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Housing! (I know right? Like we need another thread.)

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I don't know if anyone has considered this yet, but I was talking with some friends. And then I got to thinking. I know at least three RP FCs who plan on straight up relinquishing, the night before (like before the 24hr maint), and then logging in to race to a new plot. People will snag those plots even without the price reductions. They will. They'll be gone.


This really doesn't seem like a good idea. I mean, I can forsee some FCs becoming homeless. I think people should really consider holding onto their plots until they have someone in front of the new placard ready to click on it.



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If it's a risk the FC's willing to take, I'm gonna make the assumption that their members have either already tried to voice out against it or have agreed to it. We've known that 3.3 was going to increase the number of houses available for a while.

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I know of a tactic; relinquish the land, then have an FC leader/trusted member buy it as a personal plot just in case they are unsuccessful catching a larger one on the day. It costs a bit more gil, but definitely gets rid of the chance of becoming homeless altogether.

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I know someone who's planning this. It seems waaaay too risky; I'd certainly never do it. But, these FC's know the risk and they're taking it. Grabbing a new plot is going to be a mad house anyway, so they don't want to be slowed down by having to relinquish an old plot before they can buy a new one.

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I know someone who's planning this. It seems waaaay too risky; I'd certainly never do it. But, these FC's know the risk and they're taking it. Grabbing a new plot is going to be a mad house anyway, so they don't want to be slowed down by having to relinquish an old plot before they can buy a new one.


That's us, there is already someone lined up who wants the old plot (not charging any money btw) and we will be joining the land rush. You can enable all officers to purchase/vacate so you can go for multiple plots at once as you FC can only have one plot.


Now if only it was PvP area in the wards?

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On the topic of this, if any FC that hasn't previously had a house would like a head start on getting their airships moving in their new house, let me know. For a reasonable price we'll make you a full set of Bronco parts and even give you a Flight Credit and 20 Ceruleum Tanks to get you going (though to get the latter, you'll need to very briefly move an alt into our FC, since those items can only be transferred via the FC chest). Then when you get your new house, all you have to do is unlock your workshop, plop the flight credit in, drop in your Bronco parts, and send dat ship out.

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On Balmung...it is going to be crazy...crazy. My new main server Sarg...seems like quite a few people vacated plots before this whole thing happened. I noticed a few open spots open and as a nice person...I started advertising it in chat all, "HEADS UP THERE'S A PLOT." xD Doing my good deed as I have already found a small plot on my server in the Mist in such a nice spot!~

Wish you all luck in this hunger games. Exciting times!~ Hope more people get houses that they wanted!

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I've done this before. If it's Medium/Large plot, it is quite possible that you might have a chance in purchasing the plot.


Small, definitely no. 


Keep in mind that the plot prices are quite cheaper than the previous patches. And there will be plenty of people who've saved up since 2.4 to 3.3 because crafting has become the next hip thing to earn money.

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