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I swear I clean up good!

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"Please pay no mind to the dirt and sweat and blood and fur... none of its mine, honest!"




Hey everyone! I'm putting myself out there in hopes of making some connections for RP. While I am looking for an FC, that's not the focus or reason for this post. What I can do though is make this sweet and to the point. Kate is a big game hunter and mercenary for hire, looking for work in both fields, possibly in fields, although she prefers a desert or a jungle, but I mean if you need something killed on a farm outside Limsa, there are fields there right? I'm rambling now.. oh dear.


Kate is also very outgoing, likes to laugh and have a great time, spar with people for fun or to keep herself sharp, and occasionally have a drink when it feels right. So if you want someone to RP with that will call you on your bullsh*t (can we curse here?), doesn't mind getting dirty, loves a good fight, and definitely knows how to relax... then look me up, baby. We are gunna have some fun!




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Love the name

Love the attitude 


Tell me, have you ever hunted giant toads?


Nebula has a list of strange components from creatures that are attached to them. It would involve travel to strange places, meet creatures, anoy them so they try to kill you and maybe survive.


You would have to supply your own gear and take care of your own cleanup.

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"Please pay no mind to the dirt and sweat and blood and fur... none of its mine, honest!"




Hey everyone! I'm putting myself out there in hopes of making some connections for RP. While I am looking for an FC, that's not the focus or reason for this post. What I can do though is make this sweet and to the point. Kate is a big game hunter and mercenary for hire, looking for work in both fields, possibly in fields, although she prefers a desert or a jungle, but I mean if you need something killed on a farm outside Limsa, there are fields there right? I'm rambling now.. oh dear.


Kate is also very outgoing, likes to laugh and have a great time, spar with people for fun or to keep herself sharp, and occasionally have a drink when it feels right. So if you want someone to RP with that will call you on your bullsh*t (can we curse here?), doesn't mind getting dirty, loves a good fight, and definitely knows how to relax... then look me up, baby. We are gunna have some fun!





O////0 w-wow.... Anywho, I'm Scaith! Welcome to Balmung and I really would enjoy getting the chance to meet up or even just chatter....If you're in Ul'dah, come find me or even just send me a PM and I'll come a-runnin.

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I really like your post. I could write a really long and boring thing her, but instead I'm just going to say that it's interesting, I have a character that is always interested in meeting new people, and they might get along. So, they're interested, but if you are interested then feel free to PM on here or just poke me in game. If I'm free, a lot of times I am, I rarely turn down a chance to randomly RP with someone. Take care!


And if you do want to learn more about Rini, check out the wiki in the signature, but watch out for spoilers. : )

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Yo yo~! :cactuar: Can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. Pretty interesting character, with a lot of potential for some hella scenes! Josiah's always offering a helping hand, so never be shy to send a PM here or in game. Hell, just walk up to him if ya want! He's always glad to spar, just try not to swing at him outta nowhere(or do, that could be pretty interesting to watch play out.) Josiah's wiki is here.

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Love the look of the character! Most female hyurs go for the sort of princess look, a rougher look like yours is rare and looks really good!


Welcome to the RPC and hope you have a lot of fun here :3

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Welcome to the RPC and to the game! You've very clearly struck a chord. :D


If you ever wanna test yourself against a Roelady, then give my character a poke. Though judgong from the replies your dance card will be more than booked, so I understand if you're busy.


I typically am about very late nights EST myself. Just FYI.


Hope you have fun! :D

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It seems the trick of all this is the tracking down part. I've been playing FF for a long time now and I still lament about the lack of friends list functionality.


Regardless, if you've posted in this thread then you WILL be found!


*evil laughter turned to coughing to awkward stare*

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All the cool kids posted in this thread already so I'm tagging along! :cactuar:


Rough and tumble? Likes to fight? Lots of weapons? Prefers the desert? As it turns out, there's actually a place for people like this that gets together once a week to beat the piss out of each other for fun and potentially profit.


I'm talking, of course, about The Gin Mill.







If you're looking to very quickly meet more people than you can possibly keep up with, I'd suggest checking it out!

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Welcome to the RPC! I've got an ex-assassin from Ul'dah, who could meet her sometime. Your character looks awesome!


Also, all reports say the Grindstone is a fun time. (I'm gonna try to make it in a couple weeks!)

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Let me join in the fun! That's a great looking character you have! Monster slaying is such a fun business!


Arzilia travels around Eorzea as a mercenary but I'd say she's an expert when it comes to hunting and killing monsters :P

Maybe they can run into each other one of these days! Feel free to PM me or send me a /tell in-game! ^^

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That screen sold it to me! RP in the bog? Yes please


Nebbs was searching for a tiger and found a mud wrestling lass.

(WARNING may contain Nebb's delusion on realty)

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Have you ever wanted to punch a blind woman in the face? No? 

Well have you ever wanted to spar with a Fist of Rhalgr?

How about having a partner to help out with a few hunting ventures?

What about a friend to just get down and muddy with or just share a good drink? 


Basically what I'm trying to say is, I'd love to rp sometime.

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