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Two New, Friendly RPers Looking for a Medium to Heavy-RP Free Company

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Hello, my friend and I just recently joined in the fun on Balmung and have had a hard time trying to find a FC to join and give our characters a home.


Was wondering if any FC out there would like to give two wandering, typical Xaelas a shot. As for what we're looking for, honestly, we don't care. Any active company that does serious RP but has a friendly OOC atmosphere is perfect.........


Character names are Zek Ura and Akagane Ura.


Pic related, it's us. :3



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Hey there and welcome to Balmung!


The best place to start is with the Balmung RP Calendar and finding a few events that angle toward the kind of RP you're interested in.  Then you can start looking at other character profiles once you've found a few characters or personalities you'd like to meet.  While you're window shopping, be sure to check out the Free Company Hall or the Linkshell Hall to find Free Companies and public groups that may suit your character.


For lore questions, be sure to check out Sounsyy's Lore Compilations; she's done an amazing job with compiling a lot of the game lore into easy-to-find threads!


You're welcome to add me to your friends list; I'm a fairly busy person, both in-game and out, but I'm always happy to schedule/arrange a day to roleplay with folks!  You're also welcome to come out to my Free Company's open roleplay evening Nights on the Toll, which happens every Thursday that I'm not hosting the Gridania Story-Go-Round.


All that said, I hope you find what you're looking for and hopefully I'll see you around in-game!

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Hey there! Whether you end up having any interest in our FC or not, new friends are always welcome on my FC's Discord server just to chat and look for RP. Many of us play nightly (NA timezones, mostly) and we're always glad to see some new faces coming around. :) Information about the Discord server is on our FC's page here at the RPC website.

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I'm in the IC linkshell you talk of and yeah, it's really not a good place to look for FC invites, haha. For one, most free companies I know of are either not "free companies" ICly, or are not actively looking for recruits ICly (despite maybe doing so OOCly).


Secondly, I think most FC's will expect you to approach them OOCly first, because it's most important to have a good OOC fit - the IC stuff can be fudged or developed, but if the FC is a bad OOC fit for you (in terms of outlook on RP, outlook on gameplay, and/or OOC culture), that's unlikely to change.


Worth noting, too, that FC housing is the only way most people can obtain a room of their own to decorate on Balmung, since housing (even apartments) is incredibly scarce and can take months in real time to get an opportunity to obtain. If you're interested in decorating a room for your characters, you might want to narrow your search to FC's that a) have a house and b) permit any member to purchase private chambers... which makes it doubly important to ensure you get on with them OOC before joining (as having a private chamber puts a financial handicap on leaving and joining another FC).


RP, on the other hand, can be accessed through linkshells and plain old knowing-people, not solely through an FC. Personally, the majority of my RP comes through: people I've met ICly at events or through aforementioned linkshell; through our characters having a similar profession (Rogues' Guild members); or characters whose players I met OOC through an OOC connections linkshell.


The resources Syranelle linked are really good - especially the Free Company Hall. I'll ask this as well, though: what is it, RP-wise, that you want out of an FC that a linkshell or proliferated friends-list can't provide? Like do you want an ongoing combat or intrigue storyline? A steady location to call a base? An IC authority figure to look up to or rebel against? A family-styled organisation? A military organisation? Ironically, if you can think of something specific, it might make it easier for people to make helpful suggestions!

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The resources Syranelle linked are really good - especially the Free Company Hall. I'll ask this as well, though: what is it, RP-wise, that you want out of an FC that a linkshell or proliferated friends-list can't provide? Like do you want an ongoing combat or intrigue storyline? A steady location to call a base? An IC authority figure to look up to or rebel against? A family-styled organisation? A military organisation? Ironically, if you can think of something specific, it might make it easier for people to make helpful suggestions!


All of the above? lol


Honestly a home. The Linkshell is fun and we can hook up any time, but we'd like a place where our characters can embed themselves and "live," to build relationships and long-term storylines. That's really it. Military-oriented is a plus I guess but it's really not that important.


Anyways, UPDATE: Zek is currently hanging out in the Haven Inn and I'm liking it there, so. This might all be OBE.

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