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I need a change..

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Heya, I'm Drasilla, Dras or Dra does just fine as well, I'm a bit of an introvert and never know how to start these things. I have recently decided to make a change in FC after years? in the last one. They had no interest in RPing and I do So, here we are.. With me reading a book.. In Quicksand.. Alone.. wondering how  I do such a thing.. Well I suppose this might help:



Drasilla Black



Class/Profession: Scholar, Learning the arts of war.

Race: Xalea Au'ra

Gender: Female

Age: Rude.. don't ask a lady her age..



Description: A bit of an oddity, short, even for a Au'ra female, black hair with red highlights and one, dead, soulless eye. Dark Blueish scales (She is a Xalea after all, she has her mother's scales) and tanish skin.



[align=center]The background is kind of a work in progress and such, It's been a long time since 1.0 and well, I'm no longer a gladiator. [/align]

[align=center](I figure I could twist the Scholar thing into learning battlefield tactics, and swordplay and the like from them, but shes.. kinda clumsy, OH she loves books to.)[/align]



[align=center]Looking for: Friends, Associates, Acquaintances, an FC (Big time), LSs are nice (but they dont help me move my room back in)[/align]



[align=center]In case anyone cares:[/align]



((ALSO! Thank you to @SapphireSkylines, I kinda  stole your format cause I was lost at ware to start)) 

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People in the QS are generally scary and expect someone to approach them first or do something that allows them to just jump in.


What I first did was talk to a empty bottle and danced on tables cause I'm a rebel, that was forever ago though.


I'd suggest you either approach someone, who's most likely wanting rp but is too afraid to act unless approached, or you do something a little more friendly than reading a book.


Funny enough, most people assume those reading books by themselves are the same people that will probably give one word non chalant replies to any conversation, it happens a lot. And some might not take that chance of basically getting that "go away" vibe.

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Whhhhhh! you mean the thing that I was doing to try to be a little more IC was actually driving people away!

Not necessarily. . .


Just from personal experience, I've seen a lot of people in QS that would read by themselves, get approached and basically be like "Sure... /turns page not looking up" or something like that, and most people are like why would I go there if I'm just probably going to be talking to a wall?


Not saying you doing that is bad, just be warned the lone book reader gig has been slandered by a lot of cold heartless introverts who want conversation but don't know how to hold one.


If you throw in a little outward commentary about what you're reading IC, maybe a small laugh also or something you should lessen the vibe of "Dont interrupt my book or I swear I'll stab you in the fingers" and be fine.


If I see you in game I'll probably bother ya too.

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Asking someone to dance will always get you a response faster than waiting to be asked to dance.


The hubs do see a lot of "I'll just watch and maybe someone will see me" sort of hanging out. There's nothing wrong with it, but it does mean you're stuck waiting for someone else to make the first move. My recommendations:


Find someone reading a book and ask them about it.


Find people at a table that isn't full and ask to join them.


Strike up conversation with someone with bullshit: "Hey, didn't we run into each other on a mission a few years ago? You sure? You look just like Ol' Stabby McKnife..." or something similar. It doesn't have to be too serious or too silly, but it helps get the ball rolling.

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I understand that weird "twisting in the wind" feeling after losing an FC, especially after a long time. If I run in to you, I'll likely give you a pokeyprod.


Assuming your charrie doesn't mind a loud and somewhat goofy Roelady.

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Strike up conversation with someone with bullshit: "Hey, didn't we run into each other on a mission a few years ago? You sure? You look just like Ol' Stabby McKnife..." or something similar. It doesn't have to be too serious or too silly, but it helps get the ball rolling.


I endorse this solution - that's basically how I started meeting folks. The good thing is that you only really need to get to know a couple of people, and then you meet their friends, and their friends' friends, and you can get a good cascade going.


And yes, you should meet the goofy and loud Roelady who posted just above me. Watch out for those hugs, though. CRUNCH.

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Its kind of why I started doing stuff like this -Motions to all of the post- So that people kind of realize I'm not just an observer I wana get involved so.. if ya see me and want to poke me we can do something! Hehe or if someone is recruiting for a cool FC... I wana set my room back up ;-;



its cold in the streets.. -sniffles-

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Hmm.. well..

I'd start with asking yourself - "What could someone do that would make you go over an engage with them?"


That at least will help in thinking what you could do. But this is still a passive RP Trap, and is easy for your RP victims to avoid.


Much better targeting your victim, and then applying your RP chat-up lines.


"I was supposed to meet someone here who was wearing a green shirt. Badaxe is that you?"


Starts hopping and cursing and almost bumps into Badaxe, "Owch, owch, there is something in my boot biting me get it off!"  


"Excuse me I'm collecting for the poor orphans. It would be so good to build them a workhouse so they can earn their way out of squaller" 


"I need to go to the bathroom, could you watch my green chicken please? His name is bluebell, on account he thinks he's a horse"

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If you're interested in an FC, the Night Ravens are tiny and recruiting:



We do a lot of small RP around the Ul'dah area, and are happy to help new people make connections. Poke me or Sukaretto if you ever are bored and want to make friends.


I definitely get the pickup rp issues though. Lately my character has been selling cookies for charity (and by charity I mean herself), just so she has a reason to bug strangers. Having a little mission every time you go to the QS helps.

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Heh, I find the Quicksand to be a big Mexican standoff, RP-style. No one is willing to make a move until another does. Just my observation.


That said I am planning to make an effort to do some public RP in and around there for plot and rumor purposes. I'll keep an eye out for you ;-)

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Strike up conversation with someone with bullshit: "Hey, didn't we run into each other on a mission a few years ago? You sure? You look just like Ol' Stabby McKnife..." or something similar. It doesn't have to be too serious or too silly, but it helps get the ball rolling.


I endorse this solution - that's basically how I started meeting folks. The good thing is that you only really need to get to know a couple of people, and then you meet their friends, and their friends' friends, and you can get a good cascade going.


And yes, you should meet the goofy and loud Roelady who posted just above me. Watch out for those hugs, though. CRUNCH.


More along the lines of SQUISH. :3

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I've always envisioned Roe hugs having the effect bear hugs have in cartoons, eyes bugging out your head, the works!


Anyways, back on topic. I have a Keeper out in the Shroud if you happen to ever venture out that way. Usually available for RP so let me know if you'd like to plan something!

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