SolaceWinds Posted October 13, 2016 Share #26 Posted October 13, 2016 R'theqe was exiled from his tribe, after taking the blame for murdering a member of a rival tribe, which goes against their peace treaty. He then traveled the land, hoping to make it day buy day by pit fighting and mining, though after some unfortunate losses and events, (which caused him to "lose" and eye, he's trying to just slow down, going a friend of his can help him get back on track. Link to comment
Morningstar1337 Posted October 15, 2016 Share #27 Posted October 15, 2016 Auaura "Aurora" Aura came to Eorzea primarily out of curiosity. She seeks Knowledge and Power (the latter being used to help her with the former.) and was interested in seeing firsthand how drastic an Umbral Era could affect the landscape. Link to comment
Sylentmana Posted October 17, 2016 Share #28 Posted October 17, 2016 For several reasons. A strong desire to see what the rest of the world looks like. To hone her skills and talents. To try lots of new and tasty foods. Because she prefers to be alone and traveling is often the best way to be alone. Because she doesn't want to have children (hates kids), especially not with the current Nuhn (or any, really). Mostly she travels because she feels like it. Link to comment
Koen Posted October 17, 2016 Share #29 Posted October 17, 2016 At the moment, he's just looking to get his gear fixed up. Before that, he tends to blame Garleans for most things. Link to comment
AquiziTC Posted October 19, 2016 Share #30 Posted October 19, 2016 Oliver grew up hearing the tales of the adventurers that came to serve after the Garlean invasion, and during the moons before the Calamity. For him, it's a call to do something great. Perhaps not to the levels of glory that the adventurers of old have, or of the fabled few heard talked about in the current day. But he wants to help as much as he can, in his own small way. Link to comment
RiniKett Posted October 19, 2016 Share #31 Posted October 19, 2016 Rini is a classic, overly used, orphan story. She didn't have a choice but to survive with her brother so it became a way of life. The only difference between then and now is she grew smarter and found better ways to make money than kill and fetch leves. Link to comment
Martiallais Posted October 19, 2016 Share #32 Posted October 19, 2016 Martiallais' journey was one that he was kind of born into. His family were Ishgardian soldiers and especially after the passing of his mother, his father was hard pressed to train his trio of children (to be the very best like no one ever was). It was circumstances that forced Mar's sister out of Ishgard that made him leave the lance behind and pick up the sword and shield instead however. Armand had some similar circumstances but rather than becoming a clergyman, he saw that many of the people in that field and around him in general (as a noble) were either corrupt or using their positions against others. Since he was already in training to be a knight, he made the sidestep (after a few other revelations) into Dark Knight territory. Now he's kind of doing a bit of the semi-roaming vigilante thing. Link to comment
Raeje Posted October 20, 2016 Share #33 Posted October 20, 2016 After growing up as a member of the Kha tribe, Raeje was open to open to embracing many cultures. She was born into a family who owned a tavern on the outskirts of Othard, so had many chances to learn several cultures. When the Garlean empire became a problem, Raeje's mother and father embarked on a journey with her older sister, in order to attempt to negotiate with some of their forces. They never returned. Raeje was raised by her uncle, who taught her how to write, and sing. As much as loved this, Raeje knew at some point in her life, she would end up dealing with the Garleans. And so she began training with the bow when she was 16. And she was right. Eventually the Garleans did come. And she fought. Unfortunately she lost her home and her uncle in the fight, but managed to steal a horse, and escape to Gridania, where she temporarily set up her new home, and began her life as an adventurer. Link to comment
Mia Moui Posted October 20, 2016 Share #34 Posted October 20, 2016 or what caused your character to become an adventurer? -Was it fame? -Was it fortune? or was it something completely different than the common situations? We've talked about powers and even have a topic for showing your RP characters, lets talk about the reason your character left home or the land they knew to travel to Eorzea or want to venture around their homeland? I hope reading other people's beginnings might help me jump start my own creative spin on why my Alt is traveling around Eorzea or traveled to Eorzea. I will present to you the one-sentence pitch for my RP character: Betrayed by the matriarch of her outlaw family and handed over to the Coeurlclaw to settle a debt, Mia Moui searches to find the sisters that joined her in servitude. Link to comment
Alothia Posted October 20, 2016 Share #35 Posted October 20, 2016 Alothia was one of those characters who had a crummy time when she was younger. Got involved in some low level crime. Ended up getting some people hurt, and left that lifestyle. So she became an adventurer to pay the bills in a way that was legitimate, and helped people at the same time. She kinda went into it willy-nilly, hoping to get herself killed in the process because she was so distraught. Eventually she focused on healing and used that to help others...and went through a lot of other changes. But that's the basics of her story. Link to comment
Taejin Posted November 10, 2016 Share #36 Posted November 10, 2016 As a hopelessly optimistic Doman transplant in Limsa, young Taejin would either spend his days observing the craftsman of Naldiq & Vymellli's or running miscellaneous errands and odd-jobs for the various elements of the city, legal or otherwise. As long as he was helping someone, he was happy. Realizing some of the things he was sent to do was , in fact, wrong (lawfully speaking), combined with his fascination of crafts and engineering led him to enlist in the Maelstrom, with the intention of using it as a jumping-off point to becoming a full time adventurer. Some time with the Yellow Jackets (where he learned he's a really good shot) before transferring to the Foreign Levy (to get out there and uh, "investigate" Garlean magitek) and we have the Taejin we all(?) know today. ...except the Machinist part. Ishgard won't re-open for awhile. Link to comment
Teadrinker Posted November 10, 2016 Share #37 Posted November 10, 2016 Ishgard was full of a bunch of meanies and the cute guys were all jerks so she went out into the big bad world and is currently getting her shit rocked. Link to comment
Cecily Jisi Posted November 10, 2016 Share #38 Posted November 10, 2016 The old stories and legends little kitten Cecily would be told by an old, retired adventurer while she lived on the streets of Gridania. Link to comment
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