kuroko Koumori attempts to intercept the Miqo'te's attack with a heavy swing, but is only just too slow to stop it, her blade striking her opponent on one side as she herself is struck on the other.


Kay'ran Dethnos 's body jerks to the side as the blade impacts her, the razor sharp edge slicing her coat a little, the flat of it would surely leave a bruise. Springing away a few steps and holding her side, she straightes her back a little, hissing in pain. "Ouch! Tha' smarts!"


Kay'ran Dethnos walks around on the spot a little, rubbing her smacked side a little, jumping in place to get that stinging feeling out of the way. After gaining a few fulms distance from Kuroko she throws her right dagger up in the air, letting it flip, and on its way down she does a little spin and kicks it in Kuroko's direction. The chance was high that the pommel would hit first, not the blade.


Kuroko Koumori stood perpared for opponent to dash in, expecting the knife toss to be some kind of distraction. She was suprised then to find what was very clearly not a throwing knife flying pommel first into her face. She let out a cry of pain and frustration as it struck her forehead.


Kuroko Koumori didn't let the trick attack throw her off, and decided to take advantage of her opponent being down a blade to charge forwards. The Xaela stopped just short enough to make a wasteless, straight swing into her opponent's leg with the tip of her blunt sword, keeping herslef at the maximum range of her weapon to try and maintain her advantage.


Kay'ran Dethnos tried not to let the fact that she was down a blade hinder her offense, but defensively there was a price to pay. She does her best to crouch, sliding her left arm down straight, first almost touching the ground as the dagger was lined up vertically, but that wasn't enough to dull the impact of the training sword that resonates through both her arm and leg, causing her to jump back in a slight limp from it to gain about a fulm space.


Kay'ran Dethnos recoils on her good foot, tensing up like a spring before launching forward towards Kuroko. Making use of that one dagger of hers she attempts to rush the Au Ra, to use her free arm in a tackling distraction while her dagger flies on down from behind the swordswoman. Not aiming to pierce or stab, but to make itself felt at the armor joint on Kuroko's shoulder.


Kuroko Koumori managed to see through her opponent's trick, but sadly, she was still too slow, the impact of the blade on her shoulder rang fully down her arm, and with a wince, her blade dropped to the ground. "Damn it all... I yield..." She said with an annoyed tone as she clutched her arm.


Kay'ran Dethnos instantly withdraws her dagger from the shoulder and straightens up with a hop on her good foot and a rub at her side. "Fightin' like a storm, lass, good on ye." she compliments with a respectful bow of her head.



Kay'ran Dethnos reaches out to grab the potion, popping off the cork and downing it like a shot of rum. Tossing the empty vial up and down in her hand, waiting for that quick effect, she steps on up to retrieve her dagger from the grass.

Kay'ran Dethnos: "Righ' 'en. Le's see wha' yer made of, lad."

Percival Turner puts his helmet back on and stretches. "Right. Let's make this last round a show..." He draws and raises his sword, and becomes surrounded by a dark aura.


Kay'ran Dethnos huffs a few breaths, hopping a little to get that blood flowing and that potion into effect. Little time is wasted before she charges for the armored man, her intention behind to slip past behind him so she could attempt to bash both of her dagger's pommels into the armored back with all her strenth. He had armor, he could take it!


Percival Turner is caught off-guard, expecting a more straight-forward approach and instead taking a pair of weapons hitting him in the back. "Right, so you're a smart one..."


Percival Turner rapidly pivots towards Kay'ran, and swings his sword down. Now, while the blade of the weapon would clearly miss, there's something extra added to the attack: a line of aetheric explosions extending from the hilt of his sword to the tree behind Kay'ran.


Kay'ran Dethnos instantly knelt and raised her daggers, crossing them at the hilts to whitstand the impact of the massive sword. While that nearly shattered her wrists, she thought herself safe until the aetherial charge follows the line of the attack and causes a mild explosion at the point of impact between sword and daggers, sending her rolling back with a few grunts.


Percival Turner pivots again, crouching slighting as aether gathers at his feet before lunching himself forward, aiming to slam the shoulder of his armor and the pommel of his sword into Kay'ran.


Kay'ran Dethnos spins a dagger in her hand, awaiting a charge so she could stab it in Percival's shoulder. What she didn't expect however was an aether propelled stack of metal flying towards her. She's sent flying into the tree with a rather unhealthy thud, before falling down to the ground.


Percival Turner takes a quick step forward to close the distance as he raises his sword, spins it so that he'd hit with the flat of the weapon, then swings it down at Kay'ran, hoping to catch her when she tries to get back up.


Kay'ran Dethnos barely managed to push herself up a little, then she falls flat, face first in the ground as that massive sword ensures she doesn't get up for a while.


Caex'ra Vaeriar winces watching as that sword comes down. Like a fly swatter, almost, he'd raise up to his feet, holding up a hand, "Alrigh! Alrigh' - lez stop it there 'fore we 'ave t'call in a White Mage from their thrones, eh?" He'd say with a smirk, stepping off the rock and landing with a little plop nearby. He looks to Kay'ran with a worried expression, and back to Percival with a nod as he pulled out - with one hand, a bag of gill, and the other, a set of potions for the two of them.


Kay'ran Dethnos lets out a muffled: "M'fine." with a face full of mud and a groan, reaching out with a hand blindly for a potion as she was still under the sword.



In the future, we will be changing the location, but I'll have an answer about it up by Wednesday!

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hey guys, just a quick update: 


I've decided to discontinue this event going forward. It's a bit too much for me to handle independently and since I can't (garuntee) that I can upkeep it, I need to cancel it. My apologies if anyone was looking forward to it tonight.

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