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When joining a FC becomes a job


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Hey Faye has a point here, I provided to very specific examples of keeping drama out of my FC and basically got accused of lying lol.


My officers always ask pressing questions about the Characters of the people applying and we've noticed that THAT actually weeds people out pretty well. We asked one applicant if they understood having the Echo and being a Summoner was rare - he took it as "You can't be a Summoner" and flipped the hell out. We knew that they didn't like to be questioned and they were rejected. Another applicant didn't like us asking about his power level because it was ridiculously high ("How did he get to be a master so young?" was the question, for reference), so he got uppity and got rejected.I don't want to say exactly what questions are asked, but we ask to see, mostly, how people react. Yeah you can't weed them all out (We did have someone lie on the app before) but you can TRY.


post for reference.


Again, because of the way we are in FC, this actually isn't how to weed out drama but more to weed out more sensitive types but you can't TELL me that wouldn't have been drama in the future.


EDIT: this isn't a dogpile I just didn't like the accusation that we all know we can't weed out "drama" and we're lying to ourselves if we think we can.

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There is no one answer to this, there are a variety of approaches.


You could even plot them out along dimensions: 

  • same/diverse members
  • strict/open recruitment process
  • exclude/attract people
  • prevent/resilient-to drama 
  • etc..

Each FC leader will find a mix that reflect their own views, and as they are running the FC that is their right. After all, you don't have to join an FC, no one is forcing you.


The same is true of peoples experiences, what is bad for one will likely be good for another.

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I'll almost certainly get in trouble for saying this, but, I'd like it to go on record - since I see you do this a lot - that it is in fact possible to A) not take comments others made on a forum as if they were specifically and personally about you, B) skip right over the particular matter rather than being unnecessarily defensive, and C) if you simply can't resist replying, you could do so in a manner which is friendly and constructive rather than snooty, condescending, and hostile. 


You can apply that advice right now via the way you choose to react to this.


You're coming in here accusing everyone with an opinion different from your own of being not only wrong, but also disingenuous for some mysterious, unspecified reason, and then expecting them not to take it "personally." Perhaps you only see me doing it a lot since you make such pretentious and accusatory posts regularly? Pot, meet kettle, and consider your own advice. All well and good when you get defensive and snide at others, but no one else is allowed to retaliate in kind, eh? A typical, transparent ploy to get someone else to "be the bigger person" so you won't have to and can sneak the last word in.


You two keep at it and the mods will be having the last word when they lock the thread.


They probably should. 


I mean, the OP was a bit of idle fun-poking at the extent to which some people take Adult Pretendsies way, way too seriously, and it's had the result of a bunch of the way too serious types going defensive rather than having a chuckle and moving on with their day.

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If people are breaking the rules in posts that would cause a thread to ne locked (though I don't see why as it hasn't quite run its course) nothing is stopping people from reporting the posts.


I would agree that some type of process for vetting will more likely than not help weed out potential issues. Even chatting with someone for a bit can be considered vetting. Better than indiscriminate acceptance of join requests or free company invitations.

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I thought it became an interesting discussion about the inner workings of an FC. Potato/Potahto though *shrug*

Apparently we can't have discussions though, because then we'd be taking ourselves too seriously.


We had a two paragraph requirement for our application on telling us about your character. We wanted established characters, not ones that were made an hour ago on a whim and weren't fully fleshed out. They could BS whatever they wanted to about their character, like they could talk about how their character had a thing for collecting forks, but it had to be two paragraphs, and contain mostly correct grammar and spelling. We were a very small guild, but that's what we were wanting. We also had a zero drama tolerance. Minor bouts of drama we'd warn about; the first time you make a really big stink, you were out.

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They probably should. 


I mean, the OP was a bit of idle fun-poking at the extent to which some people take Adult Pretendsies way, way too seriously, and it's had the result of a bunch of the way too serious types going defensive rather than having a chuckle and moving on with their day.


I can't tell if this is a reference to the discussion people were having in response to the OP, or the more recent responses to you personally as we've slowly drifted off-topic.


