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RP Levelers OOC LS

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[align=center]:idea:**Status: Open**:idea:[/align]



This LS is for those who want to level tank or healer (or whatever) for roleplay reasons but aren't comfortable running certain content as that class. Kind of like a buddy system for RPers. :D

We do run all (casual) content, not just leveling dungeons, so don't be surprised if requests for expert roulette, etc. come across!


:idea: If you are wanting to join to level something or would like to help out, please contact one of our leaders in game!


Valia Rosa / Brinn Rosa / Ralin Thalin / Tin Man / Alberic Grimmeau / O'teral Nunh / Chanar Himaa.

Rhetzedyr Guldarensyn / Zhah'ra Savaptha / Silver Sage / Rhenbraen Helbsyn.

Lunabell Faunhart / Sela Wyssrael.

Aghurlal Qar-akimusun/Telluric Medic/Caidenden Caiden/Liuthas Corwell/Cinu-a Malaguld/Shuukami Kanshi/Y'trinity Taqa/Confiance Desferme.




[align=center]There is one rule[/align]


:idea: Be excellent to each other! /airguitar


No one is obligated to run stuff if they are busy at the time or not feeling up to it, so I am encouraging patience when asking for dungeon runs.


:idea: Since this has come up recently, I want to clarify that this LS is for roleplayers only.



[align=center]We are a social LS.[/align]

Chat ebbs and flows like the tides; sometimes it's quiet, sometimes it gets pretty busy and silly.





eta: You can bring all of your actively played characters to the LS if you would like (We all have those "Hang on! Let me relog and get my other character!" moments. :D )

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I like this idea. Not so much for my own leveling purpose, but helping out others.


I main BRD so I'll be the deeps who doesn't pull early and then blame you for not holding aggro. I also will not be the guy that stands in the flashing yellow zones and blame you for your inability to heal lol.


I also have DRK to 44 and am in call to tank whatever content below my level that you need!


So add me! T'khoa Tia is the in-game name. I'll be on later tonight, and if not then, over the weekend.

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I like this idea. Not so much for my own leveling purpose, but helping out others.


I main BRD so I'll be the deeps who doesn't pull early and then blame you for not holding aggro. I also will not be the guy that stands in the flashing yellow zones and blame you for your inability to heal lol.


I also have DRK to 44 and am in call to tank whatever content below my level that you need!


So add me! T'khoa Tia is the in-game name. I'll be on later tonight, and if not then, over the weekend.


That bolded part is EXACTLY what I'm looking for! :D And yeah, we'll be happy to have ya!


I'll try to keep a PF going over the next few days. Watch for it if I don't find you in game.

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I'm all for this! I've been trying to lvl MCH and..from the feedback I get from people I run with and people complaining on how bad the class is - I don't feel that confident in running dungeons and such with it, lol.


If there's still room, mind adding me?

A'mahri Kahz.

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I'm all for this! I've been trying to lvl MCH and..from the feedback I get from people I run with and people complaining on how bad the class is - I don't feel that confident in running dungeons and such with it, lol.


If there's still room, mind adding me?

A'mahri Kahz.


Of course! And I know those feels; once confidence is shaken, it's tricky getting back on your feet. In my experience, it's those who are good people who truly want to be good players and work well as a team that are rattled by random asshats in the DF. Let's work together on that! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be more than happy to help wherever I can as a healer or DPS! I do keep some really odd in-game hours and am generally more available late at night (I'm MST) but that just means I'll be about for anyone pullin' all-nighters!

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I'd be more than happy to help wherever I can as a healer or DPS! I do keep some really odd in-game hours and am generally more available late at night (I'm MST) but that just means I'll be about for anyone pullin' all-nighters!


I'll watch for ya. Feel free to contact one of us in game if you see us online :)

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Thank you for the invite today!


I'm another DEEPS who won't frustrate you all in a dungeon run. I can also run on SCH as a healer for storymode level 50< content. I like to laugh when I'm out there. I also like unconventional groups or trying things differently. If you're a tank-healer set up looking for a DPS team, Soji and I have played together as DPS from the beginning and love BRD/DRG attack strategies.


Other things I enjoy doing: FATE parties, Levequest sharing, simple daily Hunts (and the big ones too but I'll happily accompany daily hunts and wait out Hunts that require fates with friends etc.), story mode dungeons in particular but learning some hard modes would be fun too, trials! short and sweet, and beastmen dailies. These things are lonely without buddies!


Forgot to add: I'm Pacific Timezone and I work until about 5pm and have a lot more time in the evenings to game than during the day. So you'll see my leveling activity after 5pm Monday through Friday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be interested.. Just returned to the game and finished the main story this morning. Got into the expansion and trying new classes. Not even sure what to do or how to level. So I may ask a lot of questions. I have lots of high end PVE experience in many places though so.. I won't stand in all the bad things.


