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Your Character and Guilty Pleasures


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Zedyr's guilty pleasure is a bit difficult to pin down, as he isn't prone to feeling shame about very much. I guess if we define it as something that he enjoys but that he keeps to himself, then his secret pleasure is probably taking care of his hands and nails. He works with his hands most of the day, being a goldsmith, but usually he takes one evening a week to trim and file his nails, clean up his cuticles, buff away any rough patches, and use a cedar-scented concoction that Maayan sends him every so often to keep his skin soft and smooth.


Zhah'ra's secret pleasure is wandering off to the greenest, shadiest spot he can find and simply sitting and being alone for a time. He spends so much of his time being "on" -- being "Flower," performing roles, molding himself to his audience's varying expectations -- and solitude feels like the only way he can try to come back to himself. Something is missing, though.


Selah's secret pleasure is being held and having his hair stroked -- but he doesn't have someone he trusts enough for that currently, and he HATES being patted by random strangers or acquaintances. (Hates it and derives no pleasure from it: he finds it demeaning, and it makes his shoulders go up around his ears -- internally, anyway.) Picking him up without his explicit permission is completely out of the question. As a result, I think some people tend to assume that he doesn't like being touched at all, ever, by anyone. That isn't the case; it just requires a quite high level of trust and understanding for him to be okay with it.

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Cecily tends to buy a lot of mammets. She loves those little Wind-Ups especially ones based on the Primals, Scions, and other MSQ characters (Read the minions' descriptions. They are all sold in stores, so totally lore-friendly to get them). But she mainly uses them to help her around the workshop as well as try and learn how to give the Primal ones combat capabilities.


But she also buys them because they're super adorable.

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Rah tends to watch people--being who what he is, he really doesn't know how to socialize.

I'd say he's only really guilty about his natural bloodlust/murder tendencies. While killing someone that was really evil or wronged him feel amazing to him, he knows that murder is wrong and gets torn up about it, even though his other personality usually pirates the control without his permission during the kill. :ahriman:


He's also a huge glutton! 

Again. Because of what he is, he sticks with smaller crystals as his main nom source...but he consumes "normal people" junk food like a mass dessert garbage disposal lmao. Rah can't bake either.

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Flora's guilty pleasures are a little guiltier than most, owing to her "omg nice things so sinful! Must roll in dirt and starve self and overwork for Rhalgr!!" attitude xD


Flora loves bread. It's the most magical thing in the world to her. She'll eat a whole loaf before she realizes it, and then feel bad because she was supposed to be fasting till sundown.


She also really likes perfume-- but, being the sort of highlander that is perpetually coated in a thick layer of sweat and grime, she hardly ever feels like she ought to apply any, since it'd be a waste if she just sweat it off.


She also really likes to carve wood and embroider, although she'd be mortified to admit how much time she spends on hobbies like that. A whole hour?? Shame on you, Flora! You should be disciplining your body for Rhalgr!

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One of Aaron's guilty pleasure is pissing people off when he's bored. Especially if he knows them, he finds it absolutely hilarious inside but won't show it physically (most of his expressions can be simplified to a "whatever") but yeah, best believe when he's taking jabs at someone he's hoping they get mad.



Another one is breaking the forth wall, but that's more an ooc habit but still,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Illyriana's guilty pleasure is cute things. Stuffed animals, baby animals, they send her into a mini-freakout where she can barely contain herself. She has bought so many cute minions and loves stuffed animals. She's afraid to let anyone cause she thinks they'll think shes childish xD

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Tsubaki's is a little odd. She has a thing for tall guys or even tall people in general. She's fairly shy and fairly short so the height difference can be intimidating. At the same time it makes her feel strangely justified in the fact she's shy when people are something like two heads taller than her.


She'll also just sit in a tavern and eavesdrop on everyone. She knows it wrong but she just has to.

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Chocobo care.

It's something he's read up about in-depth but would never, ever admit to it. He even bought high quality tools for caring for them. Also how much he knows about plants especially poisonous ones. He really doesn't like people thinking that he's smart for whatever reason.

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Pretty Sure I already mentioned that Raeje's was books. She loves books, old books that smell like they've been gathering dust in the library for a century. Also poetry, and anything steampunk ish. (I know steampunk isn't really a thing in Eorzea, but anything antique,with cogs, keys, goggles, weird clothing all that kind of steampunk style)


Wyta is a 100% punk. A 100% punk drag queen Roe, so of course, he likes girly punk clothes (again, I know punk wasn't a thing, but anything that looks punk ish). He also secretly is obsessed with musicals. Shhhh, don't tell anyone, it will take away some of his edge.

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Elijah will overeat if people keep putting food in front of him, having been raised in a family where not a crumb could go to waste. Thankfully he's got a metabolism to match his go-go-go attitude and has trouble putting on any weight, though this includes the muscle definition he'd so love to build up. Perpetually lean.

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Despite Masha being a Seeker, Mia has attended every hand shake event that she's been able to afford.

Not sure if you made a typo but Masha's a Keeper not a Seeker.


No!  I was looking closely at the photos and thought she had cat eyes.  I suppose I should have guessed from the name alone but one never knows.  That's very, very good then.  Mia's affection has surely grown.  Thanks for the correction!

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Rinh'a tends to be admittedly fairly serious, and focused on his magical studies. But, he does have a bit of a passing interest in botany, and enjoys taking care of plants. and, sometimes he'll just lie back, listen to some music, and take quite a horrendously long nap, when he's got some free time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

[align=justify]Tsuka has a distinct love for eating pastries


in the morning with her breakfast tea.

That's not really a guilty pleasure though, it's just fact.



If one were to ask her, she'd probably

say -- with an embarrassed smile on her face --that

she's a little too fond of trying to sleep in as much as

she possibly can, only waking when she knows there is

tea and pastries waiting for her.

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Khonrahd's guilty pleasure is anytime he sees a baby coeurl, he absolutely takes the time to see if he can squish their paws. "The little beans" are where it's at.


He refuses to do it in front of anyone - it's pretty embarrassing the way he coos at them enough as it is.

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Adrenaline seems to be Zazanthers. He loves the feel of it but only engages it once in a while but man, he loves to risk things for that high. Might explain why he sometimes does illegal things for the rush.

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Celica likes to secretly write highly offensive and insulting letters to people, especially nobility and the wealthy. She'll often write them under the pseudonym "Canterbury Jack," but sometimes she'll address them as if they're from the recipient's political and/or social rival just to stir shit up. She once started a house war this way. She didn't mean to, but she enjoys the chaos and seeing her peers flustered.

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Roroko's got a stomach that'd put a black hole to shame, and loves to eat...a lot. Sometimes she'll very sheepishly admit to it when with friends, but most times you'd be none the wiser until she invited you out to a nice restaurant and saw her eat...and eat...and eat...and eat....on the bright side, all those calories keep her cheeks delightfully pinch-able, so there's that!


Pentral loves reading corny romance novels. The cheesier they are, the better- she even delights herself in reading them aloud to her crew mates on dreary nights at sea. She also has a shameless obsession with lingerie, but this isn't a guilty pleasure as much as it is one that's constantly draining on her finances...plus lingerie is cute! Pentral would be more than willing to show anyone her collection, with her reasoning being 'If I spent a lot of money on this, you're damn right I'm gonna show it off'.

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