If it's the former and you actually resent the discussion itself, then...why are you here? Shh. Let people enjoy things. That's kind of been the theme of this thread. You do you, they'll have their intellectual discourse.


If it's the latter, what kind of response were you expecting when you waltzed in and tried to explain straight to people's faces that experiences they personally lived through are, in fact, false? This is dumbing the argument down a bit, but for the sake of levity and brevity: If I ate a burrito last Friday, and someone tried to convince me I had pizza, I'd give them a confused look, then say: "No, you're a dumbass. I ate a burrito and I know what happened in my own life. What the hell is wrong with you?" Sure, I'd probably get over it after five minutes because it was dumb and petty, but I'd still call them a petty dumbass along the way.


And that's over something completely banal and pointless. If you're going to take someone's reasoned, meaningful discussion, something they actually cared enough about to, y'know, take a few minutes out of their day and share some personal insight about, and tell them "nah, your experiences, things you've actually lived through, are completely invalid," can you see how that comes off? Let's set aside your intent for a second with the assumption that you meant no actual harm and that wasn't at all what you actually meant to say. Just think about how that comes out and reaches the other person, what that says to the person you're talking to about how little their opinion matters or how much you're actually paying attention to it? Particularly when you continue to argue that specific point without addressing that you might have stepped on someone's toes on accident?


Can you maybe, just a little bit, in an alternate reality, see how someone might take offense to being treated like that? Can you see how some of the salt might be at least a little bit justified? Enough with the holier than thou routine. Meet me halfway here.


Anyway, now that I can put the soapbox away, my two cents on the topic: I joined an fc with an application, so clearly, they don't bother me that much. I hemmed and hawed for a week because I'm a lazy fuck, but that was on me, and when I actually sat down, it took like a half hour tops. You know what took a lot longer than a half hour? A freaking RPC wiki page, and those are practically standard on these forums so far as I can tell (mind you, my perception). You know what else took more than half an hour? Developing my freaking character's backstory and personality, something else I highly recommend all people do. Maybe people do things in a different order than I do, but by the time you're actually ready to fill out an fc application, you've already put hours into your character. Like, good, well-rounded rp characters take a fuckton of work, even outside of the rp itself, especially in their nascent stages. After all that work, is taking 20-30 more minutes to fill out some piddly paperwork really that great an additional burden? Hell, I imagine it's more stressful and time consuming to specifically find a quality fc that doesn't have a registration than to just apply for one that fits the theme you like. Like, you can do it, I'm sure, and if that's really what you want, sure...but just...why?

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I will say this, The Community I run does indeed have an Application Process but we do so because the forums are a integral part of our community. We post event times on our site, we post logs, we have character sheets and rules to a growing pen and paper system. We have a lot to offer in our community which requires some attention to detail. Its not for everyone but it does cater to a crowd that likes these things.


I think to sum up everything I read, if you don't like applications then join a FC that doesn't require such. I think its also fair for communities that require to continue to require it. I will say this, Applications do not reduce 'drama' but they do at least offer a first impression which I can't say blind invites do. I'd rather have a first impression then none.


Also it depends if a FC requires you to be active on a site or not, there are plenty of FC's that don't have one but then there are plenty that do. I will say I put time and effort into our site because I enjoy to, its not a Job. I also though do expect people interested in our FC to put the time in to creating an application so I know they've read our rules, see what their writing style's like (though we do not discriminate against new RPer's) it helps in getting them integrated easier as we have systems in place that get new members into the fold with older members. Plus applications allow us to set up times we can arrange to meet someone Icly to conduct a one on one to give their joining meaning and to allow us to recruit offline.


Geuss simply put.. I get that this thread was created on a 'rant' about FC's that do require Applications that's all fine and good but I'm also not sure why the need to rant in the first place. Seems the OP found a home (That's Great!) that didn't require an Application but for those FC's that do.. what or who is it harming? No one is right or wrong in this argument (If it is an argument). We all have different styles to how we like to Organize things.

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