Zaul Uzuka in game.

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I'd be interested.. Just returned to the game and finished the main story this morning. Got into the expansion and trying new classes. Not even sure what to do or how to level. So I may ask a lot of questions. I have lots of high end PVE experience in many places though so.. I won't stand in all the bad things.


Zaul Uzuka in game.



I wouldn't mind joining this cause I want to get my WAR and MCH up to par, but also because I don't mind helping as I can offer my SMN/SCH combo for any situation.


Alright! I'm in game now so will look for you guys.

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(hope I remembered the name right...)[/align]



New 24 man raid coming up in 3.3! You excite? I know I am!


Want to go day one, but mannnn... that DF...? :dazed:



*plays bongos badly*


Come along with the RP Levelers LS for a trip through Teh Ebil Outside with a bunch of laid back, chill folks! Let's figure this place out and have fun doing it!



Sign up below with your character name, class(es), and availability.




Derp derp... Lemme add in my own info:

Valia Rosa - BLM/SCH/PLD, any time as I'm taking the day off.





Teaser info has finally been posted for Weeping City!


Please note, the ilvl req to get in is 205 (I had guessed 200). Sign ups are still going on!


:love: We reeeeally need some melee folks in this pool party! If anyone is thinking about coming along, we'd love to have you!


Oh, and my tank friends, don't be put off by the fact that we have 3 already. Between time zone juggling and other llamas-outta-nowhere, we may need subs. Feel free to still sign up!



Tank: Nebbs (PLD) (EU)

Tank: E'ko (WAR)

Tank: Gaius (ANY)* (MST)

Backup tanks:


Healer: Bala (WHM)

Healer: Clover Blake (WHM)* (EU)

Healer: Amethyst (WHM/AST)* (MST)

Healer: Evangeline (WHM)

Healer: Garza Redwing (SCH/WHM)


Backup healers: Ralin (SCH)


DPS: Valia (BLM)

DPS: Sacred (SMN)

DPS: Khuma (MCH)

DPS: Catina (SMN)

DPS: Xeiz (MCH)

DPS: Alderique (NIN)*

DPS: K'nahli Yohko (BRD)* (EU)

DPS: Nananomi Nomi (NIN)* (EU)

DPS: Kiyoko Tatsuyama (SMN)










I do plan this for later on in the day (not too late for our EU friends, if I can help it) since housing & mog quests are a rush thing.

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I always look forward to the 24-man raids! Not exactly sure when we're getting patch 3.3 but hopefully my schedule doesn't change much by then!


Character Name

Xeiz Feine






10pm-6am MST. Tue/Wed.

Although with enough of a heads up I can probably be more flexible!

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I always look forward to the 24-man raids! Not exactly sure when we're getting patch 3.3 but hopefully my schedule doesn't change much by then!


Character Name

Xeiz Feine






10pm-6am MST. Tue/Wed.

Although with enough of a heads up I can probably be more flexible!


The MSQ Preview page on Lodestone says "beginning of June", so maybe June 7th? This is specifically for going on patch day. Hope you can make it! :D

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I'm definitely game for this, depending on the situation closer to patch day I may have to back out but I'm willing to bet I can at leasts bring in MCH, possibly BRD if I get off my butt and lore grind so they have identical gear. Who knows, might even be able to squeeze AST in if I push it super hard, but probably just those two DPS options.


The character is Khuma'zi Tayuun.

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My lvl 30 alt is in the LS but I can bring my main after the house purchasing stampede is done.


Nebula Stardancer 

PLD i229

AST and SUM ~ i220

I could roll with any other class but above should cover the roles.


Also if someone needs that extra gear to make 205 shout up and let's get you there.

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My lvl 30 alt is in the LS but I can bring my main after the house purchasing stampede is done.


Nebula Stardancer 

PLD i229

AST and SUM ~ i220

I could roll with any other class but above should cover the roles.


Also if someone needs that extra gear to make 205 shout up and let's get you there.


The stampede will be real.


Will be great to have you along! :D And good idea about assisting with gear. I'll be sure to mention it when I'm in game next.

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I'd like to join the LS! I've got NIN at 60, BLM at 55, and am down to tag along on runs to help/for tokens/for loot. I've got WAR in the low 30s that I'm going to level eventually.


As far as weeping city goes, I'm interested as long as it's not a lagfest for me. Void Ark is a bit rough at times.

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I'd like to join the LS! I've got NIN at 60, BLM at 55, and am down to tag along on runs to help/for tokens/for loot. I've got WAR in the low 30s that I'm going to level eventually.


As far as weeping city goes, I'm interested as long as it's not a lagfest for me. Void Ark is a bit rough at times.


Sure thing! If you're in game now, I'll look for ya. If not, do a player search for one of the LS Leaders listed in the info when you are. :moogle:

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